SRdines unironically think this is funny and worthy of upvotes.

83  2018-01-24 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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/u/ebilutionist Has your mother ever had an abortion?

jumps around excitedly like /u/ebilutionist's mother's abortion

lol rekt

jesus christ good god no

Roleplaying is so last decade. Not even, it's like something that just creeped itself in message boards and kept lingering there, but is so ultimately devoid of any appeal that it shouldn't even be considered a trend/thing.
I hope in the future, we can say the same for quoting movie dialogues (not as shitty(?), but much more widespread on this godforsaken website).

That's a good sub. Thank you very much.

I choose to believe all of those are faked conversations.

I just drink. We all have our coping mechanisms

christ, this one is fucking brutal. easiest situation in the world to exit smoothly and the guy blows it up for literally no reason.

well thats just, like, your opinion man

Next you're gonna say that all humans need water to live? Don't go the woke route please, I'm not ready for your galaxy brain takes!

OwO what's this?

A dead meme

No robes and wizard hats today?

I don't get it. Sorry, I'm autistic.

Daaaamn, I remember now. No joke, the last time I saw this meme might be closing in on a decade ago.

It’s worse than I ever could have imagined

Is this subredditsimulator?





zoop 👉

Zoo wee mama!

Jumps around like bb8

I dont remember earth shaking when bb8 jumped.

jumps around excitedly like BB-8

Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you

The fuck u/ebilutionist

u/ebilutionist I want you to know that your comment and furry ERP are roughly equivilent

U/ebilutionist delete your account

Day of the can, when?