Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!

234  2018-01-20 by masodeq


How can you not love this guy?


Me and my ❤ Trump❤ , hangin' out!💘💘💘 it got pretty 😞 crowded😞 so I started to 😢😢 pout😢😢 He asked if I was ⬇⬇ down⬇⬇ for something ⬆⬆⬆ TALL⬆⬆⬆ so I asked ❔ "what?"❔ and he said he'd build me a 🔲🔲 WALL!🔲🔲 I 👷 BUILD IT!👷 I 💘❤ LOVE IT!❤💘 I make it 👊👊 REAL STRONG!👊👊 Trump should have been president 😍😍 ALL ALONG😍😍 Taller 😚😚 TRUMP😚😚 , taller 😚😚 TRUMP😚😚 😍🔲😍 🔲 10 feet,🔲 🔲🔲 20 feet🔲🔲, make it 🗽🗽 SOAR LIKE AN EAGLE🗽🗽, I'm daddy 💘 Trump's💘 first lady but I'm also 😉😉💦 illegal💦😉😉 He makes me feel 💪 SAFE💪 he makes me feel 💗 good💗 , he makes me feel everything a 🐘🐘 REPUBLICAN🐘🐘 should, 💕 wha-what!

How about you don't post ever again?


They're just jealous.

Of what? lol.

Of your charm!! 😍😘


Get the fuc k ou t

t. stormy skies or whatever that pornstar's name is

You're basically budget Ed, tbh.

I mean, you're not wrong...

He's like a drunk uncle that's really successful. Half the time you love it, half the time you wonder how on Earth anyone ever managed to take the guy seriously enough to let him have a prestigious job.

He's like drunk uncle that sells blow.

Best description I’ve ever heard

Nothing but strippers and blow, as far as the eye can see

It’s a cross between disgust at him being him, jealousy at his success while u have to work a real job, and admiration for the fact his crazy antics are actually hilarious and mostly successful.

They’re successful at riling people up but you don’t have to be president to do that.

I can see him becoming a meme along the lines of the almost politically correct redneck.

By hating him? IDK man, it's not terribly difficult not loving him. And it's not like one has to be an abhorrent piece of shit like him to generate plenty of drama, if you're gonna try for that angle.

ur a fun person to be around

Best. President. Ever.


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███████████] 99% complete..... 🚫ERROR!🚫

💯True💯 Presidents are irreplaceable 💖I could never delete you Mr. Trump!💖 Send this to ten other 👑God-Emporers👑 who give you 🏰big walls🏰 Or never get called 🇺🇸AN AMERICAN🇺🇸🗽🗽 again❌❌🙅🙅❌❌ If you get 0 Back: get out↪️! get out↪️↪️ of here! 🚫🚫 3 back: you're deplorable🙇💦 5 back: small loan of one million dollars💰💰🏦 10+ back: 📣📣 there are great citizens out there 🙋, but we have the best citizens here, fantastic citizens's great, Donnie loves you🙌.💕💕🙇🙇🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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█████████████] 99% complete..... 🚫ERROR!🚫


Where's the wealth creation for my demographic? 20something white NEETs need green for weeb shit.

I was promised anime would be real, and I have yet to receive a single waifu.

It is.You're the fat rapist the hero beats up.

the entire tech sector is your playground, calm tf down

But I'm a stupid nerd. I like nerdy things but I have no skills or technical knowledge. FEED ME PAPA BERNIE

Daddy might be a wee bit confused. :(

I think its you who are confused you dumb gobbly goop


Hey, you owe me an instant message date. My AiM is jaredgayffer27 bby

It's a trap /u/aliceunknown AIM has been shut down for months

That is some clever trolling

Its far better than his usual "rants with the "fuck" taken out"

Clearly he is learning his position

I was thinking the same. How can we even be sure that this was his idea? This is way too subtle...

Agreed. I think the whitehouse might have hired a shitpost advisory team.

I hope whichever lads were picked remember their roots and at least give us drama proles a shoutout

This but unironically.

It is odd, Trump is talking about women in politics without a slightly offensive nickname, referencing Hillary, or even hinting that they must all be ugly?

something is clearly afoot

That is what weirded me out about this tweet - he failed to mention Hillary.

So now he's going to make fat women not exercise, thus shortening their already fly-like lifespans, which results in removing votes from the democratic party. Brilliant.

"Fly like lifespan" made me chuckle

There's no I in DENIAL.

If Donald really wanted to fuck with the protestors he should legally switch gender to a woman and tweet something like, "I always knew it would take a man to break the glass ceiling." #NoNeedToThankMe

It works on multiple layers too since he would take away their precious goal of a first woman president and they couldn't back down from this since that would put into question the trans-narrative.

At long last, he would unite the right and the lef,t in anger against his sex change.

