/r/blackladies thinks not judging based on skin color is racist.

88  2018-01-22 by UnexpectedLizard


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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This is the only subreddit where intelligent discourse genuinely exists.

This subreddit is sanctuary to the racist ass bullshit I see all over this website so thank y'all.




I don't know what race you are and that makes me very mad because I don't know what to call you. I'll be general.

Fuck off whitey/nigger/spic/gook/chink/zipperhea/sandnigger/beaner/taconigger/porch monkey/kraut/jap/kike/squint/nip/coon/slant-eye/boon/wetback/spear chicker/wigger/tarbaby/hooknose/cracher/sheep fucker/goat fucker/exhaust eater/towel head/tree nigger/honkey/red neck/greaser/pepper belly/berry picker/border bunny/latrino/etc etc.

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.

exhaust eater

genuinely curious what race this is

WTF is an exhaust eater?

exhaust eater
pepper belly

you gots some splaining to do

pepper belly, that's a new one

Best comment ever. Snappy quote, plx.

So many of the drama spouting, histrionic, insanity-laden subs would have its members think that.

I 😍 love 💗 Brazilians 🇧🇷 they be speakin 🗣porch of geese 🐤 n I be like 👅💦💦💦 damn daddy 👶 quack quack 🐥

huehuehuehue i raport u

I believe /r/blackladies ascribes to the 'some are more equal then others' view on equality.

Girl, ya sign won't even save your ass from the next traffic stop or some white guy hurling the n-word from his pickup truck. Why stand and pose there in downtown whiteville, and not in front of the mass prisons or in the inner cities, or near the border? You know the real shit that actually divide people by race.

Yes stand out in the boonies for attention. That’ll get you noticed!

/u/maximae2 i got a troll here!

But we live in a society where it has been constructed to dismiss, subvert, and destroy POC

/u/History33 How can society be constructed to attack POC when society itself creates the concept of POC? Did it just suddenly invent the notion of POC?

Let's be honest u/history33 pocs are allowed the privilege of living in mayo society. Outside of the chinks poc's would still be living in mud huts

If there is anything you don't like you get to claim it's socially constructed and oppressive. Thems the rules.

u/enfait why is it a "good look" for a "black female sub" to circleshit on a black woman for saying things it doesn't agree with, especially considering that the message she has that you're opposed to is one of peace and tolerance for all races? Is it because you're a bitter racist?

When black people still have to be twice as good as white people to get a job, or to be taken seriously.

u/sephoricfallout is this what you tell yourself to make up for being submediocre?

I see this claim a lot but there's never any evidence that it's true. It's just an absolute truth they repeat in their own little echo chambers to feel good about themselves.

Even when confronted with the fact most of the empirical data we have says the opposite is true they just double down.

Even when confronted with the fact most of the empirical data we have says the opposite is true they just double down.

It's because blacks can't into abstract reasoning.





Do you get a boner being a racist asshole over the internet? Do you want me to give you more sources mister?

Yes, it does. Now bend over!

What am I to do with those sources? The information you've presented here is consistent with what I would expect when you have empirical redundant data sets showing a 15 point gap between Black and White IQ scores. Combined with the face that there's a solid chance the Black person with the educational qualifications for the job was only able to obtain those qualifications due to affirmative action and you have a perfectly valid reason to toss a few of their applications into the trash.

But you knew that already.

So to answer the question, yeah he does.


okay lad, stopped there.

same tbh

vox is terrible

Nobody wants to hire some entiteld retard named Da'Michelin Goodyear Robinson.

I wonder if people like you ever consider that the threat of a maliciously litigious URM is real and affects these numbers.


you mean using proper spelling and formatting, or having a resume at all?

this isn't shocking

It's actually the only way I can get off these days.

Conversations with weird many of the more "fringe" types is all about nailing their points down.

They slick around but if you stress the "how would you fix it?" it either becomes things that people are already doing, some form of murder or some reshuffle of society where they get control over people they don't like

You are ignorant if you think what she said is false.





Honestly, you can't even be bothered to Google this yourself?

I mean, she is wrong, and a few highly questionable studies using questionable names doesn't change that.

Black women are more likely to be in college than white women are even.

