Pls help. How do I turn thots into fascist revolutionaries?

139  2018-01-24 by JohnTheOrc


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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It’s always kind of sad when I remember youre unironically a fascist. Do you intend to self deport or wait for the order from above?

Arab nationalism is generally fascist or at least inspired by it. I know some tankies think Ba'athism is worth supporting but they're just retarded.

The ME has two major internal problems: It's not suited for democracy, and it's still adhering to an outdated religion that is incapable of adapting to the modern day. Every movement in the Middle East is either based on Islam or influenced by it, even the left wing movements because they're a bunch of pussies who never read Marx.

We can't have any real progress in the ME until the Saudi petrodollars run out and a country that's genuinely secular comes out.

Do you think the Sunni ME will actually secularize?

Yeah i do intend to go back. The problem is that i'm practically a persona non grata by leaving Islam and that i'm at risk of getting murdered, even in seemingly secular Middle Eastern countries. Except for Israel, maybe, but they don't want me.

Almost all the radicalization comes from Saudi Arabia, who is funding their brand of salafism throughout the globe. Formerly Sufi areas (Chechna and Somalia) are now well within the salafist grasp. Iran can only resist this because they're not Sunni at all, but explicitly Shiite. It's no surprise that they're the major opponent of Saudi Arabia in the area. It's ironic how Sunni Islam used to be the more rational version of Islam and Shia Islam used to be the batshit insane cultists.

Even Ataturk couldn’t do it in Turkey - I find it difficult to see anyone being successful today either.

The commies used to be able to do it back when they actually believed in their cause. Albania, Russia, even in Yemen, they managed to keep them at bay through unapologetic suppression of the religion. They're no longer willing to do that, though.

Well, I can appreciate a fair answer. Honestly, I don’t think the decline of Saudi Arabia would change much here - even if they’re responsible, the ‘damage is done’ as it were and there is now a self propagating islamization process everywhere from Morocco to the Philippines.

Extreme repression worked in the Balkans, Central Asia and Turkey, but eventually every authoritarian regime crumbles and in just about all of them a religious resurgence came right back.

but eventually every authoritarian regime crumbles and in just about all of them a religious resurgence came right back.

ok what if we don't coup them next time around tho

by leaving Islam and that i'm at risk of getting murdered

We can only hope

Don't get your hopes up.

Are you from a ME country?

Apparently he is.

And i'm not going to. Nor am i going to say where i currently live (it's in Europe). People who post on /r/exmuslim have gotten doxxed before, and i've received PM's with death threats (in poorly written English) on Reddit before, so i am not going to risk it.


ur a refugee aren’t u

nah, grew up here.

Europe ewww.

I came to read about thots. I stayed to learn about ME religious policy.

Good show.


this explains so much

I have my suspicions about Ultrashitpost, he said he's Arab and had a religious upbringing, so I would have expected him to know some Arabic at the minimum.

I tried to talk to him in Arabic twice though, and he didn't respond. Really makes you think 🤔

If he doesn't know Arabic, then he's basically linguistically mayo. How would he go back?

I have my suspicions about Ultrashitpost, he said he's Arab and had a religious upbringing, so I would have expected him to know some Arabic at the minimum.

I tried to talk to him in Arabic twice though, and he didn't respond. Really makes you think 🤔

If he doesn't know Arabic, then he's linguistically mayo at the very least, if not more. How would he go back?

We can't have any real progress in the ME until the Saudi petrodollars run out

Hmm, so what you're really saying is "death to Amerikkka?"

Only way the petrodollar trade dies.

Nah, that's people who think the ME was all peaceful and stable if it weren't for western meddling. But that's nonsense. The ME has been a hotbed of war and strife for centuries.

The ME has two major internal problems: It's not suited for democracy, and it's still adhering to an outdated religion that is incapable of adapting to the modern day. Every movement in the Middle East is either based on Islam or influenced by it, even the left wing movements because they're a bunch of pussies who never read Marx.

We can't have any real progress in the ME until the Saudi petrodollars run out and a country that's genuinely secular comes out.

