I nominate the Alt-right for the Nobel peace prize.

35  2018-01-26 by masodeq


I don't think the alt-right should get any prize.

You see, they are a failed mutation off-spring of the snowflake generation that got prizes for everything.

Yet they were the ones that didn't. In a generation where kids got gold stars for participation, and trophies for average shit, they still got nothing.

We shouldn't make fun of them.

What a fucking jack off. Jewish college students are probably liberal, young liberals aren't exactly afraid od criticizing the geopolitical actions of Israel.

They should question Israel's right to exist.

"Muh criticizing geopolicial action's" is lame.

Schuck Schumer is more zionist than evangelicals.

Someone should punch him in the face

adam friedland is a 30 year old bug

Proud of our beautiful baby boy making it to r/drama.

The first reply is a link to Blacked.com. Why are /pol/, white nationalists, neo Nazis obsessed with that site?

They're sexless, hate filled, over weight, losers, who are clearly sexually intimidated by strong black men. They all know that if they get arrested they'll be prison bitches in a day. Thus is why we got the crying Nazi.

The pathology of their delusional thinking would be very interesting if they weren't so fucking awful.

Try not to cut yourself on all that edge, chief.


Okay now do one for yourself

The same reason /r/drama targets gussy, cuckoldry, transgenderism and non monogamy: it's aroused but it's getting nothing. No, spamming requests for busy doesn't hide it.

Cuckoldry is "aroused but getting nothing"


/r/drama doesn't even has a woman to do that.

> trying to nominate autism itself

Didn't Richard Spencer get caught with a black woman coming out of his shower?

If only that punch had killed him 😔