Legitimate soyboy journalist rants at Count "Nazi pug" Dankula over L'Oreal hijab hair model before defending Irans hijab laws

146  2018-01-25 by GadolBoobies


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Wew fucking lad. I want source on that quote

He's approaching levels of soy that shouldn't even be possible.

We have to back. We need to go find the person responsible for soymilk and mutilate them

He's already mutilated and posting on /r/transpassing right now.

Behold, white people. The future champions of your race.

Weird hill to plant your flag dude.


Imagine getting triggered by a L'Oreal ad tho

hire model who covers her hair as hair model

rage when this is criticized for the idiocy it is

she's then fired for anti-semitic Tweets

Weird hill to plant your flag, dude.

Keep on fighting for social justice, warrior 🙄

Imagine getting triggered by this thread tho.

Imagine getting triggered by this post tho.

Imagine trying to play that shit off like you didn't get triggered tho.

Imagine trying to play that shit off like you didn't get triggered tho. no u

Imagine no u tho.

Every day, friend

Imagine there's no mayos.
It isn't hard to do.

Some people tell me I'm a dreamer. That's why I come to r/drama to be reminded that I'm not the only one.

Some people tell me I'm a dreamer.


Imagine being a ginger manlet

Every day, friend

Imagine being this salty lmao

Imagine penetrating Ed's warm bussy, mmmmmm.

le bussy ecks Dee xddd

Imagine being as much of a shitposter as Ed and then acting like you are above other people.

Did i just hit a nerve? Oof!! Haha

I just wish I could be as good at shitposting as you, it's an art.

Keep pretending it isn't obvious you just got bodied.

Bussy comments? Of course.

But ed, I thought you liked the Buddy meme.

is this just assumption based on his jewness or do we have confirmation on that

He admitted it.

He admitted it.

Imagine being so much of a cuck that you need to defend your politics in every drama thread.

Imagine still being this bussy blasted since yesterday


u mad lol

I like how they're all making fun of the guy's physical appearance when that Count Dankula fellow they're guzzling cum from looks like a heroin junkie.

He’s much too heavy to be on heroin

Imagine getting bussy blasted over everyone calling an uggo soyboy an uggo soyboy, so you try shitting on the other dude like anyone cares.

This should definitely be a user flair

WHOOAAAA i just got roasted

He keeps trying so hard to grow a beard.

Soy, not even once.

Look at those fat fingers

Immediately I was hit with a pungent smell. Cursed image.

It's so fat and hairless, I'm not even entirely sure that's a man.

God he needs to keep himself safe


I'm 1000% sure he made that face in an attempt to draw your eyes away from the fact that his hair is running away from his face.

So, like a metaphor for the women/victims in his life.

I think most of his victims are going to be men.

"I definitely want other people to see this"

it's a fine line between confidence and delusion.



Le master race strikes again

Google image searching him does show that he's a fat fuck, so a prime candidate for the MySpace angle. But it doesn't really work for dude with a hairline like a threadbare old carpet.

The main thing from seeing his image search results is the face he's pulling in his twitter profile pic isn't some ironic smug smile, but his actual mong face. Jesus Christ.

"Nobody can bully me for looking like a developmentally disabled potato if I own it and make a point of using a really bad social media profile picture"

Who has less hair and looks more like a mutant is a way more entertaining argument than the retardation that is that twitter thread.

Count “dankula” They both deserve to be gassed but I give a slight nod to count dankula because the studs and plugs are try hard faggotry at its peak. https://i.imgur.com/MbIEC3C.jpg https://i.imgur.com/PRRtwtp.jpg https://i.imgur.com/WluPRb4.jpg

Everyone deserves to be gassed, why are we even arguing about this

But in what order, like who gets priority boarding on the airplane to hell

I'm with you that the ear gauges push the Count to the head of the line.

whoever is most likely to resist goes first, whoever is most likely to gas themselves to finish the job goes last.

come on this is basic shit

I like you, i'll gas you last.

The fuck is going in that last picture

He’s paying for the sins of his Nazi loving pug (I think?)

Oh it's the pug guy!