South America historically had all kind of crazy left wing stuff (communism and protectionism), and suffered from the resource curse and weak democracies/dictatorships. Many tried to impose their version of a capitalist/conservative society by force and they all eventually found their end.

It seems you want more secularism than democracy, but the order of getting both will be having democracy first, even if that means accepting that you won't have secularism in the short term. The use of force just makes islamists martyrs, the same way the use of force victimized the worst kind of left wingers in South America and extinguished right wingers (although to be fair, the latter deserved it given what they did).

You cannot create good institutions by tyranny, you have to make people confront their own choices.

Democracy in the modern ME just leads to the One Man, One Vote, One Time phenomenon.

Have you seen how democracy is outside of the developed world?

We can't have any real progress in the ME until the Saudi petrodollars run out and a country that's genuinely secular comes out.

The lack of progress in the ME isn't due to Islam. The cause of the lack of progress is because in almost every country in the ME, the best way to get loaded is either to pursue guanxi with the government, to become the government, or to leave the country entirely. That's what extractive institutions are. Same reason why "socialist democracy" never works.

You're talking about the culture that permeates all throughout the ME, but that culture is itself intrinsically linked to Islam. Shariah also dictates economics, and no country that practices Shariah can truly have a functioning economy in the modern day. Its usury laws alone will make that impossible. Islamic inheritance laws incentivize inbreeding to kep wealth within the family, which had lead to consanguinity rate of 50% in Gulf States and Pakistan.

And there is much more wrong with the ME than just economics. It's the propensity for violence, the us-vs-them attitude that is bred by Islam (as well as a huge occurrence of conspiracy theories regarding Jews). Arab armies were once the terror of the Mediterranean, but are now only infamous for their abysmal performance in warfare. American strategists have noted that the poor performance of Arab armies in millitary performance is at least partially due to a culture that is ultimately derived from Islam and its preferred methods of warfare. Women's rights follow the council of the Quran and hadith, which practically mean that they are second class citizens who enjoy a legal status in limbo between a sex slave and their husband's property.

Sounds like Islam is a self-perpetuating system that will keep secularization low forever, eventually becoming the world's last and only religion.

no, my own and new religion will be the last one.


I've heard that Khalid ib-Walid never lost a battle. Is that true?

Yup, that's true. He was one of the greatest millitary minds of all time, up there with Alexander, Sun Tzu, and Caesar. Before his conversion to Islam, he even fought against Muhammad on behalf of the pagans, and he beat Muhammad during those battles as well. Near the end of his life/career, he fell out of favor of the caliphate because he was a bit of a player and he enjoyed luxury.

I'd say Ibn-Walid was as important to Islam as Muhammad was. Without him, either the Byzantines or the Persians would've just rolled into Arabia and broke it.

More realistically, he'll die in the mayocide. That happens for acting as a mayo on reddit.

Even the materialistic thots, most of which don't care one bit about politics. Mussolini had done this in his time as I remember correctly.

DAE remember Mussolini redpilling IG Thots?

I also like the phrase:"As I remember correctly."

He negged them and hit on their friends.

secretly the average reddit fashtard spends his evenings scrolling through ‘gram, fantasising about getting a dm from even one of the instant hits he follows after she’s done servicing another Saudi in Cannes or Miami.

tfw no instathot asian gf who can get smashed by the Sheik while u watch from the closet

Why live?


>tfw a saudi not in Cannes nor Miami

At one point Mussolini wanted to bring in black dudes to fuck italian women cause he thought black dudes were more virile. Im not messing with you, look it up.

Rule 1: be attractive

Rule 2: don't be unattractive

i think it's more about being happy. being attractive works in the short term, but i would probably prefer someone i get along with / who is happy over a kylo ren i despise. being attractive does have superficial advantages (first impressions and all) obviously, but it isn't insurmountable.

Kylo Ren is an absolute butthisface.

But he makes up for it by being a thiccboi


being attractive works in the short term

Also the long term. More attractive people earn more money, have bigger social networks, and live longer.

yeah but notch makes more than all of us combined so there's still hope for the unattractive

there's also that hipster vlogger on youtube and logan paul.

Social darwinism?

