Arguing in /r/gatekeeping over if bisexuals are allowed to call each other faggots.

51  2018-01-19 by geraldodelrivero


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Fuck off, hater. I don't say that because I'm sheltered, I say that because I don't use slurs. You need to shut the fuck up and go away, you're making the rest of us bis look bad.

lmao this is the part of 21 Jump Street where they go back to high school and realize it's cool to be a fucking dork, right?

/u/GayFesh, people use the word faggot, get over it.

/u/SqueakyPoP, you're cool but I'm not into dudes go away. Unless you're a chick, hey girl.

This has nothing to do with Bisexuals being able to use the term faggot, it's about how childish and stupid it sounds, plus the context which they are using it in is homophobic, and it would be homophobic coming from a gay guy. It's demeaning.

how is it offensive to use the word faggot are you seriously arguing gays aren't faggots?


Why don't you reclaim it like "nigger" was?

"Sup my faggot?"

It's the context, he's using it in a negative way. The whole discussion isn't about bisexual people using the term.

Is it really that big of a deal then?

From one faggot to another,

youre retarded

Not all faggots are gay though ☄️

Or like queer was.

As a bisexual, I counter your plea with: "Shut up, faggot."

as a gay, aka some with a little more conviction

shut up, faggot

as a gay, aka someone with conviction when it comes to sexuality

shut up faggot

aka someone with conviction

Lol. nice try, faggot.

"I'm superior because I only fuck dudes"

Can you LGBTs go one day without infighting and superiority complexes over fucking?


idk why you expected to find rational discussion in this sub, but you won’t


Fuck off, hater. I don't say that because I'm sheltered, I say that because I don't use slurs. You need to shut the fuck up and go away, you're making the rest of us bis look bad.

lmao this is the part of 21 Jump Street where they go back to high school and realize it's cool to be a fucking dork, right?

/u/GayFesh, people use the word faggot, get over it.

/u/SqueakyPoP, you're cool but I'm not into dudes go away. Unless you're a chick, hey girl.

unironically into gussy


/u/SqueakyPoP, you're cool but I'm not into dudes go away.


/u/gayfesh is a faggot xdd

No, he's discriminating against the rest of us.

/u/GayFesh He'd be included in the faggot umbrella by the way. It applies to any guy who fucks men, whether or not they fuck women as well or not.

Feminine benis?

IMO ffftq rolls off the tongue better than lgbtq.

And the middle f secretly stands for furries.

Faggots faggots faggots trannies and queers?

What if you like futa? Can I call people faggots?

As a bisexual who's sucked an authentic (feminine) penis, I give you permission.

fuck off faggot

That’s f-slur to you.


Lol, check out the SRD thread

If you are bi, you don't hang out with gay people. No one who does, regardless of their orientation or identity, would ever say this.

u//Cylinsier. Un-ironically gatekeeping over drama in a r/gatekeeping thread. I can understand if you don't want to believe this particular guy, but to say nobody who even associates with a gay person would say this is bananas. B.A.N.A.N.A.S.

I know a guy from uni who is so stereotypically gay he now has his own fashion segment on TV. He and his circle of friends use 'faggot' in a derogatory way plenty. They also have other endearing terms like 'shit stabber' and say things like 'try to keep your AIDS away from me'.

/u/Cylinsier doesn't hang out with any gay people.