Called out racists, got permanently banned. /r/Portland mods protect racist friend. Mod interaction in comments.

4  2018-01-24 by SpellingSpelling


you make the r/Portland mods look downright reasonable.

I try ;)

Damn they banned an actual black man, wtf.

The user is the mods friends. Yea, shit is fucked up. /r/Portland mods are known for protecting their racist, and homophobic friends, as well as participating. /u/reallyhender is the worst from what I hear.

A BLACK MAN?! WTF! Dude message the admins RIGHT NOW this. must. stop.

Fucked up, right?

Little bitch deleted comment

Here's screen capture.


its ded

They are trying to cover their tracks.


User is now worried I'll try to dox him, still denies he's a racist.

mod of /r/racism says they won't get involved in fighting racist mods in the whitest city in America sub reddit.

r/Portland, where antifa go full Godwin any time someone disagrees with them and the mods let them get away with it. I was called a Nazi there for suggesting that blocking the MAX trains might inconvenience homeless and disabled people. So I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you're completely full of shit.

I only care that homeless people don't get beat up or killed (unless by each other) and don't freeze or starve to death. Are we supposed to care about their convenience as well?

Antifa is supposed to care about them.

Crispy chicken americans.