Yeah, "attractive privilege" is probably bigger than "male privilege".

Similar to "discipline privilege", "intelligent-but-not-too-intelligent privilege."

And of course far behind "rich-and-connected-family privilege."

The thread was about political indoctrination of women you are dating, not getting the date in the first place. The title implies first step is complete.

If you're trying to bang some random THOT, then yeah. You'll have some good fucks til she leaves you for Jamal.

If you want to have a loyal woman, you're going to need to do better.

3D isn't attractive, don't kid yourself

Fun fact, the suffragettes were prominent UK fascists, and the first fascist party in the UK was founded by a woman -

This is not proof that the suffragettes were superior intellects. On the contrary, they were bored, unemployed but slightly over-educated women with nothing better to do with their time than to challenge "the establishment" in the most dramatic way possible.

Mosely’s philosophy was weird, and had several big differences compared not only to Italian fascism but also to German Nazism. Hitler picked up large chunks of the national conservative hard right in Germany, whereas Mosley was originally a leftist and the overwhelming majority of Britain’s Conservative upper middle and upper class (with some notable exceptions like the Mitfords) remained religiously Anglican, broadly unsympathetic to fascism, and stayed with the Tories.

Mosely’s philosophy was weird

A lot of fascist leaders had weird philosophies. A lot of facist parties had both weird and wildly inconsistent philosophies (all parties have factions and disagreements, especially if they are radical and fast-growing).

Mosely didn't particularly hate the Jews. Is that really such a big thing for fascists? Because it seems more like a weird eccentricity that Hitler happened to have than anything really that important to the political philosophy as a whole.

Mosley wasn’t as violently antisemitic as Hitler, although he definitely still was and became moreso over time as he adopted more nazi politics. He became more and more pro-Hitler and his views as the 1930s went on.

Mussolini was less so until Hitler encouraged him to - Jews were a minuscule minority in Italy compared to Britain or Germany, and as they had been there since the days of the Roman Empire Mussolini considered them acceptably Italian, since his definition of race was more spiritual (it kind of had to be, given Italy is itself pretty ethnically different from say Piedmont to Sicily).

Is that really such a big thing for fascists?

Maybe not to the degree Hitler did, but most fascists don't seem to like Jews as a whole. A core part of fascism is strengthening the state, and the Jewish people have kind of just been wandering around for thousands of years without a nation to truly call home up until Israel.

most fascists don't seem to like Jews as a whole

But then who does?

Some fascists were more opposed to Jewry then others. Codreanu, a Romanian fascist, was extremely anti-Semitic. While the ideology is not predicated on opposing Talmudism, it is the norm, as (((certain people))) will oppose a fascist state tooth and nail.

she looks more like a soy boy than a woman

That is a fun fact!

Allen's biographer Nina Boyd[10] suggests that in the novel That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis the character of "Fairy" Hardcastle, an epicene ex-suffragette turned security director for a tyrannical progressive organisation, is based on Allen.

I knew that character had to be based on someone real. She was too weird to just be made up.

It really is shocking just how poor the relationship situation is for altrightards these days. As much as we don’t like to admit it here, gussy remains (for the time being) necessary for reproduction. Forget saving the white race, these tards cant even replace themselves.

I kinda imagine it's this bad for like 60% of Reddit, basically the more the shit you say on Reddit resembles shit you wouldn't say irl the worse your chances imho

I spout nonsense off in real life which explains the gussy swarm that I have to fend off me in pursuit of bussy

Fighting the true fight

This (not that I would know haha)

So drama is 100% incels

seems a bit low, tbqh

Fascism is not right wing, it is socialism but with private property and non interference with lower private sector. It mixes nationalism and hierarchy.

it is socialism but with.... non interference with lower private sector.

Guis socialism is just things i dont like even if the government doesn't control private companies.

P.S. the US is socialist because the government has RULES for PRIVATE ISPs, prisons, agriculture, finance, airplanes, and other UPPER private sectors.

I'm sorry, what?

