REWIND: How I Ended Up In A Psych Ward On Election Night

23  2018-01-23 by SocialistEphebophile


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Ain't that some shit

I could hear the victorious Mike Pence’s sinister Sunday-school baritone taunting me with the truth from the hallway television.


The best part is his followup article about the public response.


Benjamin Ryan is an editor at large at POZ magazine

How is this guy real?

Truth is stranger than fiction in the liberal La-La-Land...


I'll get my wire brush.

You'd think a year of not-being-killed-by-jackbooted-thugs might have dulled the sharp edge a little bit, but nope. He cheerfully doubles down like every other liberal convinced that 2016 was just a fluke that only happened because they didn't shout loudly enough.

I look forward to his contributions to mankind's collective body of writing on November 9, 2018 and November 9, 2020.

I seemed to be the only garden variety anxious-depressive in the ward, and was probably the only one gainfully employed, certainly the sole Ivy League grad.

He seriously thinks he's better than the other mental patients!

Oh yeah, and btw OP, when you have to dredge up stories from the election over a year ago, we can guess how well you're daddy's presidency is doing.

how well you're daddy's presidency is doing.

You mean today, when he cucked the illegals and the entire Democratic party without even getting out of bed?

They cucked themselves

Quick, without looking it up, guess which party's base would do better it the government shut down?

black people?


They didn't think he had the balls to call thier bluff. They were wrong.

A while before, during the final hour of November 8, I had committed myself to institutional psychiatric care. A generation or two ago they would have said I was suffering a nervous breakdown: catatonic, plagued by involuntary jerking motions (my head furiously shaking “No! ”), speech patterns disjointed, weeping uncontrollably.

Terror drove me to this interrupted state. I was afraid for the nation, for the stigmatized and oppressed. I was also afraid for my own life. Because the values and principles I hold dear felt fatally incompatible with the hate and bigotry that Trumpism had come to stand for. I did not want to live in a world that would elect such a man as president

I will never stop asking the chicken or the egg question with SJWs: are visibly troubled and imbalanced people attracted to SJ or does SJ make people troubled and imbalanced?

The cult of victimhood is sort of like heroin, it attracts the depressed, dysfunctional, and disturbed, and then makes them worse.

Like a cult, but with fat women instead of leaders.


Some people talked about leaving the country. This guy tried leaving life.

maybe the 19th century aristocrats were right and this whole 'democracy' thing is too much for us commoners

Perhaps the franchise should be limited to those who have proven themselves in service to Rome, the United States of America, and Western Civilization.

If RBG dies, the salt levels may possibly engulf the earth and shrivel is like so many autistic slugs.

My penis might explode.

There is such smug bullshit in this article as is, the author clearly reveling in his brief stay with the unwashed masses, but there is one line that just chaps my ass:

I seemed to be the only garden variety anxious-depressive in the ward, and was probably the only one gainfully employed, certainly the sole Ivy League grad.

I don't hurl out accusations of racism lightly, but this guy bragged about how much time he spent around black people in the crazy ward and then concluded that he had to be the only one with an Ivy League education. Surely none of the poor blackies could have been educated before their mental illness took over their life.