Incels calmly discuss the potential benefits of receiving psychiatric care.

19  2018-01-24 by IAintThatGuy


If we could get Our Lord and Savior Elon Musk to invest in sexbots this problem of incels would disappear forever.

If the wait ends up being worse than for Teslas, people will still remain incels for years after ordering theirs.

Hooray a new incel sub. Really miss gawking at the old one


This one has been up for a long fucking time now. It's all LARPing fakecels and retarded normies trying to "save" them.

braincels is a pathetic imitation of r/incels, they're nothing alike. Fuck u/spez for banning one of my favourite quality sources of entertainment and ínstead I get a shit turd back called braincels.


If you need that real trap shit, hit r/IncelTears and bask in the realization that you're a far better person than your typical incel.

Barely, since you're here in Bussyville. my dude. The really crazy ones left reddit entirely, but what they're doing now hasn't got any saner

Honestly i do thonk if a lot of this dudes simply got laid they would be way more chill.

Isn't that the whole point of incels?