In a thread on vaccinations, two future drama mods battle it out. Two redditors enter, two autistic fools shall leave!

15  2018-01-22 by Lawgustmarck


Didn't we just met this lolcow in /r/canada?

Yessir. But since xey seems so amusing it would be a waste of popcorn to not list xir’s activity.

"You're simply articulating a false definition of freedom." /u/shillbot ?

"You're simply articulating a false definition of freedom." /u/Snapshillbot ?

I have yet to meet an anti-vaxxer, but you'd think there are billions of them with how much reddit loves to circle jerk about them.

Do you have kids? No one walks around advertising themselves as "ANTI-VAXX".

I had never met an anti-vaxxer either until I had my first. Since then I've been asked on more than one occasion if I "did my research" before vaccinating my son, which is I'm sure the opening into their anti-vaxx spiel, or would be if I didn't shut it down immediately.

Are there a billion white women?

You don't tend to meet them unless you are around a lot of hippies or uneducated housewives who believe that everything that doesn't grow on a plant is a chemical.