It would be great for dramacoin.

It works on multiple layers too since he would take away their precious goal of a first woman president and they couldn't back down from this since that would put into question the trans-narrative.

Not really since everyone would realize he’s just doing it to fuck with them and could call him out.

Although it would make him the president to be in a same sex marriage. So it would piss off the right.

Although it would make him the president to be in a same sex marriage. So it would piss off the right.

Are you saying I can reframe my quest for bussy as an attempt to own the libs?

Are you really suggesting that there should be a test to determine whether or not someone is truly transgender? You fucking transphobe.


Shitposter-Americans have finally broken the glass ceiling and the results are glorious to behold.

Lol, that's pretty hilarious. I still hope he gets impeached, but game recognizes game.

Why would you want him impeached? No one has done more good for r/drama. No one.

Dat impeachment drama tho...

Hmm. One massive short lived dose of drama, or a steady drip for the next 3 (7) years?

Would you rather have sex or jerk off?

Like... have sex once and thats it for good or be able to jerk off whenever? That's not a tough call man. Ain't no sex so good that it's gonna tie me over for years.

Impeachment could be the biggest drama we'll ever experience in our lifetime. Do you wanna forgo that for some lame liberal reeing? Maintain safety Susan.

Your basically a poor mans u/Ed_butteredtoast.

kill yourself you fucking faggot. Don't talk shit about my boo!!

Or maybe an alt? Probably an alt. I prefer this one. Your retard act is more convincing.


Ayy you're back! 😘

Impeachment could be the biggest drama we'll ever experience in our lifetime

Maybe I'm old, but it feels like we just did that c. 1999.

Plus you really think Pence won’t cause any drama? He’s a religious right kinda guy and trump fans don’t really like those people.

Impeachment a few months before the end of his term seems like the best option.

There will never be enough votes to convict, so it will be exactly the same as Clinton's impeachment (with the exception that Trump will be bragging about his sexual exploits on Twitter). We can have the massive dose and the steady drip without sacrificing anything.

Hillary and Obama going to Gitmo for an attempted coup d'etat will be even better.

But president Pence’s war on bussy would be unparalleled except maybe by Muslims

He would still lolcow. Think of the trial. Of how r/conspiracy would handle it. How T_D would turn on each other like cannibals. It would be his Magnum Opus. His Magnum Dope-us.

Even scarier is that Pence would take over. Eek!

I think it's obvious at this point the left can't abide any republican in the oval office. Pence is many of the things liberals bitch Trump isn't.

If people are gonna march and spaz out anyway, I'll take Trump for the lulz.

Any Republican you can name is worse than Trump on every lefty issue, but for some reason they want Bush back.

Any Republican you can name is worse than Trump on every lefty issue

Kasich is liberal-friendly on most issues.

  • Kasich is a "firm abortion opponent"

  • Kasich said that the Environmental Protection Agency should not regulate carbon emissions

  • Kasich is a supporter of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project;

  • To offset a state budget deficit, Kasich proposed selling five state prisons to the for-profit prison industry

  • Kasich said he was opposed to the legalization of recreational drugs

  • Kasich said in 2016 that "I have never been an ideological supporter of free trade,"

  • He is a strong supporter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and participated with others in a meeting with President Obama in support of the agreement

  • Kasich has condemned whistleblower Edward Snowden as a traitor

  • following the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which held that there is a fundamental right to same-sex marriage under the Fourteenth Amendment, Kasich said that he was "obviously disappointed" and that he believes in "traditional marriage,"

  • As governor, Kasich shifted to more pro-gun positions

He supports Obamacare and amnesty for illegal immigrants (never-Trump positions)

You asked for a republican who is 'worse than trump on every left issue', not a republican who has right-wing beliefs.

Kasich will also reliably surrender on any issue where a Democrat says not surrendering is racist...

Kasich is liberal-friendly on most issues.

I dunno, snally. When he ran for governor in Ohio, my FB feed was all "literally Hitler" or "corporate whore" or "wants to kill the poor and turn them into Soylent Green" or (at best) "Hitler, but maybe a bit folksier."

Democrats only started semi-liking Kasich in 2016 when he was an alternative to Trump. And I think they were maybe kidding themselves there -- Trump's probably a lot more liberal (or at least 'flexible') on social issues than Kasich would've been.

All that said, the 2020 GOP primary (assuming that Trump will get primary'd) will probably be a glorious shitshow.


Because they assume Bush wouldn’t get us into another pointless war, and because he’s way more presidential.

Is he really worse? I can’t think of anyone who’s more “pro big business and fuck everyone else” than him, or more hardline anti immigrant. He also doesn’t give a shit about gay marriage.

I don't know, how many Republicans have you seen do this at a campaign rally a month before the election, and win? Remember we're comparing him to other Republicans.

