Incoming Drama: Nerds are really into Iron Maiden or something, and also blaming Daddy

13  2018-01-25 by PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS


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good bot.

In all seriousness, the Trump Drama has gone past critical mass. I'm now actively worried about the future.

Speak for yourself. I was promised death camps for snowflakes and soy boys, firing squads for trannies, and gays stuffed back into closets. NOT ONE OF WHICH has happened.

I’m starting to feel like I was lied to.

Even in Mad Max (the future you have to look forward to), gays are treated like pets and chained up right next to the main car's driver, rather than being stuffed back into closets.

A pet 🤔

They'd probably like that too much

True. Chucking them off buildings it is. A long drop and sudden stop.

Woah there, we are entering peak Muslim here. /r/islam is ------------->

You were also promised NO ww3, very definitely, and now look at this shit.

Is there a ww3? No? Then no promise broken.

And honestly aside from NK threatening to kickoff the mayocide ahead of schedule I can’t thinknkf any credible ww3 stunts.

U think it'd be worse with Killary? Taunting nk on twitter and shit? Who was she supposed to start a war with anyways?

She did boast about Libya so I’m guessing....Turkey. Mommy would’ve bombed the hell out of Turkey. Or Russia.

I dunno. My point stands, no ww3 and no problems.

That would have been such an immediate upgrade for the western world; you actively have me wishing Shillary won just for that thought alone. 😭

Well she wanted to enforce a no-fly zone in Syria, so Assad and, by extension, Russia.

In all seriousness, the Trump Drama has gone past critical mass. I'm now actively worried about the future.

I was worried about the future too, its why I voted Trump.

I voted for Trump because I hate America

You voted Trump because of your internalized love of America.

I'm now actively worried about the future.

Imagine caring about the world at all

Life will be boring when he is gone. Or maybe not, Oprah wills it.

G-d I wish

you're hilarious

I know, it's funny because it's true!

Its a one way ticket to midnight, call it, Heavy Metal.

"Scientists" don't fanny about with toy clocks.

Cool clock Rachel, want to bring it to the White House?