Basically, you're dumb

Sure I am :D

Good, acknowledging it is the first step. The next is to Keep Youself Safe

“Socialism is when the government does things, the more government the more socialister.”-Carl Marks

Fascism is not right wing

The definition of fascism: A right-wing militarist, nationalist and authoritarian regime, such as that founded by Mussolini 1919 and inspiring, among others, the German Nazi Party.

Sorry dude, It's third position. It's neither left nor right wing.

You’re a tremendous retard

I am an official of a quite relevant partei, I know quite a bit about Fascism and it's economic theories, though I am not openly fascist to the public. I am the retard? Or is the one who takes Websters dictionary definition of Fascism. Hmmm

No, it’s you, you fucking retard

fuck off, frog eater

Yankees are worse than Gypsies!

Where do you think you are? Yankees are wypipo, of course they're worse than the proud people of theft.

America is half Negrified and half Judified, it's a slave of Vatican, Israel and International Capitalism.

Please stay on topic. ty

>acting like the French are worth more than phlegm


Russia can be our comrades, we will have America in an Ashe heap of Cesium-137 and burnt Anglo/Negro corpses.

Haha. Pretend that a nuclear strike would achieve anything more than mutual destruction. Also good luck doing anything before Mohammed (pbuh) over runs you. Say hi to your bull for me.

There is NO muslim problem in Europe. Want to know why? Muslim and non European ethnic groups/Migrants self segregate into incredibly dense parts of cities, they all live within a few square kilometers of one another.

They are INCREDIBLY easy for the government to round up, yeah, maybe 5% would resist with weapons, but they would eventually all be subdued. :)

So stop with your "Enjoy mohammads cock" bullshit please.

The elimination of the "white" race is inevitable. In fact, race is, for the most part, a nonsense construct, but the "white" race even moreso. It is clear that there is no explicit, accurate definition for being "white", the phantasm of "race purity" is far from reality and is grounded in nothing but the fantasies of people who think that those that they do not consider "white" are "taking muh womenz" (read: insecurity, as well as misogyny).

In present-day society, the identity of Western countries and their inhabitants are not pegged down by race, but by nationality—additionally, you can now see people mixing their origins with their current nationality, an example being so called "hyphenated Americans". These people range from someone holding some aspects of their culture dear to them, to someone who calls themselves so because "my [insert near ancestor] was from [insert foreign country]". Contrary to the European failure at integrating immigrants, the United States has done well with the integration of immigrants, and miscegenation of races will thus be unavoidable, and the delusion of "white purity" will become extinct.

Even in Europe, although they may not have succeeded in integrating their immigrants well (leading to the formation of ghettos such as the ones in Tower Hamlets, London), there will always be a few immigrants who manage to escape from the grasps of these ghettos and integrate within larger society. This leads to race-mixing as well, albeit to a lesser extent, but every bit counts, and every bit helps. Why? When two people of color have children, you can usually see distinct features from both parents present in the child. When a person of color and a white person have a child, the most commonly (and usually only) feature passed down from the white parent is lighter skin (cumskin). This is due to the fact that the genes that lead to the expression of so-called "white" phenotypes, are for the most part, recessive. This facilitates the elimination of "white" features in society.

Furthermore, children who have blood from both a person of color and a white person are forsaken by those who fantasize about the white race being preserved, even though they carry recessive genes from their white parent, genes that could eventually be expressed again. This will also contribute to the demise of the so-called "white race".

Eventually, no person who considers themselves "white" will have so-called "pure" genes. Hence, the white race will have been eliminated by the standards set by the race purists themselves, having led themselves to their own demise.

Stopped reading at "white race". White Race doesn't exist, It's an American construct to keep European ethnic groups from destroying each-other. Germanic and Slavic Race? they'll be fine. Italian Mediterranean race? They'll be fine.

You need to realise that the stability of the world we have today is not going to last much longer, this stability which keeps nations from tearing each-other apart, that keeps ethnic groups from destroying each-other. The race mixing of rich migrants with Europeans? it will be less than .1% of the population before the world collapses and we fight another world war.

If you think that you fascists has a chance, you are fortunately mistaken.

