Name. The. Accuser.

15  2018-01-20 by do_not_post_comments

Her name is Abby Nierman.

Go fuck yourself @nikrichie aka Corbin Grimes aka Hooman Karamian. You are a parasite. I don't deserve to be anonymous? why don't you use your real name then? hypocrite

Abby Nierman, 1/19/18

We got your back, Aziz.


This is why we need mayocide.


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  2. Abby Nierman. -,*,

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More like Aziz Imsorry am I right?


Huh? Weren't you suppose to say "nigger"?


Check his comment history. Ctrl+f "nigger"

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.


Oh right he's one of those guys!!! 🙄😒

Dude I am not richer than Ansari nor am I famous at all and my wife blows her out of the water. What is it nowadays where famous people can't even willingly score with hot chicks and have to resort to raping 5s?

It's not that they can't willingly score, they just enjoy the rape

No amount of money makes up for being a skinny manlet.

Recall that in the original story she wrote, he outright ignores her the first time she tries to get his attention.

She admits to chasing him down over the whole night and manages to get his number at the very end of the night after some stuff about having the same camera.

TLDR: there is thirsty, then there is this.

He asked for her number and Aziz isn't cute. It takes a special woman to psychologically deal with sleeping with man who isn't attractive while also extremely bad and aggressive at sex just for a bankroll. I don't know if a cute gold digger would touch him now. He's gonna be raping 5s for the rest of time.

Yes, she claims that he asked for her number, but it ended up being he put his number in her phone after she chased him down all night.

So which is the truth? Did he ask for her number? Or did he relent and give her his number after being harrassed at a party?

He asked for her number. If she was going to lie she could of just said he was all over her. She was honest about the date, even the details that are not favorable to her. Aziz is a skeez. Why do you want her to be lying so bad. So what if Aziz is a creep?



Wow, those slippers.

You forgot to use (((these))) for maximum drama.

Glad to see anonymous accuser no longer getting away with trying to destroy another's reputation without putting her own reputation on the line. Also, she should come with a warning label "dating her may be hazardous to your health."