It's getting so retarded at /r/GenderCritical that can't tell apart their own users from trolls

63  2018-01-20 by IAintThatGuy


I can't even follow lmao wemen

I got ECT and it destroyed my memory, I made a post on here about it.

I was actually curious about this and was going to ask her in good faith to tell me more about this experience. Then...

Hey, friends, it's ur gurl, that bitch jesussaurusrex. So I do a ton of drugz, yeah? Weed, pillz, meth, crack, heroin, DXM et cetera and I'm ngl, I have horrible anxiety that is sometimes cranked up to 42069% when I get too high bc I'm a complete fucking degenerate and can't control myself, okay?

u/jesussaurusrex now I'm going to ask you, still (mostly) in good faith, what makes electricity a worse drug than all of those?

My brain can hopefully recover from drug abuse, but the effects of getting zapped are likely permanent, I'm afraid. Drugs increase my creativity, ECT has destroyed it. I can't write anymore, I can barely spell, thank fuck for spell check tbh. Not only is my memory destroyed, my ability to create new memories is impaired. I seriously underestimated how serious the impact of memory loss would be. I had a dear friend, he was my drug counselor actually, well anyway he died in 2015, I think. I barely remember him now and it makes me very sad. I loved him like a father. I wanted desperately to write a memoir, how the fuck is that possible with my memory ravaged? ECT destroyed my dream of becoming a writer. I'm a ghost of the person I used to be. Addiction took a lot of things from me, for sure, but I was able to get them back. There's no coming back from ECT.

How long ago was it? I saw you only posted it a couple days ago. Is it possible that it's just temporary?

I'm really not sure, probably a week or so since my last treatment. I was hospitalized on NYE and I think I got out on the 13th. It's possible I'll improve, but this could just as well be permanent, too. So I don't really know. :/

Good luck. I hope you at least learn from this not to risk getting permanently hurt in any way, whether it's mentally or physically. I know it seems like getting through the next day is the most important thing, but some of this stuff will haunt you for the rest of your life if you're not lucky.

And be honest with yourself. You've lived this long. You're probably not going to die tomorrow. You're probably going to live for years and years, so try to take care of yourself.

I'm already suffering negative consequences due to my degeneracy. I drank myself into gastritis at the age of 22. Fucking 22! That should have been a wake up call, but it wasn't. I've been sober since NYE when I tried to overdose on Klonopin and alcohol. Ironically, my drug abuse is what saved me, I think. Because I had been abusing an RC benzo called flualprazolam, my benzo tolerance was sky high. I have other physical problems, as well. Some type of blood disorder, but I think that's genetic since I've had issues since I was 15. Can't really blame it on the drugs. I have essential thrombocytosis, anemia, and fucking spots on my bones for some reason. Fucking cheetah bones. Da fuq? All of this, plus my addiction led me to lose my baby. Go ahead and make fun of me, tell me what a horrible mom I would have been, I don't care. If there is one thing to be said about jesussaurusrex, I am one honest bitch. I am attempting to reclaim the use of the word bitch and do not view it as derogatory.

Go ahead and make fun of me, tell me what a horrible mom I would have been, I don't care.

I'd like to think of some clever response to this, but it's 2:30 so I can't think of the perfect response. I'm just going to encourage you to be future-oriented and become the woman that somewhere deep in your heart you know you can be.

I am attempting to reclaim the use of the word bitch and do not view it as derogatory.

Fuck that. You can be better than that. I'm just some drunken shitposter in r/drama and I know you can be more than a bitch.

I am trying to focus on the future, I still have some dreams. I desperately want to be a nurse, of all fucking things lol why? Because nurses are rad. No one would accuse me of degeneracy if I were a nurse. I'd be a contributing member of society for once. I long to wear scrubs and roam hospital halls, not as a patient, OH NO. Instead of ruining people's lives, like I'm wont to do, I'd be saving lives! :D

I know what you mean. Nurses are rad. When you have a valuable skill like that, everyone who is doubting you now will just have to 🤐. Find a way to live your life without drugs, or at very least illegal drugs, and you've got a chance at it. I wish you the best.

