User has a meltdown and calls me a nazi in order to prove he is in fact not "triggered" after I make fun of a sub he posts in.

0  2018-01-20 by 80BAIT08


I'm triggered by the fact that you thought this dime a dozen reddit "debate" between idiots is some kind of drama. How pathetic of me, right?

I know im a nazi now. But this is why we need mayocide.

Nobody cares about your gay drama.

Uh yeah they do bozo. My posts bring joy to all.

Looks like your post gave me cancer.

I’ll leave flowers at your grave and read my posts to you.

What's next. Will you prove to me you don't wet the bed by pissing yourself?


Apparently I hate gays now. I must condemn this Snapshill post with my entire nazi being.