Filthy uneducated colonial misgenders food

42  2018-01-18 by SPAMRAAM_


Locked because of British imperialism and racial profiling.

Reddit is a hell of a place.

/u/randoh12 banned me from /r/food for having a good natured discussion about vodka with another user who then flipped out about my personal choices in liquor management

LOL...are you sure it was good natured? You are a white nationalist and a racist. I recall it ending differently. But, nice try...

Juicy sample drama of your ignorance.

Learn sarcasm you buffoon

and how to not use np

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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A food mod eating the pasta. Irony at it's finest. "LOL...tumblr is like 9gag...but for emo kids." Hating on tumblr and emo kids? You are a transphobic nazi sympathizer kink shamer who posts .np links.

The mods over there have to be some of the dumbest on this site. At least other shitty mods have some sort of agenda to push. Those guys are just neanderthals

You ate the pasta you dumbfuck. As well, I'm glad you actually followed my profile's advice in the bio lol

If I was as big of a bitchboi as you I'd probably kill myself

If I were

Keep yourself safe.

Imagine np linking to the same sub you're posting in

Someone's got to teach the fuzzy wuzzies and savages of the world what toad in the hole is.

By the way, comment karma here is like golf - the lower the better. Right now you're 10 under par. Not bad. But I used to easily clear negative triple digits before the perpetually triggered mongoloids here got wise to my ultra low effort shitposting.

I fucked a chicken sandwiche and she enjoyed it.

Holy shit imagine being this stupid and actually thinking anything said in this sub is serious. Imagine even reading a comment that long.

/u/randoh12 is a fucking retard, he got into a huge fight with like, all of the members of /r/centuryclub over a post being removed.

LOL...a bunch of karma whores, pissed because they got banned for being dickheads. Classic.

I mean, it's well established that you're the dickhead and a complete fucking mongoloid. The fact that you manage to type complete sentences is a fucking miracle.

mods a food sub

pretending to not be an obese autist

Makes me think tbh

karma whores

what do you think this word means?

Snappy failed us.

Also, what's "toads"? Are those real toads?

idk what the name is about, but it's sausages cooked in a bed of batter. it's fucking delicious and yorkshire pudding with gravy on the side is my version of heaven.

You are correct. The post showed a picture of "eggs in a basket" which is a fried egg cooked in a piece of toast with a hole cut out.

Toad in the hole is the name of a british meal consisting of sausages cooked in a yorkshire pudding batter, although I have no idea how it applies here

Toad in the hole

Toad in the hole or Sausage Toad is a traditional English dish consisting of sausages in Yorkshire pudding batter, usually served with onion gravy and vegetables. Historically, the dish has also been prepared using other meats, such as rump steak and lamb's kidney.

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Linking to shitty huffpo blogspam to pretend you're educated should be a capital offence.

They're putting avacados in their recipies that turn the friggin toads gay!

locked because of the sun setting on the British empire

Listen here /u/Sawseeyay you barbaric commoner. Ill have you know as all the other empires crumble only the stronk British one will stand and conquer over your third world shit hole.