The world is familiar with the dangers of fascists, and they're not just going to stand around and let them take over. We've been preparing, planning, recruiting, and training. You might think you have a chance, but you're vastly outnumbered. We exist in almost every facet of your life. Your postal carrier? They might be one of us. The manager at your friend's company? They might just be waiting for the call. We have people in over 82 different countries, affiliates in 14 more, and they're all ready to mobilize at a moment's notice. Thinking about setting up in a country where we don't have active operations? Think again—we have elite squadrons made up of hardened fighters that specialize in hunting down fascists in hostile and unknown territory.

We've been collecting intelligence before you even knew what antifa was. Do you feel secure in your numbers during your Identity Evropa meetings? Guess what—you have no idea how many of them are part of clandestine anti-fascist cells. They're just waiting for the moment to destroy the group from the inside. We know more about your plans and movements than you do. Does that sound unethical? War is deception, there is no fair and unfair, especially with fascists.

You think those rallies on college campuses are all we have? They don't even make up 1% of our numbers—in fact, they're just recruits. We're organized, prepared, and simply just waiting to destroy you. A civil war may be coming, but rejoice not—it's the fascists that will lose. Go ahead, try something. I'll lay it out straight for you: you'll be completely annihilated.

I'm already in the National Assembly, the fight is lost on your part sir.

People do not even know my beliefs, I am what they call "Ghost man".

People assume I have no ideology and I am just there to represent the interests of my party :D We also have support of the military and the Police, soon we will take control of the State by force or otherwise.

America? We will fund both sides to make sure the civil war never ends, to ensure maximum destruction and death, to ensure that each side uses nuclear weapons, to ensure America never threatens Europe again.

The only option Europeans have is to jerk themselves off while watching their continent lose their heritage and watch the rest of the world fall to china. You're country is more impotent than you are and that is impressive.

إن شاء الله

You have no idea how efficient a modern military is at liquidating groups from ghettos and putting them into work camps KZ.

Europe doesn't have modern militaries they've relied on the US for too long. RIP Europe.

إن شاء الله

We can pay the IDF to invade your village.

The IDF are all part of our plan.

Okay, we can pay Hezbollah to invade your village.

Hezbollah are Muslims. They're on our side.

IDF and Muslims both on your side? Who is not on your side then.

Let me guess, Erdogan and Ayatollah also on your side? Also Xi Jinping?

Kim jong un is as well.

Rodrigo Duterte and Vladimir Putin as well?

Sultan of Dubai too.

Also Angela Merkel and Donald Trump correct?

And Pope Francis.

And also Gabor Vona and Viktor Orban, and Nikolaos Michaloliakos

And Zsa Zsa Gabor

Yes, and also me, correct?

I'm already in the National Assembly, the fight is lost on your part sir.

Prove it, faggot.

People do not even know my beliefs, I am what they call "Ghost man".

tips fedora

Sorry dude, It's third position

What? What kind of retard thinks that there are only 3 political positions?

It's neither left nor right wing.

No it's right wing you Americunt


Sorry, France being a nuclear power is one of the only European nations to not be a puppet of America. Try again :D


Imagine having such a simplistic worldview that even Libertarians (with their two dimensional political compass) look deep in comparison.

socialism but with private property


Someone needs to post that comment to /r/ShitStatistsSay

Someone needs to post that in r/socialism.

Mayos worried about being replaced:

Why don't they reproduce? Seems like a nice peaceful country.

Yes please, someone reproduce with me :|

I wish I could contribute by having lots of kids but that's hard when you can't find a girl. I guess I'll dedicate my life to politics and the subjugation and eventual removal of the negro and the other nonwhites from the earth. (related /r/drama thread)

Some examples of mayos worried about being replaced:

Why don't they reproduce? Seems like a nice peaceful country.

Yes please, someone reproduce with me :|

By 2100, whites will be GONE, by demographic projections. If we want to survive, we need to act NOW.

I wish I could contribute by having lots of kids but that's hard when you can't find a girl. I guess I'll dedicate my life to politics and the subjugation and eventual removal of the negro and the other nonwhites from the earth.

(related /r/drama thread)

/u/ultrashitpost they need your input

i already gave my input in this very thread!