I just stick to weed now, even though it's not legal in my state, it damn well should be and will be in the near future, I think.

Just move to Europe. It's illegal but every 12yo smokes and it's sold openly on most streets, no one gives a fuck (especially not the police).

Lol fuck Europe tbh fam


You're one of these who, every time someone suggests how you could improve yourself, you shoot it right the fuck down amirite?

Europe is a fucking shit hole, how the fuck would moving there improve my life in any way?

They'd give you free handouts like everyone deserves!

I'm already a welfare queen in America

For a start it might educate you a little. "Europe" isn't a homogeneous entity and the parts of it I've been to aren't a fucking shit hole. That said, I don't know that it would be improved by having your sorry ass in it, so there's that. Just pointing out that you're one of those whiny jerks who shoot down every hint that's given you. Now go smoke a bowl and feel sorry for yourself.

Just because I don't want to go to Europe, which is pretty universally indeed a shithole, except for maybe Iceland, doesn't mean I don't take advice. It's bad fucking advice. I'm not some privileged little white girl who can just up and move to another country on a whim to ~discover~ myself or whatever the fuck. These things take money that I don't have.

no u

I drank myself into gastritis at the age of 22. Fucking 22! That should have been a wake up call, but it wasn't. I've been sober since NYE when I tried to overdose on Klonopin and alcohol. Ironically, my drug abuse is what saved me, I think. Because I had been abusing an RC benzo called flualprazolam, my benzo tolerance was sky high.

Feminists like this want this lifestyle for young girls worldwide. That's why my daughters will be raised in the 卍Nazi tradition卍.

I do not want girls to be degenerates like me lol

Then why hang out where its encouraged

Go ahead and make fun of me, tell me what a horrible mom I would have been, I don't care.

I like to think that we here at r/drama try to only make fun of people who lack self-awareness and deserve a bit of mockery. It definitely seems like you want to improve yourself and that you recognize some of the errors of your past (incidentally, something I can't stand about modern society is this #NoRegrets attitude everyone pretends is a good thing).

I for one am definitely hoping & praying (unironically) for your happiness and continued sobriety.

Thanks, friend. It's nice to know that some dramanauts have a heart. I'm no stranger to being linked here and know too well how y'all operate.

It's a hard road to recovery from addiction takes a lot of courage. You're incredibly brave to recover from your hardships; I mean losing your baby, jeez! I can't even imagine how heartbreaking that must've been. I'm really glad you're getting better. I hope you'll grow out of your hatred for transgender people one day too.

Onward and upwards baby 😘! Regret is for pussies.

Woah woah woah, I do not hate transgender people, I hate MEN as a class. Not every single individual man, don't get it twisted.

I do not hate transgender people

I mean I just assumed because you posted in GC lol.

I hate MEN as a class


I don't see why it's so hard to believe that there are women who hate men. Misogyny is just an accepted part of life, no one blinks, but OH NO, how dare a feeemale hate men, even though she has way more reason to than any man to hate women? Like seriously, there are men who hate women because they won't fuck them, incels, and advocate rape. But I hate men for perfectly valid reasons, like I've been sexually assaulted and even forcibly raped more times than I care to count. If a man was getting booty blasted by other men on the reg, I bet he'd fear and hate them, too, honestly. :/

I hate men for perfectly valid reasons, like I've been sexually assaulted and even forcibly raped more times than I care to count.

Wouldn't that have more to do with the fact that you (I assume) spent more time around degenerates than the average person? Rape and sexual assault is broadly condemned among the majority of non-degenerate men. So why do the actions of the degenerates (the minority in this case) define how you feel about the group as a whole?

If by degenerate men you mean addicts, alcoholics, drug dealers and the homeless, then yeah, I guess.

Quit your bullshit and quit hating men then, hate degenerates. Try and have some self awareness. I was on your side until this, but quit being a retard.

It happens.

I've been sexually assaulted and even forcibly raped more times than I care to count.

Fuck! That's.. I'm so sorry you had to experience that! Words can't properly express how shitty that must've been.

