r/pics breaks godwin's hymen, compares daddy to Hitler.

39  2018-01-21 by Shiwanshu1


Except that Trump is way too fucking dumb and incomptent to be Hitler.



Well actually, they both wrote a book.

So did Paris Hilton

Someone notify Democrats.

trump had a book ghost written because he is dumb and can barely read let alone write

more like the US is way too stable to be weimar germany.

Hitler wasnt actually a genius he just got super lucky gambling at the start of the war and so everyone thought he was a genius, dude was drugged out of his mind most of the time.

Lugen = peeking

Lügen = lying

Mayo gussy...

That's because the people posting there aren't interested in politics, they're stimulus addicts using "politics" as a cover for their fix.

They're interested in (well, "hooked on" is more accurate) the gratuitous hits of dopamine from moral outrage and apocalyptic fantasy role-playing.

I'd bet that for all their complaining about Trump, they know deep in their hearts that they've never felt more alive.


Not even slightly true.

Yeah, more thriller conspiracy role playing with the "suicides" and "pizza parties"

You can be open about your addiction, we have nothing to be ashamed of here.


This is basically a documentary about my life if you want to know me.

I suspect it's more like this:


It would explain how much time you spending posting on here

Oh man, how original, you've called me fat on the internet.

Trump isn't Hitler, the guy just uses fascist populist strategies to scam a bunch of stupid rural people.

It works, why not do it?

Dear Sub-Human Filth,

I'm appealing to all of you stupid idiots to vote Democrat in 2018. That is if you have the basic education enough to read a ballot, anyway. I understand the majority of you racist rednecks can't even read this post, though. But those who can, please pass my message on to the rest of your inbred family.

We Democrats are morally, culturally and intellectually superior to you in every way. I will qualify myself by noting that I have a Liberal Arts degree from a college, which you obviously have never been to, if you even know what one is. I also have a black friend. I have been told by several professors that everything you hold dear is terrible. Therefore you, personally, are also terrible.

I don't know you, but I know that you're racist. I also know that you hate gay people and still get scared during lightning storms.

The religion which you hold closely, greatly believe in, and which brings you comfort--you are wrong because I'm smarter than you and I'm telling you so. It is one of the many reasons why you are stupid and I'm better than you.

You see, us Democrats want a system which helps everyone in the world. Our system is designed around love and kindness to everyone. If you don't agree, I hate you.

It's not too late to change. If you knew your history, which of course you don't, you'll remember a time in America when Indians were dragged away from their homes and forced to assimilate into white society. Well, we want to change that kind of behaviour (sorry for my spelling, as I'm not from your country) by making sure you go to college and have a small apartment in a big, busy coastal city, where you belong. That will help you rid yourselves of your backward, incorrect culture and way of thinking. We'll do everything we can to make sure you agree with us and say all the right things and not be brainwashed against thinking the same way we do.

All of you stupid, backward, redneck, racist, homophobic, uneducated yokels need to realize we're trying to build a classless society where we all get to live in harmony with each other, where we're all equal. If you only understood that you wouldn't be so much worse of a person than I am.

So please vote Democrat. Help me help you, you worthless motherfuckers.

I'd rather they not vote democrat. The day the democratic party panders to the Trumptardian base is the day I never vote democrat again.

Let time erase them.

This but unironically.

Obama isn't Joseph, the guy just uses left-wing populist strategies to scam a bunch of stupid urban dwellers.

It works, why not do it?

Obama was a fucking neo-liberal slightly left of center democrat.

Trump is a far-right populist, at least in rhetoric.

These two are not the same.

Trump is a fucking neo-liberal[sic] slightly right of center Republican.

Obama is a far-left populist, at least in rhetoric.

These two are not the same.

You'd do well to learn the difference between propaganda and reality. The idea Trump is far right is just hilariously divorced from reality.

Ok, you clearly have some type of cognitive problem so I'm going to let this go.

Ok, you clearly have some type of cognitive problem so I'm going to let this go.

lol you lost, badly

Oh, you're one of those ukranian neo-nazis, huh?

trump is a terrible failure and objectively a mess, deal with it

Oh no it's retarded

Which demographic do you think fascists scammed, historically?

lol trumptard snowflakes here really fucking hate these truth posts, eh?

I do so enjoy when they start desperately trying to justify the retarded hitler comparisons.

No no we're comparing him to when hitler entered office. No it doesn't matter that there are no policy similarities. Hitler comparisons are still totally valid since uh...they're both populists?

Our current PM was compared to Hitler because...he suddenly got popular. I'm not even kidding, I read an editorial on a reputed newspaper that basically went 'The last time a leader was this popular was in Weimar Germany, 1932' . He had been a CM(Governor equivalent) for 15 years before, so it wasn't even like he was an outside candidate like Trump.

Everytime Pew does a survey and reports his approval ratings are still over 80%,there's so much bussy blasting in the national sub.

I got to say, those guys are just stupid. One moment Trump is an idiot, but also a master manipulator capable of corrupting all forms of government while beating multiple political dynasties in the election. He's also a would be dictator that has lowered the power of the government and fights for gun rights.

No. They never tried to make sense, they just use what ever stupid thought comes to their stupid heads and type it out so their stupid plebbitors group for a round of applause.

Funnily enough, hitler himself was considered as a clown at the time. Until he took over that is.


they aren't laughing anymore

Nice steelman. You're a top specimen for sure.

I have to say, that thread is interesting as fuck, so much blatant shilling