Engineer, entrepreneur and airline manager introduces one neat trick to instantly increase airline profits everywhere. Makes frequent references to a mysterious “business” when confronted about their own inability to comprehend GCSE level maths.

10  2018-01-21 by SPAMRAAM_


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Unfortunately a lot of people got baited into this guys delusion so you have to scroll a fair bit down or go into his profile to find the juicy stuff when people start poking holes.

GCSE level maths

what is this nonsense? talk american.

I didn’t think you got taught to that level in the US.

We only learn up to 1776.

NA education in 2018.

I didn't like this thread. It's filled with poors. People who wouldn't pay %15 more for 15% more space on an airplane have got to have very low quality lives.

I think you’ll find it’s actually 17.65% more space.

As if we needed 2.65% more reason to punch down

It's the Herman Cain tax plan... but dialed up to 15!

u/puffic, it’s a good thing airlines don’t standardize for manlets, isn’t it?