3 users make the exact same comment to push anti-DNC pro-Bernie Sanders Narrative

77  2018-01-22 by [deleted]



I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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ShariaBlue are losing their touch.

They aren't nearly as subtle as they used to be.

Why would ShariaBlue post anything pro-Bernie?

They wouldn't, but this type of coordinated posting is what people think shareblue does.

Disclaimer: If you watch these Bernie subs you can see a lot of obvious propaganda.

The narrative is anti-Democrat pro-Left with a sprinkle of "Russia is innocent" added on top.

He can still win guys!

so you're saying there's still a chance

Only 194 people have to be impeached/resign/die for Bernie to be president!

It also needs to be in a very short time period, so that nobody else can be elected to replace them, but it's still doable.

Obama's death panels could have handled that ez


It's time for fresh blood. Manning for prez.

Match me!

They're just correcting the rec-wait, shit.

revolution messaging is spinning in their grave.

I think the extra $80 billion in military spending that Trump didn’t ask for and that all but four Democrat senators voted for is far more damning, both morally and politically, than some Dems backing Trump’s wall. The wall’s more a symbol of hatred than an effective deterrent to illegal immigration, and $1.6 billion is chump change is terms of what we need for free college and universal healthcare. Whereas our military is a disgusting imperial death machine and that extra $80 billion could have covered Bernie’s college plan with money to spare.

But they’re both bad and this person’s point is well taken. Leftists should keep these things in mind when discussing policy with neolib Dems.

wew lad

TIL Democrats = "Leftists"

Bernie "Killed Rosa Luxembourg" Sander's is the only leftist in the Democratic Party. Everyone else is an opportunistic "radical centrist".

It's actually u/bobbi_baloni not aintgottimeforbs7

WHOOPS, fixed.

keep yourself safe OP

hang on what the fuck

are these actual russian bots???

or someone trying to make that narrative "real"

More like a bot account to farm karma which can then be sold for more money.

how poor do you have to be?

It turns out that nobody really wanted Bernie to win, and his support came from Republicans who wanted someone easy to beat (little did they know).



There isn't any /r/drama has become SRS for comments of left wingers

Damnit, i knew we shouldn't have elected Trump

Are bots left wingers now?

Stop crying you commie shemale. It's been like this for years.

OP is either a radfem hillbot or a bootlicking trumptard. either way he should keep himself safe.

The vast, vast majority of this sub is agenda posting. Where have you been?

As if this sub cares about drama. There's that shrink in Japan that was suing some redditor and everyone made those autistic posts instead of just laughing at said redditor for his idiocy.

Lol, $80bil wouldn’t cover free college for everyone, no matter what uncle bern tells you.

He meant that he'd be able to provide free weed to all college students.

Oh well he’s gonna need a lot more than that still lol

Not if everyone is a G and does the "Puff Puff Give".

Ya, but like 1/3 of the population has the herpe, So prolly shouldn’t do that

"Puff Puff Give"

Isn’t it “Puff Puff Proletariat”?

Sure it would, when we completely dismantle the military and China becomes world hegemon and de-facto world police, they will reeducate filthy americans for free.

Finally Americans will have a chance to learn about best Korea

이런 기적은 오직 위대한 령도자 김정은 동지의 롕도를 받는 조선에서만 있을수 있는 일입니다


It would of someone would reign these administration fucks in.

And the fucking textbook vendors

those are all online for free now, so fuck em

sure it would- if it’s a public, two-year college, easy.

he didn’t say WHICH college.

Trump University

As long as their isn't an open gay politician at the national level you all should stop voting, Lincoln was a bigger faggot than me and that's saying something.

This isn't /r/subredditcancer nerd

this is like, diet subreddit cancer

really shitty post, all around. but i still upvoted, it’s amusing

Well it is a shitpost like every other post in this sub so I mean...

Смерть капитализму!!!!!!!1111

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Hold that bussy... they all shared the same tweet and pressed 'use suggested title'!
