It's not Trump's economy!

0  2018-01-18 by DirtyGo


This, but unironically.


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I feel like you can generate drama with this, but it's not drama by itself.

lmao, it's shocking how shrieky the leftists on this sub get when you call them out on their constant trolling...and then how they act 10x more butthurt when people start trolling them.

Imagine being this defensive about backing a retard.

Hillary was evil but not retarded

I meant Trump, silly.

Nah what's truly shocking is you whining about leftists in here. It's not like you do that in every thread or anything!

It's amazing how butthurt you get over Trump improving our lives.

how much stock do you own?



So none.

Or some

like, this literally doesn't make sense. It's a graph cherry-picked with dates of flat growth. If you looked at any individual Obama term or both terms there would be huge increases. Trump's economy is doing fine so far on it's own, why do you have such a boner for picking apart black man's Presidency?

Obama is the first president to never have a year of 3% growth.

it's not even 'cherry picked'. the graph is inaccurate and misrepresents the data. The economy has been on a constant upward trend for 9 straight years

It's literaly fake news.

Except for when it was flat under 0bama...

You're joking, right? You call this flat? It's only 'flat' if you only look at one small section out of the 8 year administration. The Dow tripled in those 8 years, ya dingus.

Reported for ad hominem. I won’t be responding to you any further.

lol. K. 1/10.

lol why does this chart start at 2014 you unironic cuck?

Because it shows how Obama nearly crashed the economy until Trump rescued us.

Are you memeing or are you a literal retard?

Facts don't meme


What's it like being illiterate and retarded? Serious question


I thought Trump didn't like the elites?

I know that probably sounded witty in your head but it's not

You're just out of touch with the common people.
