Alt-Right Ph.D Student Outed After Masquerading as SJW in Student Government

148  2018-01-23 by AntiLuke



look at that sheriff's star!

The only thing off about it is that a seven pointed star is weird.

see, i like to pretend they just made a mistake

Lol should see the Chicago flag, them stars are fucking weird

The first star represents Fort Dearborn. It was added to the flag in 1939. Its six points symbolize transportation, labor, commerce, finance, populousness, and salubrity. The second star stands for the Great Chicago Fire of 1871

lol how are those things equivalent? what do its six points represent?

The other two stars represent World's Fairs

that flag is bullshit, man

It’s Chicago man, my city is a convicted retarded meds

behold the master race

He looks like the Jew from Big Bang Theory. Oh sweet jesus.

hahaha how the fuck is this real life

It's not, the feminist faction was implemented to give players with overweight debuffs a belief system to feel superior about something.



Sounds like he put up two posters, probably "It's ok to be white" or somesuch.

Maybe some 4chan shenanigans

Wow, except for the hair color, he looks like a Nazi propaganda poster of a jew.

what I am doing is a form of performance art


It's actually a really good strategy to provoke people into opening their minds to new ideas. By taking a hyperbole SJW stance people will see the madness in it.

However, he is probably autistic as heck and frick combined.

It's actually a really good strategy to provoke people into opening their minds to new ideas.

Only in fucking America...

Nah, people hate false flags and operating in bad faith. If SJWs are so bad, what's the need?

I didnt mean you necessarily had to lie like he did. Just saying that debating through provocation is an effective method and I bet that it worked fairly well for him until he got caught.

I have it on good authority that it was clear as day what he was trying to do, and that no one was fooled.

this seems overwhelmingly likely tbh

If SJWs are so bad, what's the need?

well it doesn't sound like he got found out from overplaying his role, somebody either heard him when he broke character or he gave it up.

so it's not like he was too extremely spergy or any thing

Not an answer.

He is just trying to start a conversation, duh.

It just creates an autism feedback loop where both sides get more and more outraged. It creates drama but provides no other useful purpose.

Depends how well you do it and how you do it. It doesnt need to be in a context of group vs group

Yeah, there is definitely value in the socratic method/playing devil's advocate when dealing with people with ridiculous opinions but most of the time it seems to be idiots doing it online to troll. Which usually just gets taken as being serious from the rabid anti-sjws who then get even more outraged about the sjw menace, which triggers the sjws and so on and so forth. I realize this is heresy in this sub but I wish sjws and anti-sjws would both shut the fuck up honestly.

I totally agree

I realize this is heresy in this sub but I wish sjws and anti-sjws would both shut the fuck up honestly.

For real life, this would be good. For dramatic purposes, it would create a bear market for drama and a lot of us would lose our drama savings.

Yeah, there is definitely value in the socratic method/playing devil's advocate when dealing with people with ridiculous opinions but most of the time it seems to be idiots doing it online to troll.

On top of that, thanks to people getting tribal on social media it's easier than ever to publicly flog someone for wrongthink and impugn their character, which sorta short-circuits the whole question-and-answer process. Seriously, can you imagine if Socrates was around today? He would be de-platformed so fast it would make your head spin.

Im pretty sure this sub hates both.

some regulars here are from the /r/sjwhate or /r/SRS_SUCKS crowd

you could say they hate both, but that's only because they hate themselves

How does that make you feel?

It hurts my bussy

Creating drama is the only purpose that matters.

Maybe Chelsea Manning heard about this kid and is doing the same in reverse.

No kidding. I heard that Bradsea hasn't even got the chop. Shim is doing performance drag just for the sweet bussy.

creates drama

provides no other useful purpose

It has fulfilled its purpose.

“I am not a Hollywood Nazi,” Oswalt said.

No, you are a short, sallow, chinless wonder who looks Jewish and was named fucking Oswalt.

Dude I love that show


🤓 I'm a nerd tho so haha you probably dont get it 🤣


Sam Hyde?

honestly he probably is an MDE fan

with that face?

what do you think MDE fans look like?



that dude exactly, that's the joke

his face fits what I'd expect, your comment suggests you expect something else

yes that is the joke

At least this one didn't fuck over his friends when they were on the verge of being "popular" tv comedians with his retarded political beliefs

It was merely an act when I donated to stormfront

Oswalt has extensively engaged in trolling—making offensive statements to provoke a reaction—such as introducing a resolution to replace leaf-blowers with rakes for university grounds maintenance.

Can somebody ELI5 why this is offensive?