How many Republican's tax cuts for big business come with tax cuts for everyone else as well?

And a wall does not prevent legal immigration. As Trump says, the wall will have a "big beautiful door", and when you can properly enforce your immigration laws you can open up more spots for people to immigrate legally, and not risk their lives with traffickers for the promise of amnesty if they make it.

He probably thought the T in LGBT stood for Trump.

Yes but you have to admire the way Democrats act as if each Republican is a uniquely unprecedented threat to our country. If you watched MSNBC in 2012 you'd see Mitt Romney depicted as a racist sexual deviant whose plans would destroy America, even though now he's just a milquetoast moderate.

Romney clutches his pearls and bitches about Trump's racism, not understanding that the people he is trying to pander to think he's exactly the same.

He's less racist than me, and I voted for Hillary. Honestly, if you want to keep going on and on and on about how Trump is the worst president in history and we're all doomed if we don't immediately impeach him, you need better material than "he accurately described Mexico as a shithole".

Nah it's because he's racist, because there's literally not one single difference between Mexico and Norway besides the race of the people living there.

The best Haitian is better than the worst Norwegian, but the funny thing is that this doesn't become relevant until we get rid of the lottery system and chain migration.

The thing about Democrats is that they are bitch-made retards.

But aren't we all "bitch-made retards"?

Yeah but it’s the same with the GOP too. Trump supporters thought Hillary would get us in a nuclear war with Russia, that she has people murdered and that Obama is the anti christ.

Biden told a black audience that Mitt Romney wants to put them back in chains

Just because Pence is different doesn't make him much better. It's not like Trump embodies every quality that leftists dislike, just as Hilary doesn't embody every quality right-wingers dislike. Pence replacing Trump would be similar to a scenario where Jill Stein replaced Hilary. Terrible for different reasons.

Pence replacing Trump would be similar to a scenario where Jill Stein replaced Hilary. Terrible for different reasons.

that would be a great scenario actually

I don’t know, his eyes might be a bit too close together and he might be sporting a $5 haircut, but something tells me his Twitter game is actually top notch

His haircut most likely costs hundreds, the dude is balding

Trump is definitely better for the drama economy than Mike "Tesla Array the Gays Away" Pence.

Donald Trump is the most gracious, humble, caring President we have ever had. His love for America is unprecedented. Ronald Raegan, JFK, and even Abe Lincoln don't hold a candle to this man's leadership. President Trump has kept all his promises he made to the American people during his campaign. It was a great honor to cast my vote for Trump and i will be voting for him in 2020 as well.


samesies! But only bc my dramacoin portfolio is paying off bigly.

Trump is actually a pretty good troll when he is lucid.

so.... almost never?

some spooge mops think trump is lucid pretty often, huh?

How do you know if it's that or if he is brain damaged when shitposting?

If he's brain damaged that honestly makes it even more impressive. Look at the reaction(s) he gets. He sets out to make people go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and even though those people make out like he's retarded they still fall for the bait...




So if Trump is brain damaged, how much more deficient are the people who keep falling for his shenanigans?

So if Trump is brain damaged, how much more deficient are the people who keep falling for his shenanigans?

Probably even more. That's terrifying. Between the 4D chess crowd and the permaoutrage crowd, I think the only alternative is to nuke the US.





That's just silly. The radiation would make everything unusable for a thousand years.

What you want is a plague.

I want to be sure the work was well done.

To be fair if some child who's mother drank heavily during pregnancy had a meltdown in the middle of Walmart and started destroying everything in sight and eating tide pods I would likely react

I honestly don’t see a lot of people reeeing over it, most people seem to either see it as bait or just aren’t freaking out over it.

It's pretty excusable to "take the bait" when it's the leader of the world "trolling" people with shit that very easily ruins lives. Every action counts when you're in his position. His supporters might be naive enough to believe he's just harmlessly speaking his mind and pissing off liberals for fun, but liberals are only getting enraged on behalf of people who have no voice in our country. I don't even just mean American minorities: South Koreans and the Japanese are hanging onto every god damn word he tweets trying to figure out whether or not he has a plan or is just a crazy fuck like Kim, while their life hangs helplessly in the balance. Just think about living like that for a second: everything you have ever loved, everyone you ever met, every single thing that makes up this unique floating rock in our universe is in the control of a man who seems to have no grasp of how important his decisions are. It's like he thinks if he fucks up, his crack team of lawyers will just file for some kind of political bankruptcy and everything would work out. That won't quite help fix a nuclear crater in the middle of Tokyo.

