Race-obsessed SRSers with no sense of self-awareness go on quest to prove race doesn't exist

49  2018-01-22 by CultOfCuck


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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(((Jews))) > Eurasians > Asians > Mayos.

Stay Woke, Snappy.

are europeans considered eurasian mayos?

are europeans considered eurasian mayos?

Eurasian mayos, meaning they're destined for the ole wood chipper.

Mayos aren’t people

While subhuman, the mayos still form a race of cave-dwelling monkeys.

I like being a cave dwelling monkey thank you very much.


What do you have to say about the above comment?

But that is logically consistent.

Racism exists, but race doesn't have a purely biological definition and is entirely socially constructed. Both of those things can be true.

Someone's skin-color is largely genetically insignificant (like hair or eye color) but it doesn't stop people from treating each other differently based on that characteristic.

shh, pls no logic. Make brain hurt.

But seriously, yeah I concede, you're right.

I'm fence sitting on this bitch though.

I mean you can 'fence sit' all you like but its true. There simply is no biological or scientific definition of what exactly a 'race' is. Race is simply the practice of over-emphasizing skin color in someone's genotype.

Is skin color represented in someone's genetics? Yes. But then again so is hair color, and eye color, why don't we consider all red haired people therefore a 'race'? Its biologically measurable. Because for some reason our society doesn't consider hair color all that important in terms of defining someone but it considering skin color extremely important.

Race Is arbitrary and purely based upon how people appear vs. what their actual genetics are.

Is skin color represented in someone's genetics? Yes.

Alright, but doesn't this alone invalidate the social construction part?

Alright, good points, yet still unconvinced. However, I'm not well-research enough nor ideologically driven enough to argue this one.

You are the best kind of correct (technically). But that doesn't mean scientists don't use the word race and it doesn't mean anything. I think what you are getting at is when average people say it, that it doesn't mean what they think it means.

Every single word we use for anything is "socially constructed" but that doesn't magically do away with the observable phenomenon the word is supposed to describe. I'm not sure why that was included as it's sort of irrelevant. I find that's sentence people whip out when they are trying to dismiss something lazy style.

Just taking a quick poke around and the human hierarchy goes something like...

  • top level -> Primate
  • Homo sapiens (Species)
  • Homo sapiens sapiens (Subspecies)

then if you want to subdivide further

  • race (Genetically distinct locality)
  • subrace (division below)
  • ....more subdivision
  • ...

and on down to microbiology and combined stains and individual strains. They just use these words to categorize notable differences it appears to me.

it says race may be and is used but not extensively to identify genetically distinct populations of individuals within the same species or you can use ethnicity or [local] population or w/e. It's just a word like any other to subdivide or categorize when enough notable differences are observed that it is warranted or useful to do so. Words are just pointers.

After reading some evolutionary biology, I agree tho that people use the word in a super lazy way that doesn't really describe anything. However if general society feels like there is enough difference to warrant categorization they will do it regardless. That's just the sloppy reality.

TBF its a large group of poeple they dont always agree on everything. except 'whit guy' = 'bad person'

Between that sub overridden with political shit and the other smaller pic-driven subs being basically /r/EarthPorn 2.0, I decided all picture subreddits are dumb.


"majority of scientists agree we'd probably preffer not to know the truth for now"

If you're so afraid of finding out the truth about something that you write what you did above, you need to seriously rethink your intellectual position.

You want him to do you know so much you could say anything?

Try again, sans bath salts pls

Your syntax sucks, as does your cognitive capacity

/u/giroth, do you want to know your HIV status now? Or later?

Well, I'm positive

And now we know your status too

Technically speaking races don't exist in humanity and all attempts at forcing race into genetics and taxonomy are pseudoscience at best.

/u/GearyDigit, why would the top scientific journal in the world publish research by a Stanford professor publish pseudoscience?

Within-population differences among individuals account for 93 to 95% of genetic variation; differences among major groups constitute only 3 to 5%.



What is this? 2012?

Actually, she's right. There are the Coloureds that make up the human race, and the subhuman europeans. Humanity can't progress until its destroys the forces are holding us back.

Narcissism of small differences

The narcissism of small differences (German: der Narzissmus der kleinen Differenzen) is the thesis that it is precisely communities with adjoining territories and close relationships that engage in constant feuds and mutual ridicule because of hypersensitivity to details of differentiation. The term was coined by Sigmund Freud in 1917, based on the earlier work of British anthropologist Ernest Crawley. In language differing only slightly from current psychoanalytic terminology, Crawley declared that each individual is separated from others by a taboo of personal isolation, a narcissism of minor differences.

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OP got gilded 3 times for this shit?

r/peopleholdingsigns at it again I see.

Sickle cell anemia is a social construct!

They'd be so angry if it were a mayokin with that sign.

They'd be literally mayociding right now.

The modern classification of "color" is useless and meaningless. The concepts "red, blue, green, orange", etc. are social constructs that vary between cultures. We should be describing them in EMR wavelengths instead.

There is only one color: The visible light color ✊🏿.

It race doesnt exist there is no problem with a 100% white society.


By this point, is there any difference between SRS and race realists

As a morally superior radical centrist I just want to note that every single comment in that thread is 100% fucking retarded.

Being a complete fucking moron is a social construct.