I'm team Dankula for sure

The widow's peak to end all widow's peaks. Holy fuck

He is the no ragrets guy!

I bet he still listens to shitty bands that were big in 2007 like alexisonfire.

Idk what thread you were looking at but there was only one retard there and his name rhymes with kike

Can you even twitter fam?

Be a man and say nigga instead of substituting fam like a degenerate mayo

Nah I’m good thanks for the suggestion though

Oh well I tried remember to keep safe friendo

Is Count Dankula Scottish? One glance at that photo suggests over exposure to the Glasweigan water supply

Very good intuition you have.

Wow, that is gayer than 8 guys fucking 9 guys.

Think how much cuck-facial-recognition technology could speed up the mayocide.

all i can think of after looking at that picture, how long has he been a member of the Hair Club for Men?

related: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vjhlsSEazCg/hqdefault.jpg

Seth Rogaine


jesus look at his sad face i want him to die

If you’re not behind the mayocide, you’ll be in front of it.

Would be great flair.

I'm just curious why out of all the possible hijab she could wear, they chose one that actually does cover up 100% of her hair.

I mean, logically if you care enough to wear one surely you should go the whole way. But then, why model makeup if you're trying to be modest.

I still can't work out if I think dankula is funny because he's actually funny or it's just his Scottish accent.

It's one of those things where if you agree with him then you laugh more and pat yourself on the back for sticking it to those essjaydubyous at the same time. He's not unfunny, but there's a bunch of confirmation bias going on.

You should probably stop thinking too much about it, or your brain is going to explode.

You seem mad for some reason.



A sad day when a true SPN position is grounds for being downvoted and called out. The crime? Using essjaydubyou terminology. The punishment? Castigated by the users of cringeanarchy who pretend to be SPNs in /r/drama.

Christ you know it ain't easy

You know how hard it can be

The way things are going

They're going to crucify me

why is he making that face

There seems to be a strange coronation between smirking and wide open mouth smiles and soyboy betafuckery

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Kurt Eichenwald Verified account

Well thats shocking.

Like a tentacle to the sphincter.

Daddy can you show me if tentacle porn really exists PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DADDY SHOW ME THOSE TENTACLES OH MY GOD DADDY THEY'RE HUGE

"I wouldn't know where to start replying to your utter bile than you have just been spewing, much rather smash your face in, but I'm a man of considerable peace, so go along quietly son and I shall politely choose to ignore you" can we make that a snappy quote

That fucking thumbnail

Yeah we were talking about that on another sub, her tweets weren't anti-Semitic, just criticizing the nation of Israel

It's like there's a huge global network of Jewish people in media in finance who took a hit out on this problematic Muslim model

Hell yeah

Yeah we were talking about that on another sub, her tweets weren't anti-Semitic, just criticizing the nation of Israel

Oy vey

Wow, she came asymptotically close to taking responsibility for what she said. I'd call that progress. Regretting "the upset [those tweets] have caused" is incrementally more self-aware than "I'm sorry if you were offended by what I said."

Everything would have been great for her if it weren't for those pesky tweets out there hurtin' folks.

Being anti Israel isn't a morally wrong stance necessarily.

Mike 'still got his cherry' stuchbery

He kind of looks like Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill came into a jar of mayo and it gained sentience.

This is the same soyboy who seriously tried to argue that mud huts were a superior form of housing to American homes in his crusade to talk about how Africans were kangz.

I'm going to skip these guys, since y'all don't think they were black

Every single fucking time.

lmao isn't he British

What the fuck. This is just reaching for straws.

Well, someone has to rebuild that house.

Strange how soys like him are praising the African culture, yet they always seem to live in predominately white locations. HMMMMMM.

It's like Rob Reiner whining about how everyone's racist for opposing illegal immigration while he lives in an 85% white neighborhood.

I like how he says that Africans built monumental structures and then he proceeds to list a bunch of buildings built by Arabs/Egyptians

REEEE Egyptians are black the Sahara don't real

Claims he is a “History” Buff in his twitter bio, then goes on saying there were lesbian Viking queens, cites a debunked archeological dig about women Viking warriors, and says because the Silk Road existed there were probably Chinese Vikings. WTF....

