PSA: Don't go full LARP-tard

41  2018-01-19 by WarSanchez


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/u/LightMakerFlex leave a little meth for the rest of us

I legit love that pizza. Their sourdough crust is 😗👌

The secret ingredient in their sourdough is the semen of prepubescent boys they loan out to older men to use and "milk" the children #pizzagate2018

All right! I'll order two!

”Predicated on nothing” tells me you’ve done exactly zero research on the subject. Either way, don’t come to this sub to belittle.


Thank you sir. Create a bullshit side story that every fucking trash msm conspiracy sub will grab and its truth with no evidence. The only truth here is that we're r/drama is smarter than these shitboxes.

Why did crazies have to target Pizza places? As an Italian-American I am considering writing a blog!

writing a blog!

It's gonna need to be a vlog so we can see what your hands are saying

That's why hand emojis were invented.

think about it.

who invented pizza? the Italians. you know what else Italians invented? Catholics!

In the past 24 DAYS /u/lightmakerflex has posted 996 "topics" and has posted 931 "comments"

For you nerds out there, that is 42 posts a day with 39 comments a day on average.

This isn't even healthy. This guy is the /u/pizzashill of the right. /u/botchlings (que en paz descanse) looks like a Bernie-Bro compared to this King of the Mongs.

That's a massive amount of posts even for a NEET. He must be pouring almost all of his time into this. I wonder how many hours he sleeps.

This isn't his first account, he used to be /u/lightbringerflex. He's poured YEARS into this crazy ass shit.

Miss that crazy bastard, RIP.

The amazing thing about meth is that you will be able to stay up for literally a week at a time, then you'll pass out for a couple days and be ready to do it again.

It's pretty impressive how good you are at finding and linking relevant as related drama.

Is that a compliment? Thanks 😘

In the past 24 DAYS /u/lightmakerflex has posted 996 "topics" and has posted 931 "comments"

For you nerds out there, that is 42 posts a day with 39 comments a day on average.

This isn't even healthy. This guy is the /u/pizzashill of the right. /u/botchlings (que en paz descanse) looks like a Bernie-Bro compared to this King of the Mongs.

/u/lightmakerflex enlighten us on how woke you are!

Great work butters!

Wow TIL Jews are killing little kids to make hamburgers out of them

Sounds like a JoJo villain.

I'm going to regret asking this but what's this memo he keeps ranting about?

I'm curious too.

See u/DirtySanchez u/WarSanchez's comment in this thread...

Apparently it's a memo written by Republicans that shows that all this Russian Collusion stuff is all fake and a witch hunt.

They can release it at any time and Trump himself has seen it, so idk why they keep holding it. They claim it's bigger than Watergate, but yet they are scared to release it. Just like the Fusion/GPS Testimony.

It's all political theater.

I don't get it, what's the significance of republicans denying the accusations that aren't in their interests?

No idea!

/u/lightmakerflex your parents are leftie paedos. You should leave your basement and kill them.

Can someone TLDR; what that memo is?

Read one of my latest comments.