Black women get into college with lower grades than white women do.

These are "advantages."

We're talking about job applications. Not college. Stay on topic.

It's a very well-studied phenomen. Instead of saying "oh, those studies don't count!1!!", How about you list any studies that counter my point?

Oh and for the record, I'm a pre-med student at an ivy league university. So I wouldn't call myself a "failure". What do you do with your life?

We're talking about job applications. Not college. Stay on topic.

No we're not, but even if we were, you're still stupid. They tested applications with hilariously dumb names and didn't even compare them to dumb sounding "white names" like billy bob.

The only conclusion those studies came to? Don't name your kid like trash.

Oh and for the record, I'm a pre-med student at an ivy league university. So I wouldn't call myself a "failure". What do you do with your life?

If this is true, why do you have such a victim complex? Is it because black women are the least desirable demographic of women?

When black people still have to be twice as good as white people to get a job, or to be taken seriously.

"Get a job". I'm pretty sure we are definitely talking about job applications.

Job applications shouldn't screen for how "ghetto" your name is. It should screen for your competency and ability to get work done. "Jamal" shouldn't get less calls than "Brian" given equal experience.

I don't have a victim-complex. I'm arguing with you because this is a drama subreddit. Not a "niggers are dumb" subreddit. I don't want to see this blatant retardation on the subs I subscribe to. Take that shit to voat.

And I still think it's funny you never actually said what you're doing with your life 🤓

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

When black people still have to be twice as good as white people to get a job, or to be taken seriously.


Job applications shouldn't screen for how "ghetto" your name is. It should screen for your competency and ability to get work done. "Jamal" shouldn't get less calls than "Brian" given equal experience.

You're right, but they do, and the same thing applies to ghetto white trash names as well. Think a George does worse than a Billy bob?

I don't have a victim-complex. I'm arguing with you because this is a drama subreddit. Not a "niggers are dumb" subreddit. I don't want to see this blatant retardation on the subs I subscribe to. Take that shit to voat.

Lmao, I don't think "niggers are stupid" I think black women are lazy, entitled pieces of trash that co-opt the oppression of black men to feel good about themselves.

And I still think it's funny you never actually said what you're doing with your life 🤓

Because this is the internet, you'll never know anything about me. Sorry, your desperate attempts for ad hominem fuel aren't going to fly.

I suggest you go back to banging your ugly ass Asian girlfriend and posting homo-erotic comments on fitness subs.

Well after downvoting every comment of yours I saw I finally found one I upvoted.

Job applications shouldn't screen for how "ghetto" your name is

I mean the same is true if you have some white-trash sounding name too... So what's your point? I mean affirmative action and minority quotas exist. The EEOC protects against racial discrimination. What more do you possibly need?

you know the only reason you got into an ivy is bc you’re black right? if you or asian or white your shitty gpa and sat would have you at some state school.

also pre med=bio major who is gonna make 15 bucks an hour in a lab somewhere. enjoy your free ride!

Darn, didn’t know a 4.2 GPA and a 34 ACT was that bad

What a darn shame..

Darn Counter: 14110


What a darn shame..

Darn Counter: 14132

i’m sure you did babe ;)

be black.

get a 2.9 in non ap/ib courses.

get 999 on the sat.

put lequisha dejonaiase on application.

get into ivy


What percentage of white DNA do you have? You a quadroon or an octaroon?

An Asian with an 80th percentile sat has the same chance of admission to ivy League as an African with a score below the 10th percentile. It's a 400 point penalty assessed on that race. Pretty fucking sad.

I had the same stats as did my brother and we didn’t get into any Ivy’s because it’s basically impossible to as a white male unless you have connections. You have no idea how advantages you are by affirmative action.

Did you apply to Cornell?

I know a white man who plays football here and got in with a 3.6. Also, if I'm not mistaken, more legacy students get accepted than from affirmative action.

Race is a factor. It is not the reason.

this bragging is so, so sad

Politically I'm one her side, i agree with her, but I hate people that brag so fuck her

didn't even realize it's a woman

coming from a subreddit called /r/blackladies

maybe you could use an ivy league school education brainlet

generous to assume that people who post there are actually black women


To be fair, she only brought it up when people began personally attacking her

All subreddits are niggers are dumb subreddits fam.