Maybe the premise was that gas or electric powered equipment was bad for the environment? it's a stretch, but it does seem like he was trying to be as obnoxious as possible.

i think it was an attempt to piss off groundskeepers by making their lives harder

Generally cheaper if you don't count man hours needed to rake all the leafs back to canada.

le epic troll XD

Day of the Rake

It is blatant Canuckophobia.

Mapleniggers must die

Because african americans used to gather cotton dust with rakes 800 years ago? Fucking are you kidding me?!

C'mon guys he's """""""genuinely curious"""""""""

I don't know, but r/Canada and I are working to report you to the admins.

The admins post here under alts. We're all good friends.

Spez plz

Fuck, he knows


None of it, really. It appears that they simply don't like him, and are spewing as many buzzwords as is possible.

Most people who propose this, do so to keep noise pollution at a minimum, not out of spite or hatred of maintenance workers.

Oswalt has stated that African Americans as a group are inferior to whites and would be wellserved to adopt more Western ideals


Yeah but there's no quote or cite. I mean, he probably did say that, but don't be so credulous. Have you heard about how James Damore said women aren't as smart as men?

Editor’s note: Select direct quotes from Rep. Andrew Oswalt have been paraphrased in order to follow the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics principle “minimize harm”.

Imagine being this much of a pussy

Imagine being the pussies responsible for that principle being put in place to begin with.

It's Oregon, man. We (students at OSU) also got an email from the "Chief Diversity Officer" to make sure that we knew that the univresity "doe snot support the discriminatory views" held by the dude. Yeah no shit, thanks Charlene.

Surprised none of you have discriminatory views after being crushed by a German

Hey I wouldn’t put anything last Oregon, this is the state that had people freaking out over having to pump there own gasoline into there cars

Then they dobt state where there are paraphrasing

Why is it always chemists?

They have access to a large amount of chemicals to huff.

Because lots of other departments would basically immediately find a bullshit pretense to kick the guy out of their programs entirely. SJWs rage against STEM disciplines partially because they're less-likely to put ideological requirements on their students.

I took a bit more English classes than necessary out of curiosity and there was a marked difference between the overall political atmosphere of the classes (majored in an engineering field).

Far as I can tell engineering doesn't even have a political atmosphere, everyone is too busy actually doing work to have time for that shit

Can attest. Engineering was basically a neutrally political cloud of despair hovering above students that are desperately paying attention to the lecture or are scribbling notes that won't save em.

No, it's chemists specifically. Math majors, physics majors, bio majors--none of those produce alt-right weirdos like chemistry does.

I think it attracts people who can't handle ambiguity and uncertainty.

so autism

Physics and math are hardly ambiguous and uncertain

We know you have never done math or physic, fam.

I’m not sure if responding will make me autistic, /r/iamverysmart, or /r/humblebrag

Fam, you are posting on drama. You can't get more autistic than that.

Yeah, that was my point.

They're super ambiguous and uncertain, or at the very least weird, at the places that people getting advanced degrees go to. Lots of unanswered questions in physics, lots of weird-ass new math being done. I think those both require flexing the brain around new concepts more than chemistry does.

Things aren’t ambiguous man, they’re either accurate or not depending on the well-defined scenario. Confusing for sure, but not ambiguous.

Dude what? Once it stops being ambiguous you stop working on it.

This is what modern education has done to our poor retarded children. They're constantly looking for the "right" answer to make teacher happy without understanding a single thing about the process.

Okay man, whatever you say. You obviously know more than me.

t. knows nothing about physics or math

Bro I was a chemistry major before I left college

Math also include B.S.E.

Chemistry isn't exactly a precise science.

If anything, I blame the fumes.

sorta like Jews at Ivy League schools a century ago

Nazi is the new Jew

You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain

With almost no scientific support for his claims

So there is some scientific support for his claims. Thanks!

But those studies are not MLK approved.

That part actually made me laugh out loud.

His opinions, that women and blacks are intellectually inferior to white men, only have a little bit of scientific evidence.

Lol that is kinda the truth, though. Like there are various studies that give some amount backing to race realist idiots. However pretty much any serious amount of digging into either the causes of these results, or what the conclusions from the results should be are brushed aside and instead they start measuring skulls or some shit.

Not a fan of phrenology?

Marx liked it so it's basically a leftiat thing tbh.

Not The Roots best album

Why not just focus on people's strengths? No group is "inferior" but there's definitely differences. I'm all for inclusive environments, but no training wheels

Well, on their end, they don't focus on people's strengths because the entire 'scientific' side is obvious ad hoc reasoning to back up their deeply held racism. Same with their 'appreciation' of 'western' art, mythology, culture, etc.

Lol that's just as bad...

saying "measuring skulls" like it's a bad thing

You know that average cranial volumes are directly correlated with average IQs, right?

