A mayomaiden too racist even for Alabama gets kicked out of school by Tabarius da Feminist

42  2018-01-18 by UnluckyImp22


Petition to start the mayocide at the sorority houses.

Elliot Rodger did nothing wrong (well he had the good idea but his implementation sucked).

Good...fuck that "woman".

Hey man chill... Racists are a protected class



Damn. I mean you have to have some sort of dignity. At least the south hides it. Good on Alabama.

Yeah these are the worst kinds of racists. The northern racists that have had that itch to get it out all their life and end up at a southern college shouting the n word.

First they came for the drunk racist bitches and I said nothing, for the was annoying as shit.

Why are niggers such sensitive crybabies?

At least be funny.

what a fuckin catfish


How did she think this would have a good outcome?

Being too racist for Alabama is like being too fat or illiterate for Alabama. Not an easy feat to say the least.

Being a racist in modern times isn't about being openly racist.

You gotta keep it on the down-low. Many politicians in those states have mastered this art.

For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_E._Lee_Day

They won't openly talk about how awful black people are, but they'll have "robert e lee day" fall on the same day MLk day does.

Robert E. Lee Day

Robert E. Lee Day, also called Lee's Birthday, is a public holiday commemorating the birth of Robert E. Lee, observed each year on the third Monday in January. Because Lee was General in Chief of the Armies of the Confederate States, it is mainly observed in the U.S. South, particularly Alabama and Mississippi.

Although Lee's actual January 19 birthdate remains a legal holiday in the Florida statute books, by and large it is not observed. Arkansas combined the observance of Robert E. Lee Day with Martin Luther King, Jr.

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I've never heard of Robert E Lee Day in my entire life. Heard plenty of people call black people niggers, though

There are family members who would say nigger all the time when I was younger and then sometime around two years ago wanted to talk about how nobody was racist anymore.

Pizza come on, this was a fun thread - don’t turn it into an effortfest pls

Ok just because you asked I'll let this one go.

No don’t do it

It is interesting that the same justification used for MLK day works for Robert E Lee. I bet some state senator creamed himself upon figuring that out.

Christ you fucking weirdo

I mean she wasn't. She had no problem saying what she was saying in-front of fellow sorority.

Her problem was putting it on the internet which put pressure on the school. No matter how racist the school is on the inside they have to at least maintain a look on the outside.

Spent a lot of time in Alabama, have you?

Jerseycide when?

damn man what person in there right mind thinks this is a sound idea.

Everyone probably knew something was wrong when she went from NJ to Alabama for school.

The tone of that publication is hilariously bitter.