If only the USSR still existed so that people could see how great socialism is and how much better the many restaurants and Starbucks there were, soon we will feast on Capitalist brains, comrades

12  2018-01-18 by LemonScore


Working class.

🤔 Mmm... /r/socialism is filled with a large amount part time baristas, waiters and delivery drivers?

Color me shocked!!

If my waiter isn't getting the tip... The only thing I'm writing where the bill says tip is "go fuck yourself"

Socialists complaining about pooling tips. The irony.

lol, I noticed that too.

Lets see here


(tiab eht ekat yeht fi ees stel won) secret drama code DO NOT CRACK

Tipping is racist

But those same workers, according to the BLS, made just $9.01 an hour in 2014—poverty wages for a family of four and nowhere near enough to cover rent on the average two-bedroom apartment.

Who on earth thinks you should be able to provide for a family of 4 by waiting tables?

Stupid people!

also most waiters under report cash tips so the BLS data isn’t really accurate.

The dismantling of Western social democracy and the welfare state started with the dissolution of the USSR

I mean China still exists...

If only the USSR still existed


soon we will feast on Capitalist brains, comrades


Prions for the proletariat!

The number of pizza delivering Commies in there is pretty hilarious.

I am going to start looking closer at my pizza dudes to determine if I should tip.

"Sorry man, can't tip you. Fighting against big business and capitalism. Good luck, comrade."

Then you awkwardly stare at them and slowly close the door.

Are you actually surprised? None of them are skilled tradesmen or any member of the working class. They're all either rich kids LARPing or service workers who think they'll get to live the high life in communism.

Not surprised in the slightest. If anything if makes me thankful that I just got drunk every night and did a ton of drugs when I was young and working shit jobs, like normal person.

As an actual working class person I hate these fucks more than any other political group. MAGAnazis included.

I can't wait for a large scale socialist revolution to take place so the soyboys(which autocorrects on my phone to "soviets", coincidence?) Can get turned inside out.


Weird Americans and their tipping shite.