The only conclusion those studies came to? Don't be ghetto trash when naming your child.


What does a desirable have to do with anything?

Pre-Med isn't anything to brag about. It's incredibly easy to get in and it gives you 0 employment opportunities if med school doesn't take you. A BBA is far more useful.

My main point was that I (a black person) am not a "failure" or a "lazy piece of trash". Pre-med is one of the hardest paths at my school (along with engineering).

What fucking school do you go to where engineering is so easy it's comparable to pre-med? literally every pre-med student I've ever met has been an alcohol demon while the people who took engineering basically became gollumn for 4-5 years. Pre-med is as easy to get through as the arts, it just has worse employment prospects because it's so specified. Pre-law is also another one not to be proud of.

I go to Cornell. Here's a thread about the difficulty of premed here:



Obviously a Reddit thread and College Confidencial isn't "proof" of anything, but I'm not entirely sure what other proof I could provide that it is at least relatively challenging.

If you're in pre-med, you should have a decent enough grasp of how to analyze the trustworthiness of your sources to not post Vox. Also, the classes that people are bitching about in those comments are courses just about every bio/chem/biochem/etc major would take. College is stressful for a lot of people. Pre-med isn't special in that respect. With that said, you should be proud of your academic stats regardless of what the trolls here are saying.

Also also, I'm a Cornell engineering alum (insert easiest Ivy joke here), and I'd say the architecture students easily worked harder than we did

lmfao a bio degree with AP1&2 is now harder than engineering?

Apparently. So either the standards are super low and the engineering program sucks dick or they can't handle much.

My main point was that I (a black person) am not a "failure" or a "lazy piece of trash".

congrats then you got the same advantages that people think white people magically have, and don't get to complain about them

I'm a pre-med student at an ivy league university

Lmfao kid, nice one. You think that will get you any points here hon? I could snap your neck without even looking at you. I could stab you in the back before you even blinked. I can move so fast it's like I can teleport.

Fite me irl m8

I just did, squirt. I was behind you this whole time. You just didn't notice me because I was dodging the rays of light entering your eyeballs. In the end I took pity on you, you're not worthy of my powers.

Oh and for the record, I'm a pre-med student at an ivy league university.

affirmative action at it again

got em

Oh and for the record, I'm a pre-med student at an ivy league university.

You're going to fail out. Affirmative action can't always save you.

ivy league university

Don't try to be cute, anyone saying 'ivy league university' without saying the actual university is from Cornell. Considering how easy it is for a black person to enter a proper Ivy, you must be really stupid.

Oh and for the record, I'm a pre-med student at an ivy league university

lel we're approaching copypasta territory

Thanks cause I get discouraged sometimes

You haven't proved a thing. Get that vox shit journalism out of here.

I literally provided 4 sources in total and you are complaining about one, LOL.

But you're right. I didn't "prove" anything. I did, however, provide evidence that black names are discriminated against during job applications. The comment said "I've never seen evidence that this is true", so I went ahead and provided evidence that it is true.

You posted three. Why should I trust you when you can't even count?

I posted 3 in the previous comment, and one more in another comment. I went ahead and edited the previous comment, so that you wouldn't have to look around for the 4th source (:

The name studies assume that racism already exists (that different races of people have different names) and so are quite questionable.

You are ignorant if you think what she said is false.



Honestly, you can't even be bothered to Google this yourself?

All your linked studies prove is that firm hiring managers have collectively learned that someone named deshawndel is likely to be a shittier worker than a guy named Mike, irrespective of the claims on their resume.

Capitalism is not a system based around leaving money on the table, if there actually existed in reality some untapped group of brilliant driven deshawndels whose talents were chronically underrecognized then someone somewhere would be making a killing hiring them all up together. Or hell, they'd get together and start their own damn company. Somehow this consistently fails to happen.

Also, this doesn't even necessarily say anything about black people vs white people, for all we know it just means black kids whose mothers were smart enough to name them Mike have an edge over the kids whose parents named them some stupid shit like Deshawndel.

