Female incels on TrollX come out in support of chopping off penises.

145  2018-01-22 by T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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I don't see a problem with it

But dicks are so cute!! omg (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ when you hold one in your hand and it starts twitching its like its nuzzling you(/ω\) or when they perk up and look at you like" owo nya? :3c" hehe ~ penis-kun is happy to see me!!(^ワ^)and the most adorable thing ever is when sperm-sama comes out but theyre rlly shy so u have to work hard!!(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧ but when penis-kun and sperm-sama meet and theyre blushing and all like "uwaaa~!" (ノ´ヮ´)ノ: ・゚hehehe~penis-kun is so adorable (●´Д`●)・::・

I liked it when my ex went off her meds.

It’s a pity about that date with Grace.

kill yourself

pls no bully

C E A S E  B U L L I

Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. u/Standard12,

Thank you for taking the opportunity to contact u/T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy.

Your suggestion was received on 22nd January 2018, and subsequently thoroughly reviewed and carefully considered by our staff. However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to approve your request for me to kill myself.

Yearly, u/T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy receives many suggestions from all over the globe. While any suggestions are appreciated, we did not feel that your suggestion would be an appropriate fit for our limited roster of approved proposals.

An analysis of the potential costs and benefits have determined that carrying out your request would result in an estimated bare minimum net deficit of approximately 70 years, with no maximum net deficit. To put things into context, the wealthiest firm made less than 125 years, and the average firm makes only 70-80 years. Implementing your proposal would require reducing the sum of our total income and savings to zero years.

Please do not hesitate to contact me again should you have any cost-effective suggestions.



You didn't even change your form letter. Fucking rank amateur.

Oh fuck lol. My bad!

Anytime you see a woman asserting her humanity and autonomy, there will always be an agent of the patriarchy whose failure to acknowledge agency in their own inadequacy compels them to treat such an idea as the true threat to society and their wellbeing. It’s a delusional game of Marco Polo where they think yelling ‘Polo’ every time you say ‘Marco’ obligates you to play.

Kind of amazing that women like u/vintagejane can only "assert their humanity" by murdering innocent children.

Also fascinating to know that in their paranoia-addled minds they actually believe people are "agents of the patriarchy", it's sad to see what this deranged conspiracy does to people.

Hey /u/vintagejane, you do know a higher percentage of women oppose abortion than men.


The media coverage of the abortion issue often seems to make the assumption that women are more opposed to restrictions on abortion. Polls consistently show the opposite – that women are more likely than men to support a reduction on the abortion limit. In the 2011 YouGov poll 28% of men supported a reduction, 46% of women did.

Granted, this is Britain, but still.

"""""Patriarchy""""" my arse.

of course she wouldn't know that, facts are REEEEEvil

Your poll is about abortion limits not support for abortion. If you take a look at support for abortion (speak legal in all or most cases), it's split evenly between men and women (75 vs 77%):


The big difference is when abortion should be illegal. 20% of women say the limit should be reduced to less than 20 weeks, whereas only 11% of men say this. But if you take a look at the number that has more to do that most men don't care or know anything about abortion limits. 19% of men had no opinion about until when abortions should be legal or not.

This is also on par with the US. Men and women are split if abortion should be legal (52 vs 49%):


And they are also split evenly on limits:


So basically in every case men support legal and/or less restricted abortion as much or significantly more than women. Which is exactly what he said.


In the Uk 75% of men support legal abortion. 77% of women support legal abortion. I don't see how this is significantly more. What differs are abortion limits.

Fair enough, looks like she didn't take the bait anyway.

We're talking about humans here, not Brits

You sound like the "white moderate" MLK refered to in his letter from a Birmingham jail.


MLK really did us a solid on that one, instant civil-rights-leader-approved purity spiral.

chop their weenies off. Slay qween.


Kill yo babies


Let me guess: that IgnoDomini person or whatever they’re called who occasionally shows up here?

Literally one of the worst posters on SRD.