I didn't see anything in your post that would help me get qt nazi gf tho

Yeh but how do I get hot woke arab honeys.

Holy fuck, I thought that title wad exadurated, but it wasn't.

Whole thread is basically "Reddit told me that I would get laid for fighting against Drumpf, but I'm still a virgin, how can we change this?"

wad exadurated

yer nan wad exadurated

No, she was fairly and accurately described by all.

Drumpf is not a fascist. I will admit that the title choice could have been better.

fighting against Drumpf

The title says they want to turn people into fascists, not anti-facists.

i think /u/tarrock is dyslexic

We live in a fascist imperialistic society the NAZIs could only dream of having created. It’s incredible. A true master class in mass indoctrination through social conditioning and propaganda. All one has to do is minimally follow the code of decorum and their multitude of sins is washed away. Hell evangelicals don’t even care about that tiny bit of decorum anymore. This society believes only in conquest, oppression and slavery as long as you give it the most thin justifications for why it is the moral choice.

We aren’t sliding towards fascism. It isn’t some concern to gird ourselves against in the future. It is here. It is our culture. It has always been what we are and we will defend it endlessly. Truly amazing and terrible.

Where is this pasta from?

I thought this would be a great recipe for drama, but apparently everyone in there thinks this is a completely reasonable thing to ask and is answering in good faith

Next week: "why women are whores and it's their fault I'm still a virgin"

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Well why is it that I only sperg out when I meet women ~on the internet~ in clubs, huh???

Women will naturally follow the establishment and defend it far more vigorously then any man. This is an evolutionary survival strategy, as women to survive, had to stay as close as possible to power. Women are like sponges, they take their views from society and those around them.

holy fucksticks. this is actually the most popular answer. I'm gonna crosspost this to SRS and see what happens.

This is not complicated stuff. Naturally men lead, women follow. This dichotomy is only reversed in an unhealthy society, where men become too weak and allow an unnatural order to rise, as we see today.

I mean isn't this true? Isn't it why sjws are mostly women?

last i checked the narrative was ""sjws"" were insane extremists who want to radically restructure society. what about that suggests a desire to "follow the establishment and defend it vigorously"?

Well you're dealing with unironic fascists, so they probably define "sjw" as anyone slightly to the left of literal nazis.

You realize SJWs are funded by billionares, indoctrinated by Universities and egged on by the media. They are just overtly saying what the neo-liberal left has been covertly saying for years. I can't even believe how fucking stupid you are if you can't see this obvious truth.


Based billionaires, desu.

Stage 4 autism

If you think most women are the SJWs you see clipped screaming on YouTube then you need to meet more women.

This is why people shouldn't get their sole exposure to people or beliefs through the lense of someone anti-that belief/person. Most rabid anti-sjw's get all their information about apparent SJWs through people like black pigeon speaks or sargon of akkad.

It’s not untrue tho

Turns out the people interested in arguing over a long dead ideology are not normal

Most normies are retards who are content with watching Marvel movies and jerk off to 5/10 porn stars that they are never going to fuck. So I'll take that as a compliment.

What's your taste in movies? What's your fapping ritual?

DC movies and 3/10 porn stars, as I assume correctly.


Blade Runner is the only movie I have enjoyed in a while. Everything else is gay shit. I fap to the selfies your mom sent me.

How do you fap with that tic tac?

You sounds like a dumb teenager in a bad mood.

I fap to the selfies your mom sent me.

wow a "your mom" joke, a normie would never do that

Is there anything more cucked than wanting fascism

Go change your wife's sons diaper. She is out with her yoga instructor tonight, remember?

implying I have a wife

lmao @ u retard

and this is considered a reasonable answer...

/r/TheRedPill 's sidebar unironically.

Right wingers, folks! Lol

Don't lie Ed, you're dying to get deep dicked by a fash meat popsicle.

I'd like to avoid the autism my friend.

That's very kind of you, keeping your hyper autismo to yourself

Are you cranky?

Nah just horny

So am I!

The trait women love most in men is courage

/u/DancingWithDarkness, this his how I know you've never interacted with a woman other than your mommy - her "brave little man" title don't mean shit.

