Peniscide when?

44  2018-01-19 by Baconlightning


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post -,*,,

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They can pry off my penis out of my cold dead hands(get it because I was playing with it, also Heston )

I feel like context would be really helpful here. OP seems like a troll to me, but maybe it's a TrollX poster? I wish they'd have posted with their main account and not a throwaway.

I think OP is trying to make a point about the unnecessity of male circumcision.


It's a word





Leaving the penis on the human male only puts him at risk of penile cancer

it's not a fucking TrollX poster

it's probably not even a grill

yeah that's why i was leaning towards troll

if you read further, it turns out it's a transsexual who was born without a penis and is trying to convince themselves that no one needs a penis and having a penis is stupid anyway.

And then they had a moment of clarity, realized their mistake and moved on



It can be arranged but I have a price.

Hmm this has the potential to curb the annoying population of poors since they wouldn't be able to afford in-vitro...might be worth investigating

Of course you would want to chop off your dick

Why are you against progress?

Why do you hate God?

Genius! A true genius.

He posted in CMV, and that means they have to treat his questions as genuine. Any other sub, and he'd either be laughed off, or answered with ridiculous hyperbole, which is really the only way to respond to such idiocy lol.

But since they can't respond in kind, they have to stoop to OP's level and try to engage with intellectual honesty, and at that point they've already lost.

Hats off to you u/AmIFucked55.

> You are of the same race as these people

Update- I have changed my view. The Male penis is needed. Thanks for everyone who explained the reasons why.

does this website's violent misogyny know no bounds?

I wonder if he's genuinely retarded or just acting retarded (still retarded)
