Retarded Professor of a Certain Color says Being of a Certain Color is Equivalent to Being Retarded

0  2018-01-23 by darth-milhouse


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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unironically posting Breitbart

Do you wear a helmet when you go outside?

Are you claiming that's not some sweet, sweet drama?

But no, no I do not. When I get run over by the sleigh of history, I want it to be an instant kill.

Stop agenda posting faggot

I want that as my flair.

Where is there any drama? I see no one arguing, flipping tables or name calling.

You're just a retard.

Isn't this where we meet?

What, you want us to create the drama for you?

I feel that I'm doing my part.

How is Breitbart taking some retard hilariously out of context/outright lying about what she said drama?

It’d be drama if breitbart wasn’t such a hugbox

Implying people haven't been posting left-wing agenda posts for the past week.

See this is what you get.

Any post that's devoid of drama is stupid, and you're fucking stupid for making this about left/ right wing.

Literally exactly what I said last time on an agenda post and I got downvoted so you can eat shit.

Oh boo hoo baby got downvoted :(

want me to talk to the people who downvoted you?

Yes please.

okay i'll try to see if people can lay off your karma. people shouldn't downvote lolcows anyways

ty. Maybe w/ you watching out for me I'll be ok.

That's because conservatism is a form of autism and should not be enabled.

Man, if it's drama anytime someone says something stupid, my post history is a fucking goldmine.

Who's riding the short bus now my ni🅱🅱as?