Ur bussy volume is directly correlated with my state of arousal, sweetie.


I thought it was just visual intelligence

It's no so much that it has little support, it's that the conclusions don't really address the core argument.

For example, Charles Murray wrote The Bell Curve. In it, he is concerned about disparities in IQ (for everyone) leading to greater and greater wealth inequality. Basically, as the world becomes more advanced, having a higher IQ (or general intelligence, G) will provide too much of an advantage.

He goes on to explain indications about race saying that the gaussian distributions for different races are not identical. They are slightly shifted up for Asians and down for Blacks as compared to Whites. But the variation between the curves is minimal compared to the varitaion within each curve.

This means that you could never look at a person's skin color and have any confidence about their skills and abilities. Racists are just idiots who pick out selected pieces of evidence to justify their hate. Crazy leftists deny any of the data I laid out.

He goes on to explain indications about race saying that the gaussian distributions for different races are not identical. They are slightly shifted up for Asians and down for Blacks as compared to Whites. But the variation between the curves is minimal compared to the varitaion within each curve.

So, what exactly does that mean? Does that have to do with average IQs and how they're measured? I know the argument that blacks have an average IQ of only 80 or 90, so is that kind of what you're talking about?

Christ this place is filled with illiterate mouth breathing idiots.

Cletus and the race realist neets of reddit are right when they say whites are smarter than blacks, but that definitely doesn't mean they are.

What are you addressing here and who are you addressing it to?

Average is not a useful statistic here because it's too simple. Racists will take a statistic like this and incorrectly draw conclusions from it. For example, lower average IQ score for a race means they are less valuable or that any individual is less capable of a counterpart of a different race.

The gaussian distribution is a curve in which all known IQ samples are plotted. As you might imagine, the middle is rather large and the ends are rather narrow. We all exist somewhere on this curve and you can break down the data by race or gender or socioeconomic status and find trends.

As with anything, it's not the data that is telling a story but the interpreter.

Which one of you idiots is this?

I wish it was me.

Bank statement says I haven't been drinking that much, so probably wasn't me.

We're just gonna go straight to foreclosure this time, pal

"Diversity Is Strength"- But ONLY diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality, NOT diversity of opinion, expression or thought.

"The less we have in common the stronger we are!"

Nazi untermensch don't have a right to complain though.

Oswalt has stated that African Americans as a group are inferior to whites and would be wellserved to adopt more Western ideals

won’t someone think of this poor man’s opinion please?

It's him today and it'll be you tomorrow! Then you won't be making smart remarks.

doubt it considering I always have the correct opinion

The wording of that article borders on Orwellian. Glad I'm not a student there.

user reports:
1: oy vey, the goyim know about 1984 now? Our plan is doomed! Shut it down!


When trolls are more rare then they will have some value.

Calling himself a ‘warrior of truth,’


Osu more like lil’ eugene

frist of all how dare yo u

According to Oswalt, he is no stranger to being ostracized. During his undergraduate work at The Evergreen State College in Washington state, he encountered what he described as authoritarian tendencies from his left-leaning classmates and administrators.

Hahaha, fucking Evergreen, man. We should burn that place to the ground to stop the contagion. It's clearly the font from which both left- and right-wing retardation springs.

Oh god, thats bret weinstein school and it's disabled poc warrior leading the resistance

Holy shit, that guy just got curbstomped by a disabled black woman and her SJW gang

I fear for our future

There’s a bunch of videos of the disabled hero and her multicoloured harpies online, its truly wonderful to witness

Alhamdulillah, we truly live in glorious times

Why would anyone masquerade as a retard?

An even bigger retard that's just pretending when he gets found out.

All of the llama users.

[Where do you think we are?](entries/icons/original/000/018/725/Screenshot_142)

University administration also expressed a commitment to creating an all-inclusive environment.

Well, not all-inclusive. There appear to be some exceptions.

Not judging.

"It is natural to want to associate with those who are like you"...

Probably should have just called them safe spaces ..

So correct me if I'm wrong. It sounds like a dude who ran on a progressive platform is now advocating for very progressive reform, but that's bad because in the privacy of his mind he doesn't agree with what he's doing? That doesn't sound like a problem that sounds like someone doing their fucking job. If believing in the crap you're peddling was a requirement to work somewhere, there'd be no car salesmen, call centers workers or lawyers.

you're wrong

I didn't say tell me if I'm wrong, I said correct me. So please correct me where I erred.

If you're pretending to be a cuck so long that you actually got caught lying about being a cuck, have you then been cucked by the other cucks and are now a cuck?

Honestly you gotta do stuff lke this nowadays. People on the left are such elitest echo chamber if you want to engage and open their eyes you have to think outside the box. It's honestly the only way