Rape jokes are funny after all

Okay, I am fucking sick and fucking tired of these fucking threads about rape! RAPE IS NOT FUCKING FUNNY! Joke about anything else you want, r/drama.... Joke about cp, joke about loli, joke about murder, joke about drugs, but DON'T FUCKING JOKE ABOUT RAPE! Rape DESTROYS a woman, it STRIPS HER OF HUMANITY! It is disgusting, inhumane, regressive and insane. RAPE IS OFF THE FUCKING TABLE, r/drama, NOT EVEN YOU FUCKING VIRGIN ASSHOLES CAN BE SUCH FUCKHOLES THAT YOU JOKE ABOUT A WOMAN'S WOMANHOOD BEING VIOLATED! And no, I am not some lesbian dyke cunt, I am a woman. I was raped. My virginity taken from me, I can never give it to a man I love. I was raped again and again and again and again and again by a random stranger when I was 15, And between you and me something amazing happened...and now I can talk to animals! Its really cool! But totally a secret. And you know what? Life's never been the same.

This is spicy, got a source for this?

Thanks babe


And how!

What the fuck have you done

Why not just sew their vaginas shut? That seems to work for Africa


Stop kinkshaming infibulation fetishists pls

Cut the wall and give them a vaganus.

Neologistic portmanteau not needed, it's called a cloaca

Cut the wall and give them a vaganus.



Sewing orifices shut is approved by the Method Man himself

Works for rape too. Win win

So does /u/thehumble_1 not think Brock Turner was a rapists then?

that's a surprisingly specific concern you have there friend

when you interact with someone who knows nothing about you, then they launch into an attack with specific fears and concerns that have nothing to do with anything, you're dealing with an immature person who is describing their own problems

so congratulations on telling the world your frustrations


good luck to you dude, you need some growth. try talking to people honestly

Psychological projection

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually intolerant may constantly accuse other people of being intolerant. It incorporates blame shifting.

According to some research, the projection of one's unconscious qualities onto others is a common process in everyday life.

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Wait, who you talking too?

u/SAC-Lawn_Gnome. I think that's very clear, all things considered.

It's pasta.

ooooo how very Meta. I like it.

Didn't know he had removed his penis. I mean 70% of the time it works 100% of the time.

Well seeing as they never used it, like some other rapists, it appears having or not having one would be inconsequential in hindering their crimes.

This must be some of that woman comedy I hear so much about. Hilarious stuff. And that sub is definitely 10/10 lulz mastertrollz. Between the incel types and their legbeard counterparts, why are so many people so cringey nowadays? Maybe I am just getting old.

TrollX is quickly becoming my favorite sub on this site. I'm just addicted to the outrage.

I'm just addicted to their outrage

That's funny cause that's why I come here.

We deal in crypto-outrage here though


There is nothing cryptic about my rage.

I just have trouble expressing it.

Don't like. You come here for bussy pics just like everyone else.

Excuse me? I have my very own bussy thank you.

Provide proof


No butt for real. I am a mentally ill transgendered so all I got is a bussy.

> mentaly ill

> not posting lewd photos online


nobody likes an autophiliac. share the love


Deviation from the mean. Everythings already been said so much that all thats original is the mad thoughts most self respecting people are ashamed of.

Between the incel types and their legbeard counterparts, why are so many people so cringey nowadays?

Never leave house+curated information bubble=you turn into a nutter.

It's amazing how all of these disgusting people are like "abortion is a fundamental right" but the very instant you bring up the topic of financial abortion (also known as a statutory abort) for men who don't want to be parents, suddenly they're all on the "No no that's totally different" bandwagon.

The funny thing is that I believe in abortion rights and would support them under other circumstances, but why on earth would I fight to help somebody who won't help me? If I don't have the right to choose, then at least nobody else is going to have it either.