This shit isn't a game, this is hardcore mode and you're playing for keeps. Yet politics today have become a casual sport where people find sick enjoyment in their side "winning" even if it hurts or even kills incredible amounts of innocent people. What the fuck is it going to take for people to seriously think about the consequences of their decisions? When is this hilarious comedy of "trolling" liberals by potentially ruining people's lives going to become stale? There are people living here from El Salvador who are just as American as anyone else, but Trump is threatening to deport them to a country they have never known-- one with the highest murder rate in the world and is just begging for more helpless American virgins to kidnap for sex trafficking.

Is it going to take a fucking Vice documentary for people to figure out that this shit is literally life and death, or are we going to countinue having this gay old political slapfight, fencing with our huge American cocks while rubbing our balls together and playing grabass-- while the rest of the world tries its best to carefully negotiate with us.

What a pasta this is. Good post.

Only Vice documentaries can save us now.

It's pretty excusable to "take the bait" when it's the leader of the world "trolling" people with shit that very easily ruins lives.

This is a great way to start of an unhinged, hyperbolic serious post. If you believe that Trump pointing out his successes as a way to mock the people who are protesting is "ruining lives" then you just spent three paragraphs going "*REEEEEEEEEEEEE" and proving the point that only someone even more retarded than Trump would take this kind of bait.

liberals are only getting enraged on behalf of people who have no voice in our country. I don't even just mean American minorities: South Koreans and the Japanese are hanging onto every god damn word he tweets

Maybe if liberals were a little more concerned about the views of actual Americans and a little less concerned with the people who have no voice in our country because they're not Americans Donald Trump wouldn't be president and this would all be a moot point.

Just think about living like that for a second: everything you have ever loved, everyone you ever met, and the legacy of millions of years of human progress is in control of a man who seems to have no grasp of how important his decisions are.

It might be easy for you to imagine being this much of a whiny bitch, but every time I try I find myself laughing, probably my body is still producing enough testosterone.

This shit isn't a game, this is hardcore mode and we're playing for keeps.

Yeah, we get it, you're super cereal. Maybe if you guys took some time off from marching, protesting, and lecturing everyone about the virtues of ugly trannies, how gender is a social construct, and asking for "free" stuff so you could actually put some work into finding out what voters want and how to give it to them you could win some elections outside ten or so coastal states.

politics today have become a casual sport where people find sick enjoyment in their side "winning" even if it hurts or even kills incredible amounts of innocent people.

LOL, I must have missed the latest holocaust. The worst thing about Trump is that he didn't turn into Hitler 2.0 and round people like you up and sterilize you or put you in camps. How is anyone this disconnected from reality?

There are people living here from El Salvador who are just as American as anyone else, but Trump is threatening to deport them to a country they have never known

Last time I checked, you can't just deport American citizens, which means that the people in question aren't "just as American as anyone else." They're illegal aliens. Believe it or not, a lot of us on the other side of the divide are all for giving those kids who were brought here some kind of permanent status. We agree that it would be a true hardship for them to get shipped off to places they've never personally known. A lot of us are with you on that, we just want it done the right way, with an actual bill in Congress that fixes the problem, not with the executive branch assuming powers it was never meant to have in the first place.

Is it going to take a fucking Vice documentary

A Vice documentary not only fail to be the least bit convincing, it would probably make me go all in for Trump, the imaginary holocaust you seem to believe is happening, deporting anyone we possibly can, and dropping bombs on North Korea.

while the rest of the world tries its best to carefully negotiate with us.

If anything, the rest of the world walking on eggshells and trying to not to piss us off is the tits. It's about time all the pussy countries in the world realized who runs things.

You are taking the piss right? you know all the mayo countries literally went "Fuck it lets just do freetrade without the US because trump will blow it'' i would ask how you are this retarded when it comes to diplomacy but you are an unironic trump supporter so that just answers itself doesnt it, keep yourself safe buddy.

implying half of us arent so retarded we dont serious post like fucking mongoloids anyways

cock fight it is, then? no tickling this time, and god damnit no butt stuff until the ladies are gone


im posting so ironically that the level of sarcasm i'm on makes me seem normal and tedious

So if Trump is brain damaged, how much more deficient are the people who keep falling for his shenanigans?

People who expect the Leader of the Free World not to be retarded now are deficient.

What a ride.

People who expect the Leader of the Free World not to be retarded are now considered deficient.

Don't take it personally. We've always considered you deficient.

Semi-seriously, though, these people who expect the Leader of the Free World not to be retarded have had a year to come to terms with Trump and his behavior. It's no longer surprising. Publicly sperging out about it at this point really is just taking the all-too-obvious bait. If you're being baited by a retard, maybe you're a retard, too.

I unironically think Twitter was a mistake. It is such a retarded platform, and it is now exponentially worse now it is politicised/weaponised.