Am I living in a simulation ran by 12 year olds?

Yeah more or less

Chinese vikings

Probably saw Vikings and thought it was a 100% accurate. A Chinese Princess somehow finds herself in Scandinavia where she gives miraculous mystic drugs to Ragnar and gets junkied as a result.

Plus yeah, it's really big on shieldmaidens. While there obviously were shieldmaidens, implying women were anywhere near as numerous on the battlefield as that show shows is ridiculous.

All evidence points to shield maidens being a myth. They might have defended their own village or homes, but there is zero evidence that they were on the battlefield or raids.

Yeah anyone who believes women fought hardened male fighters hand to hand is a fucking idiot. Women travelled with their men naturally. So where Vikings went, so did their wives and daughters.

As to what, if any, role the women played in actual battles is difficult to prove. As women didn't play a large role in any military role in every other society, it's unlikely the Vikings did as well. As having women in your war party would serve as an obvious disadvantage. As the Vikings would always be facing war parties made of men.

All or this doesn't really matter today. As my friend, who was a Warrant Officer, said "if I can teach a skinny uneducated Afghan kid to kill Taliban, I can easily teach a girl/woman". But yeah some leftists really want to believe men and women are physical equals. Almost all of the time the dudes saying that are fat, lazy, soy boys, who haven't exercised once in their life.

And yet I know a well educated woman, presently clerking for a federal judge, who insists that Chinese shieldmaidens were a thing, women can hold their own in combat (because guile not strength), and women were on the raiding parties.

Any attempts to disprove these notions are met with, “well you can’t prove it didn’t happen.”

Chinocide when?

The closest we get to shield maidens historically are the Roman records during the Cimbri and Teutones invasion of Germanic women standing behind the battlefield and attacking any of their men who fled from battle.

He's responding to a guy complaining those things are in Vikings.

If you do a search on him you'll find his pedigree as a historian is being a supply teacher at a secondary school. That's it. Not an academic and not even a full-time teacher at a school. His only qualification as a historian is that he spouts the Woke shit people want to hear.

This is the fag who said that romans were actually black people

Dude, don’t leave me hanging, Romans were what?

Romans were black people , london in antiquity was more diverse than it is now! You know just general retard stuff

All male feminists look the same. It’s like how all danger hair types look the same I guess.

Also, I’ve noticed a lot of baldies in that group.

If you go bald, you have to either muscle up or cuck it up.

hijab hair model

hmm... really makes you think 🤔

Mike Stauchberry enjoys acting like a whiny-ass little faggot on social media apparently. Do you follow this dork, OP? Are you subscribed to his feed? Does he feed you his thoughts, OP? Do you enjoy them entering your body?

I mean, he is a soyboy but i found this pretty funny (partly because it's retarded.)


This guy is a complete arse. He is chronically desperate for attention, I think to try and assuage the self-loathing he feels at never having become a real historian. He actually used to out and out call himself a "historian" before people started drawing attention to the fact that he hadn't done anything more than a BA degree. No MA, no PhD, no research, no papers, no conferences, no articles, no books, no nothing. A little birdie also may or may not have informed me that he tries to get into conferences by directing the Call For Papers to his Twitter account with a little "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??" type word salad.

I have a friend who is an actual historian, and not someone who LARPs as one on Twitter, and she happened to chime in to one of Mike's rants with "Oh, I don't think that's correct, more recent scholarship shows that x, y, z" and so on. He went absolutely nuts and typed up a slew of obscenities at her while insisting that she wasn't actually a woman, and he was so bizarrely fixated on that, the idea that she couldn't possibly be a woman, that after the first half dozen tweets it was all he mentioned, nothing about the information that she'd presented to him, just calling her an "alt-right sockpuppet" among other things, before eventually blocking her and then posting about how it was "so tiring" dealing with "Nazi fucks" all day.

Strong words for someone who's greatest achievement in life was being a substitute teacher at a high school in Norfolk who tried to ban the word 'banter'.

Why don't you link the tweet?


can i request a translation of the title.