Michael Douglas' two-fisted masturbation technique violates known laws of physics; scientists astounded

13  2018-01-19 by Redactor0


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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"Michael unzipped his chinos and I registered something amiss. Still complimenting my additions to our E.T. imitation, his voice lowered at least half an octave. I peered at him and saw he'd inserted both hands into his unzipped pants. I realized to my horror that he was rubbing his private parts. Within seconds his voice cracked and it appeared to me he'd had an orgasm."

I'd like to see a demonstration in court of how this was supposed to work like the magic bullet scene in JFK.

Back and to the left.

Michael Douglas being a deviant is the least surprising thing ever

He's made movies that revolve around his character not being able to keep his dick in his pants

According to her, he did keep his dick in his pants along with both his hands. Try wrapping your head around the geometry of that.

I think I could pull it off

It would be the worst jack off experience of life

Maybe he likes to tickle his own balls.

TIL OP has a small cock

...so my take away from this is that Michael Douglas is aroused by ET. Huh.

I guess when he holds up his glowing finger or whatever that could look kind of sexual. The human imagination is a wonderful thing.

I just laughed so hard I jogged 13 blocks home, locked my front door, got into bed and crawled under my quilt