Incels? Really? Is that who you're gonna compare yourself to? Because that's really what you're doing.I get the impulse to hate. I really do, but baby you're so much better than that! You've gone through soo much and come out stronger on the other side! Hate is such a toxic emotion and now that you're on the recovery path, is that what you're gonna saddle yourself with?

I know it's not healthy, believe me, but it's a defense mechanism and a good one at that. If I hate men, then obviously I'm not going to get close to one, especially not after my literal bag of dicks ex, so that way I can't ever get hurt again. And anyway, I don't need men. I am an out bisexual, I exclusively dated women before giving my sack of shit ex a chance. Let's just say it was a mistake and I should have stuck to gussy. And I'm better than incels because I'm not out here advocating fucking violence against men, I just want them to leave me alone.

Are you seeing a therapist?

Yes, I just started seeing a new therapist. We're still in the getting to know each other phase.

I hope it works out for you. I had to go through 3 of them until I found the right one.

This is my 5th therapist. :/

Dont lose hope. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right one.

You're self aware enough to realize what you wrote was total bull lol. Time will probably heal your wounds. I hope you do get better. In the meantime, have some party parrots:

Who raped you besides your ex friend?

A crackhead, an old alcoholic, a drug dealer and a fuckboy drug dealer, think that's it.... :/

Was this around the time you were fucking for drugs?

I hope you'll grow out of your hatred for transgender people one day too

I do not hate transgender people, I hate MEN as a class


People at /r/GenderCritical don't recognize the gender identity of trans people, and they have a particular hatred for trans women because they feel like trans women are "invading women's spaces" (since they don't recognize trans women as women).

That comment was her way of lumping trans women with men and saying she hates both of them (grouping them into one) as a class.

Interesting. Lot of hateful cunts on that sub lol.

Yeah I just hate gangbanger niggers not every single individual darkie.

Woah woah woah, I do not hate transgender people

And to think we were this close to being friends. 😩

Hope everything some out for you

Speak for yourself fag

empathy is cool, mkay?

What a weenie

hey guys like, look at me, i like, care about stuff, look how sensitive i am

  • That fag probably

You don't care about anything?

If it helps, at least you can live with the knowledge that this happened to someone who deserved it.

I've been sober since NYE

Best of luck with it. I sobered up about ten years ago from fairly severe alcoholism, it really does get easier. And you eventually just feel so much better.

Some say /r/Drama heart grew three sizes that day.

Dude just smoke weed it heals everything lmao

Fuck dude I'm rn lmaooo




Oh good, you finally stopped including that signature under your comments.

I got lazy

Thanks for an honest answer. Now post your butthole please.

I only post gussy ironically

You're alright. You are welcome here anytime 😁

It's true, I've seen it.

You liked it.

Yup. Made me cum.

lol gay

What? Why were you given ECT? The fuck

For suicidal depression. :/

imagine caring about activism for anything on Reddit

GC is a mistake.

Yeah m8, we should just use pointer arithmetic like nature intended.

/r/GenderCritical is correct about the key point: traps are dudes.

Traps are just drag queens with extra steps.


All Ls are Gs, and Bs are also all Gs. And Ts, I think, are basically all either Gs or Bs -- which as I said earlier, are Gs.

So really, instead of LGBT, we should just call it G.

I think we should just go back to the old way of all calling them "queers", or "degenerates".

I love it when someone in her accidentally lets slip that they're actually pretty bussy-blasted by all the damn kids today with their sex phones and now you can't even tell if it's a boy or a girl anymore back in the 50s you could just meet a girl at a barn dance and get married at 17 and we didn't complain and a twinkie cost a nickel.

Now the Ts are getting married at 17. The humanity.

I'm more nostalgic about the late 30s-mid 40s TBH.

If the penis is feminine. What's a feminine penis you ask? One that's smaller than yours. Length and girth. You got an average 5.5" cock and you're fucking a trap with a 8" dick. That's pretty fucking gay. Swap that around though and not so gay. Understand.


oh god where is the snapshill

Yeah, I made fun of one of their posters and i got a genuine reply. Didn't even ban me.

I got banned for asking if they'd still love the "Russian roulette" metaphor when it's applied to blacks or Muslims instead of white people. I guess they didn't appreciate being called hypocrites 😪