So of the posts are actually really clever

Others are desperate cries for attention or look like 4 or 5 slurs were removed or edited before posting

Maybe he's autistic and the brilliance flow with the awkwardness, it would explain why his internet supporters relate

Some of the posts are actually really clever


Aka this one

One is some

How do you know if it's that or if he is brain damaged when shitposting?

If Fire & Fury and other reports are to be believed, he outsources some of his shitposting. Supposedly it was Omarosa from the Apprentice who came up with the face-melting comment at the CNN host.

That was the kind of catty thing that is more common in women then men

Most men, that I now at least, wouldn't call a women ugly or make funny of her plastic surgery as an insult to their ability but I know many women who would see it as a character flaw

I can only imagine Trump approves of cosmetic surgery, at least as a concept. Especially since he has indulged himself, supposedly.

he scored 30/30 on the brain damage test so we know he's not brain damaged. Unless the goal is a low score. Has anybody checked?

Isnt he medically one pound away from the definition of obese but the report said he was in perfect health? because you just know its bullshit then either way.

it's 2018 you're not allowed to say overweight and 1 bmi point under obsese is unhealthy, even calling obsese people unhealthy is frowned upon. But yeah, of course he's got a weight problem. Nobody is denying that. It's pretty much the one thing the media isn't allowed to shame him on.

I don't know why people are convinced Trump is an idiot just because he posts stupid shit on twitter. He doesn't care about seeming presidential and is an attention whore but is that necessarily bad? Regardless, good for dramacoin.

When his outbursts include taunting a hostile nation with nukes it’s definitely a bad thing.

Say what you will, but the Ronald Reagan coined act like a lunatic to force the other guy's hand trick is proven. Kimmy might be insane but IMO he ain't gonna do shit.

Or he does and I get to watch North Korea get glassed on a Livestream, either way I'm not concerned.

good for dramacoin tho


Nigga look up Madman theory


Go to an endocrinologist.

but is that necessarily bad?

Only if you think that unifying the country and maintaining alliances are good things.

not lockstepping/kowtowing to eurofag elites' whims is not degrading any alliances.

eurofag elites' whims

Spoken like a strong supporter of the Western Alliance.

"eurofag elites" ie not the people of the countries in question. goback to r/politics.

The spooky leftist (((cabal)))

Maybe our alliance is a little too one sided though, make those fags in Belgium pay for my healthcare REEEEEEEEEEEEE

Trump himself doesn't even run his Twitter profile anymore, he has people who tweet for him.

That's good trolling

Why do you think he's trolling. The guy unironically believes the shit he says, that's not trolling.

imagine being this bussy blasted

What? I'm just sick of people calling retardation "trolling."

Fine, you’re an unfunny retard who believes what you post. Jeez.

There's a difference between actual trolling and Trump, someone that is provably retarded saying stuff like this.

He's not trolling. That's just something Trumptards tell themselves to feel better about the fact they elected a mongoloid.

There's a difference between actual trolling and pizzashill, someone that is provably retarded saying stuff like this.

He's not trolling. That's just something pizzashill tells himself to feel better about the fact that he seriousposts 24/7 like a mongoloid.

Funny how not a single one of you can formulate coherent counter-arguments to anything I say.

Here’s the thing: I don’t give a shit what you have to say, or the countless political fights that daily are clogging up the sub. It’s boring when it’s the same, over and over, for two years straight. Have some fun with it ffs.

Nothing you've said has been an actual argument. Your bussy is clearly severely blasted.

You're implying that he really thinks they were marching to support him or some shit, instead of this being the awesome burn that it obviously is.

No, he's trying to take credit for an economy he had literally nothing to do with.

It's like when he throws out black unemployment. He's just a really stupid person.

Please, tell me more how Trump has nothing to do with the record economy.

Holy fuck. Have you ever bothered to look at trends?

We'll take racial unemployment, for example.

Notice anything? Notice how it's been a trend for years, meaning the trend simply continued under Trump. So what's more likely here, Trump did this, or the trend we've been observing since 2010 just kept going?

Gender unemployment?

Same fucking thing. So the same question applies here.

This is the problem with Trumptards. They seem to just erase the last 8 years and pretend they never happened, and then they claim long-term trends are because of Donald Trump.

It's hilariously embarrassing.

Your denial that Trump has directly stimulated the economy is laughable.

I just showed you graphs proving that this is a longtime trend.

Even the stock market, which isn't actually the economy, btw (that's a tip for you) most of that seems to be because of OTHER countries.

But here you go, here's actual economists saying you're a retard:

Austan Goolsbee:

If you look at the trends of job creation, of growth of the economy, of the stock’s market appreciation, there’s not a very notable break on January 20.


Olivier Blanchard:

More than half from the S&P 500 actually come from outside the U.S. And the world is in much better shape. Europe is in much better shape than it was a year ago. The U.S. stock market has done well because the rest of the world is doing well because uncertainty in the rest of the world has decreased and because of the tax cut, because no matter what pre-tax profits you make, if you get a tax cut, you get more post-tax profits.