I am not pro-life or pro-choice. I am pro-abortion. I believe all children deserve death. All government funding across the world should go towards planned parenthood. No more military, no more healthcare, just abortions. Unite all the countries in the world for this cause. Change the UN into the UA, United Abortions. All these silver spoon politicians sitting up in their ivory towers, not giving a single fuck about what happens to the common man? Without us, they are nothing. What about the real problems, huh? The human race needs to be eradicated. That's just the simple truth. #humanabortion2018

FINALLY someone who understands me!

cut off my genitals mommy 😫😫 😍😍


please shove your stiletto heels up my cut off dicks urethra while telling me i'll never be a man like my dad 🍆🍆💦 💦


you are now a mod of /r/childfree

This, but unironically.

I am pro-helicopter. Just leftists need to be eradicated.

The weakest agenda post I've ever seen smdh

Let's not forget that a fetus isn't a baby but if someone hits a pregnant woman with their car and the fetus is 'killed', that person can be charged with murder or manslaughter. Really makes you 🤔🤔🤔

The talking point in the abortion vs. financial abortion debate always comes down to - “it may not be fair, and that’s biology.

Amazingly, this “biology” argument only works in favor of women. For example, this is against maternity leave. I mean, sure, leaving your job to raise kids sucks - but these are the cards that are dealt to us. Women have babies and men do not. That’s biology.

But not giving women 3 years maternity leave at 125% their pay is literally woman hating patriarchy

Feminists in general don't grasp the concept of "flawed allies".

People they disagree with on certain issues, but are useful in certain fights.

They think if you have one view that doesn't align with them that you are basically their version of an SP (suppressive person) from scientology.

Feminists in general don't grasp the concept of "flawed allies".

This is also true if you misinterpret "flawed allies" to mean extremist nutters that hurt your cause.

Why are we the only ones who have to refrain from using extremist nutters?

Extremist nutters get shit done.

You see that post on trueoffmychest about being sick of being the bigger man?

I agree, the right gets to be "the ends always justify the means" why can't we? I want to be crazy lefty and spit and shout at right side dickholes who have shouted at me my whole life.

Being a little bitch has never fixed anything


You don't use extremists nutters as much as they use you.
See the classic "hey maybe if we close an eye when it comes to right wing squads they'll keep communists at bay".

statutory abort

Who? Who is against that? Do you really think that is the majority of pro-choice women?

Straw man.

I'm against that, I don't want my taxes to go up to pay for Chad's crotchspawn!1!

But unironically, let's not.

Why do you hate women?

Don't be silly; the people on TrollX do not in any way qualify as women. That's like saying bread mold is the same thing as bread.

When will proud alt-righters realize that women have and always been the real scheming jews all along. Think about it.

  • Present in every country
  • International collaboration
  • dominate jobs in the media
  • leech wealth from a country without contributing in return
  • overwhelmingly support immigration, but have their own country (isle of lesbos) that they won't allow immigration to

Time to take the final redpill and realize who your real masters are. Time for men to go their own way with other men.

Lol, trollxers gave 2000+ karma to a r/drama regular.

Which could cause your entire genitals to rip in half. Imagine if you were forced to have your body ripped apart and perhaps damaged for the rest of your life just because of someone else's views?

First of all /u/pikabb, no the vagina does not tear in half during childbirth. You are not giving birth to a fucking Xenomorph.

Secondly do you really think no woman on Earth actually wants kids?

no the vagina does not tear in half during childbirth

Yes it can.

Secondly do you really think no woman on Earth actually wants kids?

When did I say otherwise? This is about being forced to (by restricting access to medical procedures).

I think all medical procedures shoyld be restricted only to those make atleast 250k a year

Yes it can.

A lot of things """can""" happen, you fucking cow. You CAN break your collarbone by flopping out of bed like the pig we all know you are. Does that mean that you should just never get out of bed?

For a normal, sane, well-adjusted person? No, it doesn't mean that. But for you? Please never get out of bed again.

Oh, don't go to sleep by the way, you can swallow a spider.

Good points.

Please keep your emotions down, you're not being logical. Name calling is for 9 year olds.

Sorry, I'll try and get my diatribes peer-reviewed from now on.

Holy shit I spit out all of my salad because of laughter.


You CAN break your collarbone by flopping out of bed like the pig we all know you are.

oh my god

You know the option of not having sex is on the table.

