Drama over America

15  2018-01-18 by Throwawayacc5295



You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.


/u/Rec1umWrecker are you mad because you finally got to see The Matrix and was disappointed in your shithole land of sodomy and hockey hair?

And that was a funny comment and a good joke in your head, hey? Wow, amazing. Keep on proving how stupid the average American is

Don't worry, as you sit in a ER line that goes forever wearing you favorite denim suit you can sperg harder about how much you hate the beautiful Americans thirty years ahead of you.

You think you're funny but all you're doing is showing how ignorant and stupid you are. It truly is pathetic.

You're literally too fucking stupid to even talk to. Listen to yourself, you don't have the slightest fucking idea what you're talking about. Must be a product of the America public school system. You should be embarrassed over your ignorance, not proud

"Wheha- WRERRHh! ERHRHA! Canada is good! CANADA ISNT GAY AT ALL! REeeagfh!"

I can see where you got your user name from, nigga, lol. Perhaps one day Canada will actually have black people in it and you guys can be semi-cool instead of a bunch of mullet wearing retards who dream of a free quebec.

Lol you're so pathetic, and true representative of your shithole country

Woah quite with the mean words, buddy. You would make your true leader cry.

I mean, I get it. You are sad because you are trapped in a frozen wasteland filled with French (Not true French because real France thinks you are far beneath them) people but you should get a hobby instead of being butthurt all the time.

Yes I'm very sad up here making 124k a year. It's a rough life

So you make 124k a year and instead of going across the world and driving a rocket car, you instead spend your time getting butthurt on reddit because America is better then you.

Sad, really.

What the fuck are you even talking about? How do you have internet access in the pen? America is a joke, honestly, the rest of the world is laughing at your pathetic country. Your government elected officials are fucking you in the ass with no lube, and you're not only sitting there with a smile, but actively pushing back against the thrusts.

You legitimately live in a developed 3rd world country. Honestly man, your country is fucking garbage.

"You legitimately live in a developed 3rd world country." - Said Rec1umWrecker

That's not very Canadian of you.

Shouldn't you be spending your time doing... whatever they have in Canada rather than posting how TOTALLY NOT MAD about America you are on obscure subreddits?

Who's mad about America? I feel sorry for you guys

The Virgin Canada vs. the Chad America

>Canadian fake money

>probably less than 60k real dollars after tax man enlightens him

>probably pays twuce as much for most products compared to a glorious American.

All you're doing is proving my point. Congrats

What is your point rec one um wrecker?

That Americans are a bunch of ignorant fucks who don't realize what a shithole they live in because they've been brainwashed/indoctrinated by old, racist, rich conservative fucks.

Your comments about Canada, and how great America apparently is clearly demonstrate your stupidity and indoctrination. Your country is a joke to the rest of the developed world

That Americans are a bunch of ignorant fucks who don't realize what a shithole they live in because they've been brainwashed/indoctrinated by old, racist, rich conservative fucks.

You say from the irrelevant hat of America that is basically just the rejected part that didn't have the balls to break colonial rule.

Your comments about Canada, and how great America apparently is clearly demonstrate your stupidity and indoctrination. Your country is a joke to the rest of the developed world

The rest of the world are slaves to our movies, military and banks. No one gives even the slightest shit about leafs. Your money has the fucking queen of a different country on it for fucks sake, get your shit together it's embarrassing.

Keep proving my point. I'm actually really enjoying laughing at you

my point is proved when it's denied


Lmfao, amazing. My point about your ignorance is proved when you spout your ignorance. Hahaha this is fucking awesome, keep on responding big guy, you're very entertaining

Leafs can't bant, proved once again

You're still going hey? You never answered my question? How's the ghetto homie?

The ghetto? I don't visit often, as long as it contains violence away from me like It's designed to I don't know why I'd need to keep track of it. How's... I can't actually think of anything relevant in canada because you guys still haven't managed to do anything interesting as a nation yet... I guess how's the maple syrup? The most notable thing about your country is the type of tree that is common there, you put it on your flag for christ sake.

Again displaying your ignorance, maybe educate yourself about Canada before you spout your garbage. I know that's asking a lot, considering you're too fucking stupid to even understand your own shithole country

Don't double post me or I'll get the rake.

What the fuck is a "canada"??? For real, someone explain this shit to me.

You feel like a big man here making shitty jokes and displaying complete ignorance, and you're actually proud of the fact that you're a complete fucking idiot. Typical Murican

Stop deflecting, you owe the world an explanation for your countries crime of mediocrity. You have all the natural bounty of America yet your attempts at contributing to global culture have been bieber and pretending anyone has strong feelings about syrup.

You got BTFO

So for real, how was your last stint in your for profit prisons? I guess you can chalk it up as a win since you weren't shot in the back by your local police department

A black man preaching how great America is, I've seen it all now. There's a 33% chance you've spent some time in prison because of your pathetic joke of a racist country. Hoes life in the ghetto homie?

Oh do go on.

lmao check out his post history

turns out he is overweight 34 year old living in Alberta who spends all his time talking about how much he hates America lmao

we living rent-free in his head lmao

☑ Calgary
☑ Constantly brings up income
☑ Way too much time to spend online
☑ Every other word is fuck, shit, or retard

Betcha drive a big ole American pickup out to your drill site though /u/rec1umwrecker, dontcha?

I don't live in Calgary, I don't spend all that much time online, nothing wrong with using profanity, especially when talking to retarded fucking Americans, and no, I drive a range rover

Yes I'm slightly overweight at 225lbs and 6'3, what's your point?
