Drama in r/TrollXChromosomes when commenter says Dave Chappelle is funny

33  2018-01-22 by samosacel


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Aside from the fact that of course you'd want to police comedy, I have a pretty common definition of all these -ist and -phobia things:

People who dislike people on the sole basis of their skin color, orientation, gender, etc.

What is it about making jokes (even ones that rely on mean-spiritedness and cruelty to form a punchline) that tells you in Dave Chappelle's heart of hearts he really dislikes people simply for being trans?

I mean, this isn't anything new... Progressives bawl about someone making fun of something they think is ttly srs guise. More at 11.

Imagine being a woman and having to spend half your time arguing about guys in dresses.

The post was removed. Tough crowd.

It's not about disagreements, it's about how degrading what he said was. It's as offensive as a white person blurting out a bunch of black jokes.

That uncomfortable moment when the comment above goes straight through /u/kittieslays head because she's too dense and triggered to understand.

Dave Chappelle is muslim and u/kittieslays is an islamophobic bigot for critizing him.

u/kittieslays needs to answer for being an islamaphobic cunt, and let’s also not forget kink shaming

They should round up the folks on that sub and send them to Iran

u/gingerbizcuit and u/semen_slurper Dave Chappelle is funny, get over it.

Wow his tranny jokes were super tame and he had a whole 2 minute disclaimer about not having a problem with them before. And they’re still mad. Just lol.