So Trump is doing better than Obama. Thanks for clearing that up.

Ok, it's pretty clearly you aren't intelligent enough to even comprehend why you're stupid so I'll just let this go.

I know it's hard to see your own bias when your head is so far up your own arse, but hypothesise me this: If the economy was instead going to shit, would you place the blame for that on Obama?

Two things you should be aware of:

Your argument that because a trend existed prior to Trump's election that it must continue is fallacious. You could pull countless economists predicting an immediate crash as a result of his election, they were clearly wrong. However, the idea that because the economy was trending up it will necessarily continue upwards is silly.

Also, we are the reserve currency of the world, our economy impacts other countries far more than the other way around.

This is literally one of the most retarded comments I've ever seen.

Your argument that because a trend existed prior to Trump's election that it must continue is fallacious.

I didn't say that it must continue, I said that it did continue, which is very obvious from the graphs already displayed.

You could pull countless economists predicting an immediate crash as a result of his election, they were clearly wrong. However, the idea that because the economy was trending up it will necessarily continue upwards is silly.

See above my illiterate friend.

Also, we are the reserve currency of the world, our economy impacts other countries far more than the other way around.

My god, it's terminal Trumptardation I'm afraid.

One of us has a stack of books on macroeconomics within arms reach, I am betting it isn't you.

I don't care what you have, if you had a stack of books on macroeconomics next to you then you sure as hell wouldn't be a Trumptard considering he's the most economically illiterate president in US history.

Either that or maybe you don't understand economics as well as you think you do.

The reality is that American Businesses perceive Trump as a non threatening force in their business. And again, considering the vast majority of economists on your side predicted a pretty large crash as soon as Trump was elected would seem to indicate that people who disagree with you may have a better idea than you.

The reality is that American Businesses perceive Trump as a non threatening force in their business.

No, they perceive a Republican majority that will let them pillage the country and keep things stable.

And again, considering the vast majority of economists on your side predicted a pretty large crash as soon as Trump was elected would seem to indicate that people who disagree with you may have a better idea than you.

Do you have empirical research showing a large majority of economists predicted a crash as soon as Trump was elected?

And either way, this argument can be ended with the following:

So I’ll call, like, major—major countries, and I’ll be dealing with the prime minister or the president. And I’ll say, how are you doing? Oh, don’t know, don’t know, not well, Mr. President, not well. I said, well, what’s the problem? Oh, GDP 9 percent, not well. And I’m saying to myself, here we are at like 1 percent, dying, and they’re at 9 percent and they’re unhappy. So, you know, and these are like countries, you know, fairly large, like 300 million people. You know, a lot of people say—they say, well, but the United States is large. And then you call places like Malaysia, Indonesia, and you say, you know, how many people do you have? And it’s pretty amazing how many people they have. So China’s going to be at 7 or 8 percent, and they have a billion-five, right? So we should do really well.

Tell me mr macro economics textbook, does this sound like someone that has any idea what he's talking about?

Sounds like he is criticizing people who claim that our stagnant economic growth over the last 10 years is due to our size.




No, he just doesn't understand how GDP growth works. US GDP growth was never "stagnant."

Developed countries have lower GDP growth than developing countries.

As an analogy.

Imagine you're at work, you make 120 thousand dollars a year.

A co-worker comes up to you, he makes 35 thousand dollars a year, and you're both given a raise.

He gets a 6% raise, and you get a 3% raise. Which one of you comes out on top?

Trump was confused:

At some point, it appears Donald Trump heard somebody say that the United States cannot grow as fast as China or Malaysia because we have a “large” economy. No doubt, what they meant is that the U.S. is a highly developed, rich nation and therefore can't expand as quickly as developing countries that can still reap large gains from taking basic steps to improve their living standards. But Trump did not understand it that way. He apparently thought that when whoever he was listening to said “large,” they were talking about population. Therefore, in his mind, if China grows at nearly 7 percent per year with its 1.4 billion people, the U.S. should be able to do it too.

US GDP growth was never "stagnant."

When tracking GDP growth it is the rate of growth that determines whether or not it is relatively stagnant. The analogy you made misses the mark because no one is arguing that we are not continuing to grow or that we have a very large economy.

Developed nations certainly do tend to have higher GDP growth. China is certainly a large population but they are also a large GDP. I would argue that they have the opportunity to grow more because they are still in the process of embracing capitalism but that is besides the point.

Your point does seem to be fairly easily refuted by simply considering that out GDP growth increased significantly this year. Clearly Trump was correct that there are things we can do to improve the rate at which we grow.

