''Why isn't reddit loving my pet crusade?''

56  2018-01-21 by TakeMyVerySoul


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Is it really the largest? Larger than the million man march?

Totalling the numbers from across the country, yes. There were a million men in Washington, but with this march, there are hundreds of thousands of women in cities and towns across the country. Even in America's tiniest towns, women marched. Even in Canada's! The million men march was more centralized.


Did Charlton Heston and Chris Evans have a baby?


Because of the name of the event, the number of attendees was a primary measure of its success and estimating the crowd size, always a contentious issue reached new heights in bitterness.[24] March organizers estimated the crowd size at between 1.5 to 2 million people but were incensed when the United States Park Police officially estimated the crowd size at 400,000. Farrakhan threatened to sue the National Park Service because of the low estimate from the Park Police.

I love the resulting dick-measuring contests over crowd size.

Also loving the IMPLICIT RACISM of soy-latte-sipping mayo women laughing at a proto-BLM march.

Everyone who went outside today was part of the march.

u/helpwitheating you look like clowns in your pink pussy hats. That's why no one's taking your cry against Trump seriously.

This march of the electric boogaloo of feminism

I can only imagine how bad it smells on these marches.

Honestly, and I won’t be surprised if my comment gets downvotes too, it’s that Reddit is a platform used more by men and the marches have all been about bringing to life uncomfortable truths to said men. It’s easier to try and hide or dismiss it than confront the need for change in our society. It’s just good to remember the important part; that so many people came out to the march and are motivated to bring about change.

What do you want people to do? Succumb to guilt by association?

It is not incumbent upon any guy on Reddit to share a stupid march just because other men are being dirtbags.

It has been a year since the previous march, so what have they achieved... oh right, nothing lol

Have they learned not to wear those idiotic vajayjay hats?

Yes but not for the reason you think.

Apparently those hats were both insulting to trannies and problematic because not all clits are pink (aka mayo).

apparently not

I wonder if it'd be worth hanging out one of these marches in an effort to pick up women.

gotta be a lot of desperate cunts there.

im not going to stop you, but you gotta understand that once you enter that pit of estrogen, despair, and insecurity, you're not coming back

My friend walked by one of the marches the other day and said it was full of black women holding signs that said "stop white women" and "white women are the problem."

At least some of them get it.


Intersectionality means that every movement should be subverted to your own ethnic interests.

Literally the thought process of a male feminist and future #metoo convict.


Subscribing for the inevitable Pizzashill PUA guide.

pick up women

Just stop. Women are devils. You need bussy.

Little bit too on the nose there.

I learned that 2X blocks most peoples posts. These Donna Hylton supporters should be ashamed.

I saw a few posts. The posts weren't very popular but there was alot of argumentative comments. Seemed like alot of people went to the comments to criticize the March. Alot of passive aggressive comments such as "What is this even about?" I went to my local Women's March and had a great time.

Not to be a dick, but what is it actually about? I’ve seen a lot of posts criticizing Trump, but I think from his approval ratings that most of the country is already with them on that issue. Like is this about equality or sexual assault or something else?

I think that it's vague message is both the reason why it's attracted so many women, and also some criticism online. At this point, it's almost the "Yeah women!" march.

Best deleted comments:

arguably successful.

In what?

Also the amount of litter these marches produces and the backing up of traffic in large cities makes you question if there are better ways of getting your voices out than these marches

Disagree completely. Most guys are good, believe it or not, so there aren't any "uncomfortable truths" that would be an afront to the majority of them. I've read literally one article about the Women's March today and know enough to know that it was criticized as being (1) unfriendly to minorities and (2) too political. It isn't hard to inform yourself, it keeps from making unhelpful and rude generalisations like yours.


I'm guessing because some people find it unnecessary, that they're creating non-issues and a majority of the people involved simply dislike men. I understand Trump is a huge issue but he isn't just an issue for women. Women in general have the same rights as men and there are such bigger problems that I honestly find these marches ridiculous. It's great that women are being more open about sexual assault/rape but people are still entirely forgetting that men also go through this. But of course if there was a movement for that we would be called ignorant or bigoted.

Likely because no one cares about you two-year tantrum.

We get it, 'grrl power', 'I am woman, hear me roar' and 'Fuck Drumpf'. We heard the two first points our entire life and the last we've heard repeated enough for a lifetime in the last year alone. At some point passive agressive signs, however clever, becomes stale. All you accomplish is feeling better about yourself, nothing came from the last one, nothing will come of this one, beside, prehsp the selling of ugly hats.


Neo-nazis have been known to brigade reddit and other online forums (see this image link to a manual from Stormfront). And u/jtolmar never said that they were tagging everyone they disagreed with, but rather that they found more accounts to tag than usual.

The irony and stupidity in this astounds me. Your paranoia is exactly the same in form and style as a Nazi. How is your response any different than:

Jews have been known to brigade reddit and other online forums.

How is your response any different

Hating the haters is not hypocritical.