To be fair, I find it hard to believe a black dude (I'm talkin' Wesley Snipes) that was two times divorced and five kids by three different women who was A L L E G E D L Y a serial sexual assaultist would make his way to the most powerful office in the land.

I think the black guy (I'm talkin' Donald Glover) that would make it to that office would have to have the same credentials as nearly every white guy that had that job before.

if anything they have to do less work because they get preference with diversity quotas and all

Lol, you don't even know me, and based on your idiotic little comment, you're the one being submediorce being on your sub-par shithole subreddit. Girl, bye.

Okay, so I was right, I figured.

Sorry you're so upset by subreddits that allow for worthwhile and meaningful discussions, unlike your heavily censored racist hatejerk.😞

Best of luck with your ongoing failure to achieve mediocrity.

Looks like we have an Aunt Thomasina on our hands here.

Her kind goes on my avoid list faster than any White feminist

God I love racist black women!

Excuse me? The dictionary definition of racism was written by racist white dudes

Then stop appropriating their language.

Ay hol up my nigga hol up

You're still appropriating their letters, go make your own.


"God I love black women of intelligent discourse!"

Is everyone here going to pretend this piece of shit isn't a literal white supremacist? Are we going to act like this fucking behaviour is okay? This sub has gone to shit. Ever since Trump got elected blatant racism like this is actually encouraged. Wow, fuck this I'm out.

It's only the white nationalists for this black lady

Why does she use "White feminist" as a comparison instead of a neo-Nazi or something?

OP is being intentionally obtuse. If you do not admit to the superiority of the black race, you are being racist. How is this so difficult for fucking white dudebros like you to understand?

Why don't you go use MLK quotes out of context


Sure, race is a social construct. But we live in a society where it has been constructed to dismiss, subvert, and destroy POC, specifically black people, and cannot be undone by declaring that it is no longer a factor (at an annual front for solidarity no less). Dismantling institutional and interpersonal racism can help both her I'll-informed faith in a colorblind human race and the very social construction of a hierarchical race-based society.

If this means anything at all, it seems to mean that the person who wrote it wants to keep racism going and make everything about race, in order to destroy racism and race as a concept. Extraordinary twisted logic.

No, that's not their logic, you dip.

They want to keep clear racial divisions. They want to keep mayos away from their lives. In their utopian future, would be able to rid their country of them.

r/blacklaides is full of middle class, college educated, bitter, unironic black supremacists. They support is the very same institutional tools used for centuries to keep their race disadvantaged, but want control over them.

They'd love to reintroduce redlining, but to control where mayos can move to. They'd love to have de-gentrification, to make historically black neighbourhoods unappealing to mayo vermin. They'd love schools to reintroduce racial segregation, but have blacks get the best schools and mayo scum the underfunded, understaffed, underperfoming shitholes. Etc etc etc

Welp, you convinced me, where do I sign up?

Someone should let them know they can enjoy their paradise today by moving to Liberia.

Remind me again how demanding rights for non citizens by democrats helps black folks?

I would like this community's opinion on this to feel less alone about the bullshit.

Translation: I want validation for my beliefs.

Is reddit for anything else?


The only time we are "one race: human" on Reddit is when they wants to dismiss anti-black racism.

Name one instance of this happening. Saying there's one race doesn't mean racism is impossible.


This subreddit is sanctuary to the racist ass bullshit I see all over this website so thank y'all.

You know that saying it is a sanctuary 'to' and not 'from' means it's the one that has the racist ass bullshit, right? I'm just going to imagine that was a perfect Freudian slip but damn, if you speak just one language, at least learn that well.

I love how they group everyone under POC as if the Arabs and Asians don't despise blacks.

The poor good Doctor King must be spinning around in his grave so hard, I bet he's turned into a tunnel boring machine. I don't give a crap if youre white, brown, or candy striped. I care whether or not you're a scumbag.

Can't play the victim if nobody gives a shit about the color of your skin.

"All Lives Matter" - That Black Girl

/u/maximae2 found a lot of trolls here

Of course they hate the woman in the picture. She doesn't look mentally ill or morbidly obese, and she's smiling, which means /r/blackladies instinctively despises her.

Guys, stop downvoting the lolcows you retards