A /hapas troll is trying to mock me for being unable to get women? Fucking classic.

Hi /u/Dancingwithmyvirginity,

Can you note any evidence women go for courage as their # trait?

If you don't have the courage to swipe right you will never get to talk to a girl

u/DancingWithMyVirginity Also if so many women like courage why is it that attractive guys seem to the most dates?

uhhh, ever seen Indiana Jones??

women will always defend the establishment

Don't they always complain that Western women are trying to turn the world into a progressive commie paradise or something?

progressive commie paradise

They think that IS the establishment.

no, the west already is that progressive comedy hellhole. they believe women are naturally too eager to please the existing power structure, hence no fashy qt3.14.

you post bussy and keep yourself safe.

/u/PhilippesWrath none of them are ever going to fuck you, let alone LARP with you

Thots are very easy usually. I have already had my fair share of them.

Your waifu doesn't count, fam


Dakimakuras are not thots, fam.

Don't listen to that conniving heeb, hes just trying to bring us aryans down.

What you mean? Aryans are Sweden and Norway, not France.

Did his accent give him away, or was it his love for Camatte?

Fashy gals are cutest xDDD

I've had plenty of online debates with women. Their pre-concieved liberal-egalitarian biases are easy to shatter but impossible to put something else in its place without thoroughly basterdising it.

/u/derintellectual, I agree it's troubling trying to talk to women who are so completely biased they assume they're not inferior.

Which they obviously are.

I've had plenty of online debates with women...

Never a good sign when you have to preface your insights into women with that sentence, really.


Women will naturally follow the establishment and defend it far more vigorously then any man

And fascist will naturally say retarded things

This is a fact. If you have ever been to a church, you will notice that the women are always the most religious. If you have ever been in a Leftist College, you will notice that women are the most ardent defenders of leftist theology. When the French Revolution occurred, the Revolutionaries decided to not give women the right to vote, as they were far more conservative and pro-Monarchy than the men.

Men are more inclined to rebel, while women are more inclined to submit or try to peacefully resolve an issue.

This is a fact.

No it's not, it's some shit pulled from your ass.

If you have ever been to a church, you will notice that the women are always the most religious.

No evidence.

in a Leftist College, you will notice that women are the most ardent defenders of leftist theology

Not evidence.

When the French Revolution occurred, the Revolutionaries decided to not give women the right to vote, as they were far more conservative and pro-Monarchy than the men.

Not evidence.

But this comment was great evidence support the idea that all fascist are retards.

u/AsianEatYourCat absolutely BTFO! How will I recover?

How will I recover?

Just keep yourself safe.

No u.

If he's so wrong, why don't you bring evidence that demonstrates the opposite?

Unless of course, your only way of shooting down an argument is by simply dismissing it as "not evidence", "pulled out of his ass" and "retard". Which in that case also demonstrates your incapability for debate.

If he's so wrong, why don't you bring evidence that demonstrates the opposite?

Because why would I? He hasn't shown any evidence.

your only way of shooting down an argument is by simply dismissing it as "not evidence", "pulled out of his ass" and "retard"

It wasn't evidence you retard anyone can make that shit up, look

If you have ever been to a care center, you will notice that the fascist are always the most retarded

Was that evidence fascist are retarded?

Cheers for proving my point.

Unless your point was that you're a retard I didn't prove a thing

You're making me look better than I need to be.

this is a fact.

Can I have a citation please? Maybe a peer reviewed article on this phenomenon?

Have any of you guys ever been around women? This is fucking common sense. Regardless, since you guys are such a bunch of beta pussies who don't know shit about women, I'll give you some sources.

I looked for papers on female evolutionary psychology, couldn't find any, probably too taboo of a subject. I'll look later harder, I'm on a mobile right now.

Do you have any actual studies you could post? One of your links is a blog post written by a workshop facilitator. I mean there really are gender differences in religiousness, for example, but the fact that you can't show us something like this leads me to believe you bullshit your way through life.

as I remember correctly

What the fuck turn her bonapartist. He wants her to crush the revolution, get sacred empress and dominate Europe or something?