Irish hotel owner publicly shames blogger after said blogger asks to stay there for free in return for "exposure", hilarity ensues.

113  2018-01-24 by snallygaster




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What an uhh interesting face.

Those lips look like they got transplanted from a wide mouth bass.

Typical U.K. Mutt

Why is everyone from the U.K. so fucking ugly

They might be the ugliest white country in the world

I can't evaluate all the countries of color, they all look the same to me

It's a very well known fact that the vikings took away all the hot ones.

We call that broken in the military, not interesting. Interesting is seeing a pig shit out a machete from some Ugandan corpses it ate earlier

Sure enough, she starts out by insisting that she doesn't like drama. Too bad I can't watch the rest because I'm too weirded out by whatever the fuck is wrong with her eyeballs.

"These were all 30 years plus people Internet bullying a 22-year-old girl”

She’s just a little girl everyone! She’s only been alive 22 years just a little girl being bullied by the big meanies. 30 is like 10 more than 22 just a baby girly hmph. :(


You're a grown ass adult at 18, stop trying to prolong your childhood to justify your addiction to Rick and Morty, the Nintendo Switch and Overwatch.

Grow the fuck up and then keep yourself safe

It's just science, you ignorant clod

In 100 years you will be the same as the Victorians insisting 10 year olds working 12 hour shifts were perfectly grown up

Teehee, nice ad hominem

LOL thanks, I'm paying for it in downvotes though

Worth it for "ignorant clod" any day

For the record I upvoted you 🐇

I figured, you really get me

thks bby

Lol just kidding you faggot I downvoted >:)




If and when you grow up, you'll realize just how ignorant you are now.

I'm already over 18, so I have.

~~Check mate, nigger faggot~~

You're a fucking moron. By the time you reach 25 years of age, you should have been on your own, functioning as an adult, for several years. Some people have even - GASP! - graduated college and established themselves in their respective careers by then. Still others have married and are raising children.

And some, like the blogger in question, trave, the world on their own and run their own business.

Nah, she's not a child. No one without a significant mental or physical disorder is a "child" at 25 years of age. And you are significantly misinterpreting that wall of links you felt the need to post. The phrase "fully developed brain" doesn't mean that anything less equals "child". Not even close. Did you think that adulthood is something you just wake up with on your 25th birthday?

No, it's something you figure out through trial and error and is the sum of your experiences. A 22-year-old, especially one who is apparently competent and mature enough to travel the world alone and create/run her own business, is an adult. No, not even if her brain is "still developing".

By the time you reach 25 years of age, you should have been

That, or you could be "shitposting" on the internet, playing video games or making a fool out yourself in advanced high school.

Yes, "Some people have even - GASP! - graduated college and established themselves in their respective careers by then." Statistics don't lie, and even the younger ones in "respective careers" are still doing the grunt work.

And, yes, "Still others have married and are raising children." Don't even get me started on children having children.

The times have changed along with technology, demographics and parental/child relations and raising standard. If you haven't seen how immature people in their early 20's are today, you clearly are one of them or haven't spent any time around college campuses or in the professional world.

So many links, so little buss

He's just jealous he has to work

Most of us are enlightened NEETs, he just can't deal with it


22 years old, my arse. She looks like she just turned 47.

Road hard and put away wet

That's a bald face lie. The owner didn't identify the blogger, she actually "outed" herself when she decided she could generate some drama (read: clicks) out of it. Now she's playing the victim? L M A Y O

Not really. In the facebook post the owner shared a screenshot of the email and blacked out the personal info. Only problem is he did with a black that wasn't fully opaque. If you turn up your brightness and get close to your screen you can see the personal info.

oh my gosh its making my eyes water in sympathy just watching that red rimmed horror.

"I am so sorry that I didn’t think of you guys until now. You are a much more lucrative group of people to piss off than the vegans and the gluten intolerant combined.

"Thank you for all your hard work and don’t forget to continue to spread the word about our business."

We need to make this guy a mod. A++++

Hopefully the good Lord takes pity on us and destroys the world before the millennial generation has an opportunity to attain any sort of authority.

Im not old enough to die naturally by then so here is hoping.

it's been five hours and nobody's wondering about how delectable the guy on the right's bussy would be? he looks suspiciously comfortable in that dress

Bless his fucking heart

She also claimed that comments calling her a "freeloader" were bullying her as a 22-year-old girl and added that most of them came from a group of people who "don't understand the social media world".

Nah, I think hes got a good grasp on the social media world

Holy amazeballs, that is some high effort trolling

Both my genders are very attracted to that tall man in a dress

The rest of the video is almost 20 minutes long so if you're really interested check it out below:

Read that in the most laconic Dublin accent you can muster.

Looks like one too many cousin marriages in her gene pool

Feckin' English

Anyone who offers to pay some in "exposure" is a fucking asshole who is trying to scam

Social media world or not

There was that other hotel in Charleville Dublin over a year ago that made the news because of Shitlord owners pissing entitled people off. It was called Charleville Lodge. I don’t know what it is about that area and hotels that are like this but I like it.

same story

I have been named a monster, and do not deny those claims. I am the monster that I fear we all can become. So sit back. Read, or listen, to someone who has passed between realms. Listen to the words of a fool. If they cannot make you less foolish, at least let them give you hope. For I, of all people, have changed.

hear me out, maybe we should kill all influncers before we move onto the gamers


If you move on to portable gamers then you would have to go against mobile phone users, and that would be genocide of billions of people

whats your point?

I think he's just concerned about the logistics

yeah it's not feasible and the nigger who responded to me didn't realize he would have to kill himself

buddy if you think im not doing that already then you havent seen the pile of empty liquor bottles behind my chair

We can just release Pokemon GO 2 and have them need to be going 120km/h before pokemans show up or be standing in the middle of busy roads

>killing social media influencers

cool it with the antisemitic remarks

Oh, I forgot. Bateman's dating someone from the ACLU.


Shifty, lazy Mayos are always looking for gibs.

Sad thing is she has 2.5m views on the video about it so she's winning anyway. That video's revenue will pay for her makeup habit for an entire day or two.

i thought social media influencers were just called jews

Awww the poor 22 year old girl...

NO! She's a fully grown fucking woman.

22 year old """girl"""