"The Black barbershop is both toxic and intimate for cishet Black men" - Black men in the comments aren't so understanding of this attempt to educate them on toxic masculinity and barber shop male romantic relationships

17  2018-01-24 by RaoulDukeff


Disclaimer: this piece was written with the intent to create a productive dialogue around intimacy and attraction. It is not to say that the connection between barber and client is inherently sexual, but rather that the erotic/intimacy/attraction operate on a spectrum.

I swear some of these articles must be written by people who are the female equivalent of men who think an all girls sleepover is somehow sexual.

What the fuck are you implying, that they don't really have pillow fights? Don't make me angry, you don't want to see me angry

Hey that's the same website that told people it's cool to have unprotected sex if you're HIV positive.

well, as long as you don’t TELL them

This is black-faced white liberalism. Reject this fuckery Brothers.

Everyone has their own term for baizuo.


I don't even remember how I learnt what this means, do the anti-leftist facts just get downloaded to our brains automatically

The barbershop has historically been a place of refuge, a sacred space, for (mostly) cisgender, heterosexual Black men. Like many other institutions, it has been home to deep-rooted heterosexism and misogynoir. However, it has also served as a sanctuary for Black male intimacy, healing, and love. In this space, they arrive at intimacy and attraction in a toxic way, but they do arrive there.

...OR it's a place black guys go to get a haircut.








That's the problem with you fucking mayos, you're not even able to participate in nuanced discussion about the passion, intrigue, teasing, netflix and chill in black barber shops. But in a toxic way.

Cishet Black men work tirelessly to build a rapport with their barbers that is often unmatched. That is intimacy and that is attraction, even if they don’t want to admit it. The only thing that allows them to use the word “cheating” amongst themselves in reference to seeing another barber and not be thought of as gay is their cishet identity and their investment in hypermasculinity/heteronormativity.

I can't wait to watch these retards' attempt to push gender abolitionist bullshit on the black community backfire spectacularly. Once [PROTECTED ETHNIC GROUPS] start realizing what's really going on, we may actually get to witness mayocide in our lifetime.

The seeds of resentment are already being sewn:

What a giant load of liberal, millenial LGBT HORSESHIT!
... This is what happens when you give feminists and sodomites an inch, they attempt to take 10 miles instead. ... Cishet? Get the fuck outta here wit that bullshit ... This is black-faced white liberalism. Reject this fuckery Brothers.


Lmao the comments are brilliant.