Nothing wrong with this guys....right? I'm correct arn't I? From The_Donald

22  2018-01-20 by wazzupnerds




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The username says it all

post a link to it

literally this.. fuck you /u/ed_butteredtoast.. I blame you and your phonefaggotry for this trend.

I thought it was a throwaway at first for some againsthatesubs retardation. I mean, they are still retarded, but this guy is extra retarded.

Tbh I'm shocked he has the wherewithal to breathe.

posts on MGTOW, leagueoflegends, and KotakuInAction

seems about right


Wtf it's actually a real person. I'm not usually one for calling false flags but I was sure that was posted just for /r/againsthatesubs when I saw it on /r/all

Where the fuck has ed even been

Just enjoy the break man.

What'd he get banned or something

No he posted in this thread don't ping him for gods sake.

/u/ed_butteredtoast, they are talking about you behind your back!

I always get confused between /u/trjb and /u/tcfb but now I know which one is always mean to me. The one with the "j" is a jerk and that's how I'll remember it next time.

O_o me too

Awww! At least you told me about them backbiting. Pls don't be mean to me in the future 😔

Woah rude that's profiling.

Well then stop being so mean to me 😭

You decide your own level of butthurt!

I am a nice guy. It leads to girls asking me to do things like fix their cars or fix something in their house, which I do. Then they start asking me to take them shopping, out to lunch, or lend them money. This kind of shit, I lay down the law. I do what I do for them not because I want anything from them, view them as special or desire them in any way. I do it because I enjoy it and do it for anyone I like that asks. I tell them that if they think I am trying to impress them or win their affections, they are self absorbed idiots and they better find a handyman or some pathetic excuse of a man who is willing to drop what they are doing to cater to your every whimper. I end it there and thats that. They usually start sending apologies and start kissing my ass, which almost always leads to them trying to flirt or asking me to talk. I reiterate how I never desired them, I was just helping a friend out. This is where they crumple and become my bitch, or they get pissed and act like trash. If they are hot and I dont particualry care for them, I fuck em always ensuring they know it will never become anything more than just sex. When they develope feelings or for a second time make requests like they did previously, i drop them immediately and never answer they texts or calls again. On a few occassions I had girls act, respect my response, and us continue to be friends with no stupid bitch requests in the futre. That has been rare though. Ive also had girls who were use to playing those games and getting what they want from guys that just stopped talking to me after I shut them down. They are pretty uncommon though.

So yeah, I am a nice guy, just one who is genuniely nice and has self reapect.

Hopefully dead and buried.

Kill yourself you shitcunt

You cant, because it was deleted immediately, either by the mods for breaking the rules or by the poster because he was trolling. Notice how there is no karma pretty fucked up. I disapprove, but Christ that's gonna make for some juicy drama.

If by drama you mean instantly removed by the TD mods but not before it got screencapped so the lefty subs could jerk each other off about how evil those racist redneck Russians are, then yes it’s juicy drama

Link t_d users to the lefty subs then? Be the change you want to see.

Yes, yes let me get permabanned from Reddit for the 10th time

I was joking when I posted that pls dont ban me admins

Shut up sjw fag

Day of the rope when?

Go back to cringeanarchy retard.

Why doesn't this screenshot include the right side of the page that shows upvote percentage?

you know why

1 point (100% upvoted)

1 view

created just now

user's account has been deleted

To defend op it was deleted basically Instantly so no drama .

If you're gonna be an edgy fag at least stand behind it, jesus

There’s no comments or votes and it appears removed. You could literally do this for any subreddit lol.

Someone should post this on ahs and screen cap it

Meh, that shit is entry level even for /r/the_donny

lol 0 comments no upvotes visible like this wasn't deleted almost immediately that a mod saw it

and was possible even posted by whoever took the screenshot.

go on and link me the thread i wanna see the drama /u/wazzupnerds

It's deleted Trumpet

So the drama is someone posted a stupid picture on a subreddit where it was never upvoted, never commented on, and swiftly deleted... Yup this is high drama.

The leftoid circlejerk over this is unbearable.

Literally OP is a retard. Known r/againsthatesubreddits user comes in to r/the_donald on an alt, posts crap which is removed by mods within 3 minutes, but takes a screen shot and posts it under an alt account

Lmao I'm an Alt now?

Ivanka you need to start taking your meds again

Are you the mental deficient who posted it in /r/againsthatesubreddits?

Can you read?

AHS is mega retarded, and only soy boys post there. Don't shoot the messenger.

I'm not sure why you're sperging out

I can’t stand Obama. This is fucking disgusting.

Having said that.... Yeah, drama.


Not racist at all. /S

"Those evil commies and anarchists always going on about how they want to kill their political opponents, we'd never do that!"

Horseshoe theory strikes again

I'll give you $10 to drag my nuts through your asscrack

Heh, sucker. I would have done it for free.

Traitors hang, broheim.

what is this, the 1600s?

No, it is [current year]+3

Ok don't do that pls

Nah, the eyelid shadowing is hella weird on the slit.

He looks like a chink.

If that son of a bitch wins, we'll all hang from nooses. - Hillary

Where is the drama?

Even /r/AgainstHateSubreddits laughed at this post

I find that difficult to believe, not because it's hilarious, because it's absolutely laughable, but because the people(?) at /r/AgainstHateSubreddits don't have a sense of humor.

Pretty obvious you would say something like that, regular poster of a crypto-hate sub you are mmm yes sir right indeedy. ;););)

I'm deeply offended to be affiliated in any way with "crypto-hate." Their is nothing veiled or cryptic about my hate. I'm quite open about my malice toward others and implying that I attempt to obscure something so obvious is an insult to my already questionable character.

Fuck off shareblue loser.


Nothing wrong with it at all if Kathy Griffith can do it so can you

Can you imagine how much of a loser someone has to be to think this is actually funny?