Q Christ is caught sharing a fake email with his disciples; hmmm how will /r/CBTS_Stream respond to this?

49  2018-01-24 by snallygaster


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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Lmao there really are insane

I'm expecting this one to end in a Heaven's Gate kinda way tbh

Its kind of sad to say but you are probably correct. Imagine putting so much trust in what you read on a anonymous message board.

God willing


If they all an hero quietly and peacefully it would be for the betterment of society

I do need a new pair of shoes. Maybe one of them has my size. Q-worshippers, please wear socks and do not let your feet directly touch the shoes I will scavenge from you!


Those Heaven's Gate sneakers were quite nice.

Actually, I quite liked the whole outfit: reminded me of the Visitors' uniforms in V except in blue.

How do you figure? Q posted on the internet, so the shit's definitely legit. You can't lie on the internet. I'm pretty sure it's a law or something.

Also, capitalizes phrases like Clowns In America?

That's the lot of you, /u/yellowhit tbqh.

u/commissioner-gordon8 I assert that you are everything that is wrong with this world. Not only are you utterly stupid, bereft of any kind of logical thinking, you are belligerent about it. You are driven to browbeat others with your monstrous lack of intelligence.

Keep yourself very safe. Promise everyone here that you will. So that we can sleep better, you disgusting lying piece of shit. You kill people with your half-truths and bullshit twisting of the facts. I hate you. I fucking hate you with all my soul. You killed my mother.

You murdering son of son of bitch. Let people see the fucking truth so they don't fucking blow shit off as just more of the scary-boo BS you spout.

My fucking sides 😂

oh boy I wonder why Q is suddenly getting attacked by furry leftist faggots, can't possibly be because he's onto shit, nope, no way.

You seriously buy into this /x/-tier roleplaying? I thought better of you!

the username references anime, none of this should be surprising.

if you know that then you're also a weeb

Got 'em!

ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

and jesus fuck is that video astonishingly accurate, I'd seen most of that interview before but not in such perfect context.

He is a brilliant performance artist. I could never keep all that gobbledygook in my head and spout it off as well as he does.

I've always liked Alex for a laugh but I think he's gone down hill since his boy Trump won. it's like how can you be fighting the evil globalists when your boy is an evil globalist. Kinda ruins his whole shtick.

Not that far off from a lot of Ted talks and shit lol

Wrong, there was that non-anime movie with Robin Williams in which it was referenced.

nobody saw one hour photo

no you didn't lol

I actually did tho

well I'm sorry to disappoint you but if it was really true, then in time I'm sure you'll think much much more of me.

Y'know, when The Stormâ„¢ happens.

If you genuinely believe that super high-up government insider is transmitting top secret messages through an anime forum filled with impotent NEETs and teens then I think you've hit rock bottom and there's no coming back from it.

calling Taytay and impotent NEET

nah fam

Even the Taytay LARP was more believable than Q's.

both are real

don't @ me

why tho

I thought better of you!

why tho

GOOD question

It's sad you're life's meaning is wrappedd up in hilarious bullshit

stop saying stupid things unironically pls

So are you saying that when the super secret shadow-government type get really scared that they're about to be found out, that their last line of defense is furries?

Big and terrifying if true.

Lol shut up faggot

😘 I love you eva don't change!

"Hahahaha, you said I was retarded. That proves I'm right."

Can I get a rundown?

-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs -In contact with aliens -Possess psychic-like abilities -Control france with an iron but fair fist -Own castles & banks globally -Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line -Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city) -Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth -First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies -both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51 -Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them -They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world -You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now -The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land? -They learned fluent French in under a week -Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff -The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society -In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

Nice how do I invest

oh thank god

are these pizzagate people?

no, pizzagaters actually have a pretty firm grasp on reality compared to these people

There's a fair bit of crossover but the Q cult takes in UFO mythology, revivalist Christianity and an unhealthy obssession with torture porn.

the fuck

They really, really want to see Mondo-Narco-style videos of Hilary and Obama being waterboarded with gasoline/hung/decapitated/forced to drink Chelsea Clinton's piss after it was squeezed from her corpse.

pfffffffffft imagine trying to harm Hillary and Obama without holy water or garlic

and an unhealthy obssession with torture porn

thats literally what pizzagate is, moral panic over the edgy alternative art scene

WIN Key + Print Screen in WIN 10 instantly takes a screenshot of the whole screen, saves to Pictures/ScreenShots. Just sayin'...

some real 1337 h4xz0rz over there

I'm Quite curious how they decided Collective Soul was part of the evil empire. I always was a fan of that song. I never dreamed they were part of the deep state that would be revealed 25 years later.

To be fair, they think the bass player's father was involved.

What about ELO? That Jeff Lynne's a dodgy fucker.

I must admit I'm too young for ELO, and only know EMF. I always thought that was a chick singing. Awwwwwwwkard. And I never got that he's saying "countenance" until tonight, I guess because nobody uses that word in the this century or the last.

If these fucks had a memo to leak it would have leaked already.

Calm before what fucking storm is what I want to know.

can I get a quick rundown?