Is America a violent shithole or is it just the non mayos? Sort by controversial

21  2018-01-25 by Honk4Tits



Look back on history. Were gangs and drugs and homicide and fatherlessness big problems in the black community in the 40-50s when they were even more "oppressed" than they are now?

Are the rates of black violence and social dysfunction different in other countries where blacks aren't as institutionally "oppressed", as you claim, than in the US?

Someone brought facts and logic to the feelsbadman show. It’s a bold move but let’s see how it plays out Cotton!

Chicago is worse than Baghdad.

Chiraq lives on.

And I found a potential new lolcow!

Quickly someone figure out how to b8 our bunny loving, magic crystal worshipping YAS QWAN to /r/drama.

/u/-bioqueen- That rabbit looks delicious, how do you cook it?

Roast it, takes about one hour. You’re welcome.

/u/-bioqueen- I would very much like to fix your rabbit for my dinner tonight. Please PM me to discuss prices. I will pay extra if you skin it for me.

/u/-bioqueen- why is it retards seem to believe in the healing power of rocks? They’re fucking rocks not meds.

Mate, if you have cancer all you have to do is swallow some plutonium and shit. It's like homemade cancer therapy. Fucking big pharma.

I dont believe in their healing powers. I believe in cultivating an environment that allows me to be stimulated and inspired and psychologically and physically well, and metaphysically too. I don't remember eve taking any stance against medicine, in fact on the contrary, without science, how could I or anyone else hope to have a full understanding of the nature of things or self or others, at all?

So. Good luck with finding your dissident "retards". I hope that's really truly serving you well dear.πŸ’˜

Lol wut

being inspired psychologically and physically well, and metaphysically too.

How does one get physically inspired by rocks? I mean you could shove it up your ass to get off. Not really inspiring.

I don't remember eve taking any stance against medicine, in fact on the contrary

Never said you were against medicine, but point me to a single study that shows rocks have any physical benefit to someone’s health. You can’t.

without science, how could I or anyone else hope to have a full understanding of the nature of things or self or others, at all?

Absolutely euphoric.

As to the metaphysical, you should know that there is no inspiration but Allah through his prophet Mohammed. Inshallah.

I ran one over with car the other day, I'd like to think it had a family

Not really helpful or accurate-unless you were going to bard it and process by grinding for a sausage or cured meat preparationmastering braising or stewing techniques first would be the only course you should attempt. Anyone with beginners knowledge of wild meat or smallboned, muscly animals would attest to that.

Roasting is extremely volatile and hard to control/get down with any protein that is small and mainly comprised of muscle and almost no fat. Connective tissues would seize, and with negligible fat to render to begin with, the intense cooking would be an unpalatable mess, enhancing the ripe "gamey-ness" so many people love to despise. So, a potent adrenaline aftertaste from being mishandled, coupled with dry, leathery/sinuous main course is really the best you'd likely achieve. Great suggestion.

Most basically, tiny fragile bones and very little flavor making fat means taking your time to coax and relax all the flavor out of this delicate meat. And then building your flavors accordingly to mellow out and punch up the aspects you want.... That is if you actually give a shit about eating something delicious at the end. Glad I could clear that up before it all went sideways!πŸ‘

You wouldn't want to eat a Netherland Dwarf, they max out at under 2 pounds and their bodies are not proprtioned in a way that would make them worth processing (limbs and haunches are teeny tiny compared to their body size)... though I agree she is quite delicious to look at, she says thank you for the compliment.

For maximum enjoyment, one typically would want a game animal or (my choice) a large captive bred meat rabbit. I would recommend a Californian or New Zealand, but it takes a bit of finesse to do rabbit right....different form your standard proteins and even form other game animals in how they should be prepared.

Pro tip: light stew made with chicken stock, barley and spring onions, or some other grains or legumes is your safest bet to start out. Have fun!!

This will sound highly racist, but is merely a statement of fact : the homicidal graph highly correlates to percentage of Black population in country, extrapolated out. A population subsect which is also factually 750% more likely to commit homicide.

/u/stopthecirclejerc You're a fucking racist. This is why I want all mayos to fucking die. The only reason why us beautiful black kings and queens need guns in the first place is because you dirty fucking cumskins keep sending your cops into our kingdoms and killing our fucking children.



There is no such thing as 'Black'. Africa is comprised of the most diverse ethnicites in the world, due to complete inability and lack thereof to form centralized, unified governments. Without centralized rule over the last 20,000 years, there has been and continues to be hundreds of factions, and fragmented ethnicities in each main African country. African countries are largely the exact opposite of a homogeneous society. In terms of education, success, and murder rates, diversity is actually quite horrible for performance -- and tribalism and ethnic difference reigns supreme across sub-Saharan Africa. That said, there are entire countries in Africa, where the average IQ of the people is literally indicative of functional retardation. We are talking upper 70s, lower 80s.

Regardless, tricks on you, I've always self-identified as Miracle Whip. So I agree, death to all mayos.

Stop the circle jerc.



πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ dude, who why you so hurt by comments on Reddit

Glad to see reddit still gives basketball Americans zero agency


We need to give guns to chocolate Americans, they're the only ones with the stones to bring on mayocide


we invented colonialism remember

/u/greenblue10 I love how hard you're trying to virtue signal yet you're being racist by demeaning the colonial accomplishments of non-Europeans. I guess Arabs, Asians, South Americans and everyone else never colonized anyone, they all lived peacefully in their quaint little ethnic mud huts, worshipping nature until the evil Europeans started attacking the rest of the planet.

lol ok, I will bite, sometimes it's fun to feed alt-right trolls.

While us Europeans weren't the only ones that were great at treating others horrible for our own gain, indeed that's something that humans have managed since humans were a thing and I'm sure other hominids also have a claim to fame when it comes to it.

Invading other place/groups of people to use their resources (oil, coal, man power, land, etc) is of course just can extension of that.

And see this part of the post is were I get bored of feeding idiots and just send you to Wikipedia to see if you will get into an edit war trying to change it to agree with you and scream about it being liberal propaganda. , try and look up the definition of things before you start talking about them. Imperialism isn't the same as Colonialism, etc, etc but I'm sure you will find some definition that will disagree with that and you will win a pointless internet argument.


Colonialism is the policy of a nation seeking to extend or retain its authority over other people or territories, generally with the aim of developing or exploiting them to the benefit of the colonizing country and helping the colonies modernize in terms defined by the colonizers, especially in economics, religion and health.

The European colonial period was the era from the 15th century to 1914 when Spain, Portugal, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Germany and several smaller European countries established colonies outside Europe. The system practically ended 1945-1975 when nearly all colonies became independent. At first, the countries followed a policy of mercantilism, designed to strengthen the home economy at the expense of rivals, so the colonies were usually allowed to trade only with the mother country.

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The Assyrians colonized the fuck out of the Middle East genociding and displacing enormous populations. Something I'm still salty about all these years later.