Man, asleep with erection on airplane, now being accused of sexual misconduct. Leftist solution: estrogen supplements

16  2018-01-21 by SocialistEphebophile


Leave it to a t_d mong like OP to fall for obvious bait.

Delete your account /u/ScottishEphebophile, keep yourself safe, and stop diddling kids.

Just cut your cock off

Solved the problem for me!!!

Finally an appropriate time for some King Missle!

Just drink more soy lmao

I ate so much tofu that my penis looks like a shriveled raisin now. Finally, everyone can be safe from my dangerous, patriarchal erections.

Doesn't actually work to do anything, unless you are a teen/preteen (in which case it might) or expecting mother (in which case, it can do a lot).

I guarantee you that the same people screaming about this, would be the first to yell 'slutshaming!' if someone commented on a chick with her tits hanging out.

tits falling out of clothes = erection


Tits being shown is voluntary, an erection isn't. You're clearly not thinking enough.

Tits fall out of clothing all the time, you dumb fuck.

Yeah man, sure they do. Bras are really fucking useless then. Erections are still not voluntary either way.

Also, your mom.

You're fucking retarded. Guess jerking off when it's not hard yet is out of the question too. Or is that too complicated for you, something being able to have voluntarily and involuntary erections? Or getting the concept of a nip-slip?

I guarantee you that this is an obvious, blatant troll and all the people earnestly arguing against it are fucking retards for taking the bait.


>fucking retards

Xir, you repeat yourself

You think everyone taking the bait are liberals? Why?

I guarantee you that this is an obvious, blatant troll and all the people earnestly arguing against it are fucking retards for taking the bait.

You actually need Spirnolactone to block the production of androgen or else the estridiol will end up being converted into testosterone when taken alone without an androgen blocker.

Full disclosure, I actually have minimal knowledge on the biochemistry of it, but so I can't say 100% if it's true since I need to study the biochemistry of it, but that detail is passed along as common knowledge about HRT, so it may be half-correct, or incorrect.




Ladies and Gentlemen, the dangers of huffing gasoline.

Fact: An uncontrollable sexual assault occurs every 5 minutes under the desks of high school boys.

A moment of silence for all the children being raped everyday by these insidiously hidden boners

Chemical castration because people's bodies are doing what they are supposed to do, great. Let's put menstruating women on testosterone, then.

This but unironically. Gussycide now.

I found this on Facebook, names blurred out and all but Google helped out.

I have a pounding headache and will keeps this short. If it’s so offensive to some people can’t they just avoid staring at men’s crotch while they sleep? Problem solved.

Where did we go so wrong?

Probably around the time people started taking too much bait.

Also camel toe and nipples ?