I know, I know. Trump is super dumb and doesn't know anything. But considering that we have seen an increase in the rate at which our GDP grows, maybe we don't have to accept that we are not capable of growing our economy more quickly.

Your point does seem to be fairly easily refuted by simply considering that out GDP growth increased significantly this year.

I'll ignore the rest of this and just point out how indoctrinated you are.

There's a difference between "annual GDP growth" and quarterly GDP growth.

Quarterly GDP growth currently isn't out of line with what it's been in recent years.

In fact, Obama had multiple years with significantly higher quarterly GDP growth than Trump has had.

Here's an annual real GDP growth forecast.

Notice how it's still about the same as it was before?

Quarterly GDP growth currently isn't out of line with what it's been in recent years.

It has beaten projections every quarter. Obama certainly had some significant GDP growth but it stagnated in recent years.

Also in case you didn't know real GDP is different from GDP.

My god, the Trump reality denial field is just too strong. You just don't understand what real GDP is.

Or maybe you don't understand that when adjusting for money supply the curve always flattens. In nearly every instance. Or maybe you did know that, and were hoping I didn't.

Look man, in the end, numbers don't lie. quarterly GDP growth isn't out of the historical norm, annual GDP growth isn't much higher if higher at all compared to the historical norm.

Trump, on every level possible, is economically illiterate and everyone knows it.

He's just a moron with a pen that will sign whatever the Republicans put on his desk, which amounts to in basic terms "I will gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today" economics.

Fuck the climate.

Fuck income inequality.

Fuck everything, all that matters is shirt-term growth.

quarterly GDP growth isn't out of the historical norm

It has beaten projections every quarter.

Trump, on every level possible, is economically illiterate and everyone knows it.

You sure say so, but haven't seemed to have been able to back up those claims without refutation.

Fuck the climate.

Now we are talking about something else entirely. If you want to talk about the economic consequences of climate change policies we could certainly talk about that.

Fuck income inequality.

Yeah, why would we care about that. As long as everyone is getting better off I don't care if other people get more better off.

You sure say so, but haven't seemed to have been able to back up those claims without refutation.

Yes, I have, your delusions are not "refutation."

You were literally shown Trump speaking in a way that shows he has no clue what he's talking about.

Another one:

He VERY clearly has no idea what he's talking about. Why are you even trying to defend this?

It has beaten projections every quarter.

And that doesn't mean it's out of historical norms.

Obama beat those projections often as well.

Now we are talking about something else entirely. If you want to talk about the economic consequences of climate change policies we could certainly talk about that.

No, we can't. Because you're very clearly the type of person that dismisses expert opinion.

Yeah, why would we care about that. As long as everyone is getting better off I don't care if other people get more better off.

Except everyone ISN'T getting better off. This is what I mean by "I'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today" economics.

Another reason it falls under "I'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today" economics is the complete and utter fucking disregard for the climate or how much it's going to cost to fix in the future because we ignore it now.

This is absurdly stupid.

You were literally shown Trump speaking in a way that shows he has no clue what he's talking about.

I explained what he was saying and you then agreed thats what he was saying and then said he was wrong. So pick a side I guess.

Another one:

He VERY clearly has no idea what he's talking about. Why are you even trying to defend this?

I don't trust the sourcing, especially because the strength of the US dollar and currency manipulation by our trade rivals is something he has been talking about for decades.

It has beaten projections every quarter.

And that doesn't mean it's out of historical norms.

I don't recall saying it did, but you seem to trust these projections seeing as you cited them earlier. I was using them to make the point that Trump's economic policy and outlook in general has resulted in a stronger economy than was anticipated.

Obama beat those projections often as well.

I don't know if I would say often, certainly not as often as Trump so far. In any case, red herring.

No, we can't. Because you're very clearly the type of person that dismisses expert opinion.

Ah you must be one of those mind readers.

Another reason it falls under "I'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today" economics is the complete and utter fucking disregard for the climate or how much it's going to cost to fix in the future because we ignore it now.

The argument is of course how much will it cost? And of course, who will it cost? And the ever important question how much will the cost change based on the amount we pay today?

You see, when you feel the need to insult people who disagree with you, you lose the opportunity to have a productive conversation. We could discuss how much a variety of plans would cost the US vs how much it will cost us 100 years from now. We could do that. But the truth is, that isn't what you want apparently. You would rather paint me as irrational and therefor unable to discuss these things. Unfortunately for you, your tactics have been noticed. And you have lost because of those tactics. Maybe the collective political left will learn that their tactics make them toxic. Maybe they won't. But maybe you will consider more carefully your approach in the future.

I am done now.

Oh and by the by, not even your article doesn't make any claims regarding my claim only that a correlation also exists between attributes that make people less successful and income inequality as well as income. Unfortunately for you, no one really claims otherwise.