Don't be silly! "If you didn't want a baby you should have kept it in your pants" is only for men.

Who forced them to fuck in the first place?


Shit! Just remembered that I haven't visited r/HFY since forever lol.

She's probably referring to an episiotomy.

I knew a girl who refused to have her episiotomy stitched back up because she hated her husband, lol. Good times.

How does that even work?

I won't have a part of MY body fixed because fuck that guy.


Something about how making pussies tighter was male privilege or some insane shit.

This was before SJWs, so she was just a hippie chick that really hated her husband.

/u/pikabb's account deleted!!!!


Low tier SJW bait and all you fucking incels fall for it. ffs what has r/drama come to

You post in /r/DestinyTheGame, you have no right to call anyone out for literally any reason, you scum.

You post in r/drama, you no right to call anyone scum out for literally any reason, you fag.

(((Also, who am I even calling out? Pointing out that you retards are falling for a sign that was obviously meant to incense anti SJWs is not calling anyone out, retard)))

This is like laughing at people that get mad at some retard sitting nigger to everyone and pretending the person shouting nigger is the normal person in the equation.

If I make a "kill all kikes, race war now" sign, the logical reaction is NOT to think my only goal was to piss off anti-racist activists.

Obviously because you are an actual Nazi

Grammer Nazi, ty

you can't really troll post history in /r/drama..........

Yeah? You sure about that hon? Hello? I just did? Hello?

I know everyone is going to think this is violent and morbid but I think it's just as terrible and to force a woman to go through pregnancy and childbirth. The point is: the only thing you can control is your own body.

just as terrible and to force a woman to go through pregnancy and childbirth


Yeah man, pregnancy and childbirth is literally the worst thing in the entire fucking world. I mean hello? How do you not know this?

For all of human history, every pregnancy, every birth is an unspeakable atrocity against womankind. No woman has EVER wanted to have a kid! There is no biological incentive for birth, and no reason our species might have oriented ourselves around it for as long as recorded history!

And these people have the nerve to judge Dave Chapelle.

Well, sex reassignment surgery is a pretty decent contraceptive, if a bit on the expensive side... it's 100% effective though, so you can't argue with those results! Turns out trans women have been preventing abortions for a while now, I wonder why the far right still doesn't like us... you'd think that would be right up their alley! ;)

Thank you for becoming infertile. I am appreciate your efforts on converting people into becoming a tranny but people that bitter aren't getting laid anyway.

Lol well it looks like someone doesn't understand sarcasm ;)

So it was just pointless rambling to let everyone know you are trans and to make it about you.

Who could see that coming?


Keep Your Fetus Safe

Technology has advanced to the point where the human penis is no longer needed. Leaving the penis on the human male only puts him at risk of penile cancer and is also a major weakness that can cause him to be killed in a fight if the penis is injured and he is in too much pain from the attack to fight back. By removing the penis, we will have removed a major weakness in the human male that will make him stronger overall. As for reproduction the human penis is also obsolete. With in-vitro fertilization we can impregnate females using a massive supply of sperm donations. Limiting reproduction to in-vitro fertilization methods also protects against unplanned pregnancy especially in teens by ensuring everyone who does get pregnant wanted to be pregnant. Why else go through in-vitro fertilization if you did not want a child? As for the hormones the genitals usually created in men that helped with growth, We can just give all men hormone therapy and they will still grow and develop normally. Peeing will not be a problem either as we can just put a hole someone instead and that should work I guess. Even with all this, I would like to hear the other side who still feels the human penis is needed. What are your thoughts and how would you defend the existence of the human penis? What do you think keeps it from being irrelevant like the appendix? I'd be willing to change my mind if I heard a good argument. Thanks..

Amen 🙇

Like all other signs that day, it was dumped on the street for a male sanitation worker to pick up.

Guuuuuuurrlllll power!!!!!!!!

I'm in favour of chopping off penii, but only because I'm trans and I want one.

"Penes", you fucking illiterate. When the singular is "penius" we'll get around to discussing whether the plural should be "penii".

(There should be a macron over the second "e" but who's got the time?)