"Fuck yo camera and fuck yo tires" - cops, probably

13  2018-01-18 by southmouthneutral


u/firstjag - Do you honestly not realize the difference between pre-slicing someones tires and setting an escape trap? I knew the pre-req IQ scores were low for you guys, but c'mon.

Burning the house down would be a better safety measure, IMO.

The department should have at least paid for repairs taking into count they destroyed an innocent citizen's property.

The best part is in the news report the commissioner says they "would have" paid for the camera repairs, I guess retracting it because it was contingent on not going to the news about it.

I swear to god US cops are some of the most retarded people you will ever encounter.

It's like they set up recruitment drives in the deep south and just ship them all over the country.

If that were true, they would at least know how to shoot.

The idea that rednecks know how to shoot is a popular myth.

As someone that grew up around many a redneck, the vast majority of them can't shoot.

I once saw a redneck miss an alligator at near point blank range 7 times with an ak-47 look alike.

Fucking hell. You really know how to drain the air out of the room.


On the one hand, I respect your commitment. On the other, this is an awful shtick.

Well, that's mean.

Pls post shuffle girls

In the early '90s everyone thought ripped jeans were just a silly fad. Sadly, they have endured and yet nobody says "radical" or "tubular" anymore.

I like you

I'm going to have to have to ask you to define redneck because three seasons of the year, it's target practice here.

Every cop in that thread is a fucking moron. None of those dipshits can even read. I guess they do have IQ limits after all. Fucking idiots.

every cop is retarded