Very woke troll gets well-fed over wammen's march drama in /r/pics

40  2018-01-22 by CultOfCuck


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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u/Vacomiun is literally /u/ed_butteredtoast in like 6 months.


Seems pretty forced. Delete this tbh

You seem really sad sometimes.



sometimes he's funny

i have a confession: i think i actually did defend mommy a couple weeks ago

someone was like "what, you think we should have gone with the side of beef who declared war on Pepe the frog?" and I was like "between those two? yeah, probably. but the Pepe thing was some paid flunky who ran a campaign blog."

then I immediately thought "shit, what would /u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu say"?

but the Pepe thing was some paid flunky who ran a campaign blog."

You're right. It may have even been a troll. But for the love of God, it was up for a year. It may still be up for all I know. The fact that that assfart of a post got approved, posted, and subsequently stayed up during the criticism can be used as an indictment of the campaign at large.

well yeah it's obviously a strike against the campaign, it's an official part of it.

but how would it be a strike against the candidate

but how would it be a strike against the candidate

I don't think it is personally, but in general candidates are relentlessly hounded for the kinds of company they keep and the behavior of their subordinates.

mommy makeout day

/u/Vacomiun how do you feel about the mayocide?


I LOVE being white. Even though people who look like me shit on and discriminate others daily on all fronts, I feel amazing to have been born the way I am.

I love my clear, white skin. I love that when I get tan, I get even darker. I love my hair, which is so versatile that I can have it bone-straight one day and wavy the next. I love my full lips. I love how if I put lotion all over my body and walk outside, my body glimmers like everyone else's body would glitter if they put lotion on it and walked outside in the sun.

I love that my ancestors have proven themselves to be strong and dominant for hundreds of years.

I love how people who look like me basically originated all classical music. I love how I can walk up to most white folk and have camaraderie with them.

I love how my experience of being a white man makes me more empathetic to the plight of other people.

I love white men, I LOVE white women, I love white children, I love white films, I love white businesses, I love white artists...I love being white and I love white people!

Screw TwoX and the person who made the black version of this and all of the other goof balls over there. See how extremely stupid it is to say how much you love the color of your own skin. Chill out on the passionate love you have for the color of your skin. It's not whats on the outside that matters. It's on the inside.

We're all the same color on the inside.

Kill yourself immediately.

Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. u/Standard12,

Thank you for taking the opportunity to contact u/T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy.

Your suggestion was received on 22nd January 2018, and subsequently thoroughly reviewed and carefully considered by our staff. However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to approve your request for me to kill myself.

Yearly, u/T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy receives many suggestions from all over the globe. While any suggestions are appreciated, we did not feel that your suggestion would be an appropriate fit for our limited roster of approved proposals.

An analysis of the potential costs and benefits have determined that carrying out your request would result in an estimated bare minimum net deficit of approximately 70 years, with no maximum net deficit. To put things into context, the wealthiest firm made less than 125 years, and the average firm makes only 70-80 years. Implementing your proposal would require reducing the sum of our total income and savings to zero years.

Please do not hesitate to contact me again should you have any cost-effective suggestions.



Cut off your hands.

no u

I can see how you do one, but how do you do the second one? Table saw? Don't those things have safeties to prevent it?

Most of them don't have that. Its a really expensive system and for the most part only trade schools get them to keep accidents down. The big mill shops that could afford them can also afford an automated CNC machine to make the use of humans and table saws almost completely unnessisary. The table saws used on job sites would be too heavy if they had them and they're regularly stolen so it's bad idea to spend so much on them.

Not that that matters. The tool to use for cutting off your own hands is a shop band saw, not a table saw. If you can find one, a guillotine would work well too.


I love how if I put lotion all over my body and walk outside, my body glimmers like everyone else's body would glitter if they put lotion on it and walked outside in the sun.

You understand me on a deeply spiritual level

I love the thought of you ending your own life.


stfu cumskin


someone should x these fuckers out,little over privileged,millennial,asshole,idiots.i can see why you hide your faces,i'd be embarrassed if I were you you even know whats going on in the world outside your cocoon in the basement?i mean real shit,not the crazy made up shit but the real?if you did,i'm sure you would find a better use of your time,not this stupid,flag burning,name calling,destroying private property bullshit you do.impotent little pieces of flagging shit.fuck you......

I'm going to assume that since you're posting in this Nazi sub that you're a cis-white male. I learned how to punch from the veteran antifa warriors, thumb in, fist out. I'll see you in the streets and yes, I will be behind a mask because we are anonymous, WE ARE EVERYWHERE, WE ARE ONE AND WE ARE MANY.

I have my signs, mine during the march on Saturday read, "DOWN town WITH DRUMPF," a true saying and only malicious to those (ciswhite males) who are against the great cause. Also, my dad's rich and he gives me a huge allowance. I live in an upscale luxury apartment while I complete my computer programming degree, I don't know why you trailer trash ratards keep projecting your poverty stricken lives onto me. I drive a brand new fuckin Toyota, ass clown.

You all have absolutely no idea how big of a mistake you're making to support the current liberal/progressive movement. It's a network of psychopaths- the sudden emergence of radical SJW feminism, and now Antifa, is like the arm of this network, and it's a gradual psychological take over of our society. They've brainwashed you, and you're helping to march them straight into power where they will destroy day to day life as you know it once they are there. Their entire narrative and M.O is prototypical ASPD- anti-social personality order, aka psychopath. I've spent years infiltrating various communities, darkweb forums they use, etc, and I absolutely promise you you are a making a mistake you will regret. I worry that it's too late. My only solace is that one day, you WILL inevitably realize that I am right.

There's a disproportionate amount of old white men in politics, where there should be more women, blacks, LGBTQ+ and other minorities.

/u/vacomiun why do you morons think that lgbtq people make up more than a miniscule portion of the population? Reflective representation would put the whole group at like 2 seats in Congress which they probably have.

There'd probably be more downies than trannies 😂😂

Racism and sexism are on the rise but the Deumpfff is on his way out? 🤔

I suspect this kind soul is being a tiny bit disingenuous...

“Disingenuous” implies he knows the truth but chooses to speak falsehood instead... I think the word you were looking for was DELUSIONAL...

I'm a privileged white guy from a wealthy family

u/Vacomiun, shut your fucking mayo mouth.

just another male feminist...

You're just mad that you live in a trailer with some big old cow named named Janeece. I am a male feminist. I stand for the rights of women, blacks, LGBTQA+++, Dreamers and I voted for Hillary, not just once, but three times in three separate counties. I went to a black church in Alabama and revoked my white genes. I will be marrying a black transwoman and we will adopt up to six latina children and teach them the great ways of tolerance.

At least you're doing your part for the mayocide.

Keep yourself safe

7 more years of Drumpf it is.


We need you here. Please join this sub

I knew I was being brigaded by sick ass white Nazi's.

Stay pasty my cracker.