Why do you have to serious post every fucking thread about trump? God you’re a faggot

Throw a tantrum somewhere else.

Throw a tantrum somewhere else.

Physician, heal thyself.

Even when I agree with you I downvote you for your whiny demeanor.

That's neat, you're still a retard.

We don't need to formulate coherent counter-arguments when you REEEEE over dumb lowtier shitposting m8.

Stop seriousposting on a drama sub you dumb fuck.

/u/pizzashill is what dumb people think a smart person sounds like

Pretty sure dumb people would still know he's dumb. He's silvertongue/mrsamsa-level stupid.

Even Ed_Toast is not as dumb as pizzashill.


Unfair. /u/pizzashill occasionally breaks character and makes sense. I mean, I hope it's a character he's playing on the internet.

this should be stickied

daddy scored a perfect 30 on his retardation test, so ur wrong

Trump is usually retarded. This not one of those cases.

You think he randomly thought to post that, ignorant of what was happening? You're trolling. And by that I mean you're retarded.

I have no idea, Trump is literally brain damaged. Who knows what he thinks.

Nah that's trolling dude.

You’re such a shitty poster I had to make an account on this gay website just to downvote you, FUCK YOU.

Go eat a taco and fuck off.

Do you have friends irl

Do body pillows count as friends


This is why we need the wall.

Stop downvoting lolcows you autismatron. If I don't get my daily fix of pizzashill I will literally keep myself safe, and probably keep other people safe in the process.

Why do you give a shit if he's "trolling"? It owns, either way.

pizza I agree with a lot of your dislike of Trump but this is flat out mocking his protesters

For him to believe what he is saying he would have to think that the women are celebrating him

Trump is in a level of denial I didn't even think was possible.

There's a real chance he thinks they are.


Yeah. Right.

I didn't think you were this retarded /u/pizzashill, for shame.

Is Trump not brain damaged? The guy literally claimed black people love him and so do Muslims.

Sure, this is still an obvious joke though.

For him to believe what he is saying he would have to think that the women are celebrating him

Like 60% of white women voted for him, what's wrong with thinking that those women are celebrating him right now?

That's good trolling

Why aren't your feet hovering 2ft off the ground yet.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

&nbsp;If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Oh shit, did I do that?

holy fuck he really is shitposter in chief


What is more important, government shutdown or shitposting?

Dems are gonna eat that one. Withholding military pay for the sake of people with no right to be here? Sweet optics, bro...

“I told the president we Democrats were willing to fund the military at the highest levels in history, far above even his budget request,” said Schumer, who said he also offered to put Trump’s request for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border “on the table” at a White House meeting on Friday.

Schumer said Trump agreed to try for a four- or five-day government stopgap spending measure to give him and congressional leaders just enough time to reach a deal.

But then, Schumer said, the president changed his mind.

“Several hours later he called back. He said, ‘So, I hear we have a three-week deal.’ I said, 'No, Mr. President, no one is even talking about a three-week deal,' ” Schumer recounted.

“Then a few hours later they called back again, ‘Well we’re going to need this, this, this in addition,’ ” Schumer said. “Things they knew were far, far right and off the table.”


I only get my news from places that dont reflect reality

cool do what you gon do and keep yourself safe doing it.

The dems also think the military will side with them in a civil war.

Dems suggested continuing military pay during the shutdown. McConnell rejected it.

You’re projecting your knuckle dragging patriotism onto the rest of the country. Most people don’t care that some private who wastes his income suping up his truck can’t wait 3 weeks for backpay. At least not as much as they care about someone who was brought here when they were two and can’t call another country home

FYI /u/allendrio does this second he loses an argument. He immediately shifts to straw man mode and mock quotes you because he's run out of fuel for his arguments.

It's fucking pitiful and really telling of what comes out of an island full of European inbred sheep rapists.

so mad someone called you out on your bullshit attempt to distract from the fact your claim a reddit post was a false flag was genuine retarded you follow them around reddit in a spergout

Tweets like this are why we voted him into the highest office in this country.

He failed to even keep the government lights on, but at least he is posting shit on Twitter.

Lel, that was actually pretty good.

I honestly thought the title was /r/drama memeing, wot

There are very few women without jobs.


I wouldn't understand the problem with this statement in the first place, but this coming from freebleeding peanut gallery is just asinine.

Say what you want about him, but his Twitter feed is one of the best things online.

Electing Donald Trump as the President of the United States might have been the single best decision that mankind has ever made.

Time to put on my pussy hat. We're still doing that, right???

No! It's transphobic and hateful! It makes people of color sad and trannies realize they have no real pussy.

BeAFeminist #BeADick

Wtf, I love daddy now.

"Women, you have to treat them like shit." WTF I love Donald Trump now!