/r/unitedkingdom comment gets 100 upvotes for suggesting that the Conservative government cutting spending is going to lead to Auschwitz (this is not an exaggeration). Some users think that public spending being only 42% of GDP is not actually a precursor to genocide and are downvoted

91  2018-01-26 by aonome


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What can men do against such reckless Europeanism?

Please just nuke us, you'd be doing is a favour.

I'm ready to be immolated in the nuclear hellstorm. Just end it.

Poland saves Europe once again.

Apologise if it doesn't fit your political ideology, but the Tories policies are actually increasing the deaths of those most vulnerable.

/u/Adzm00 This is the same logic that's going to be used to justify hanging all you leftists when people are pushed too far by immigrant crime, just so you know :)


It's a real shame that two A-bombs were wasted in Japan when Britain could've been vaporized instead.

Friendship with CRUMPETS is over. Now ANIME is my best friend.

This but unironically

Stopping the Blitz was a mistake

The Nazis did not start out in 1920 by suggesting that they gas the Jews, the poor, the disabled, the opposition.

In the same argument, the Tories did not come into power promising to persecute minorities and drive the disabled to suicide.


You know who else isn't advocating genocide? That's right, Bob Ross. Why isn't anyone investigating him? He's following the same pattern as Hitler!

1) don't advocate genocide
2) some other shit
3) genocide

You might think "hey isn't Bob Ross dead though?" Yeah he is, just like Hitler. It's all there people open your eyes I've basically proved it. Bob Ross, the Tories, every other political party, the band Creed, etc are all secret Nazis.


I bet you don't like communism either. You know who else didn't like communism? Hitler. Really makes you think, nazi scum.

And don't forget, Bob Ross is a painter with a military background.

Ho. Ly. Shit.


Also, this is especially retarded since the Nazis were violently antisemitic from pretty much the second year after they were founded when Hitler became a leading figure.

Fuck yeah, they were. Jews were unironically promoting sexual degeneracy in Weimar Germany like no where else in the world. 25 - 30 homosexual publications were released weekly in Berlin alone. Jew Magnus Hirschfeld opened the Institute for Sexual Science in March 1919 and, well, Google it. Just imagine being Hitler with that shit going on. Then Think back to the German Revolutionary War of 1918-1919: something like 90% of the leaders of the commie revolutionaries were Jews. How many Germans died in that shit only to give way to the faggotry of Weimar Germany? That Hitler even considered the Haavara Agreement is a testament to his patience.

Lol, the German “revolutionary war” consisted of two failed uprisings that were shut down within days, a maybe a few dozen or couple of hundred deaths at the absolute most. Someone’s pretty easily triggered if that’s all it takes to go full fashtard.

The Spartacist Uprising alone is said to have accounted for ~ 3000 killed. The second stage of the revolution lasted over nine months. I don't know what you googled before formulating your reply but th

Again, lmao - only Bavaria and the Spartacists were in any way revolutionary. Capitalism wasn't overthrown, the German aristocracy wasn't deprived of its wealth - only titles (and then largely on paper). Stock markets stayed open, factories kept running, trains and trams continued to operate. There was no significant disruption, and the couple of revolutionary attempts that occurred were quickly crushes by the federal government, the military and the freikorps. There was an abdication in Germany, but no revolution.

My only claim was after all that jewish shit Hitler came to the conclusion that he should gas the jews. You're free to disagree but you already got the length of these uprisings and the number of deaths totally wrong so I'm free to discount your opinion. Besides, there's people who would hgas the jews right now for arguably much less than the pre-WWII German jewish shenanigans i outlined in my previous post.

You know Hitler said that the muzzies should have won at Tours because Islam was more fitting for his Germanic warrior race, right? Not to mention how Muslims served in the Wehrmacht in North Africa and Hitler had close relations with several Arab countries.

shut ur whore mouth, magnus hirschfeld is the greatest

why are you so opposed to Islam? You seem to have gotten the basics already.

Do you see this moral and societal degeneration happening in your average Muslim country? I'll answer that for you: fuck no, because they don't let this degeneracy slide, like fucking liberal CUCKS in the West. There's only one solution, and that is for everyone to convert to Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn't tolerate degeneracy like gay marriage or gender bending—nay! He mandated the ostracization and execution of gays, and made sure they would not become commonplace or accepted by the rest of the community. He made sure to establish clear gender roles and didn't tolerate this "gender identity" trash.

In the meantime, you have Western society accepting gays, slut pride, gender-mixing, new genders, no genders, LGBT, and who knows what else?! Western society is truly degenerating without guidance, and I fear that as time passes, these degenerate groups only gain more and more power.

Muslims and white nationalists might think they're enemies, but in reality, they're closer to each other than they think! An alliance would prove very fruitful for both sides.

Just repeat the declaration of faith after me:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله

and you'll be right on your way to becoming a great Muslim!

So... You're suggesting White Shari'a?

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

And I thought I was crazy because when I was 10 I hit my head against the wall again and again and again.

Brits are basically shaved apes, anyway.

How do you get your money if it's not by working, u/fineus? Most people do actually work in some degree for it.

That depends... if you're rich, tax haven's are neat. If you're poor then you get meagre state handouts and get called a parasite.

Then there's bank robberies, online fraud... I could go on ?

Nice meme

Tax havens don't generate funds, just reduce tax burden.

On the principle that's money you would ordinarily have had to pay along with everyone else who does, I don't see how it makes a huge difference in the end. It's still money in your pocket, rather than the states.

But you're not getting money for nothing, you have to earn money first and then not give it to disgusting lazy poors who are going to off themselves regardless of how much you pay them because no one likes being a leech.

not give it to disgusting lazy poors who are going to off themselves regardless

You tried too hard there. Good effort though.

I'm sure not having a job and being a general drain on society gives you enough time to seek out and only associate with fellow blood suckers but I assure you this view is genuine among the useful class of society.

Nope, still trying too hard. You need to tone it down a little.

If only your mom tried harder with that coat hanger...

She might have un-creased coats?

... you have to earn that money.

Right, but how many actually have the facility to make good use of tax havens? That's kinda the point...

Dont downvote the lolcows. Thats stealing from /r/drama.

suggesting that the Conservative government cutting spending is going to lead to Auschwitz (this is not an exaggeration).

Well.. it's a blatant exaggeration, /u/aonome, but I'm touched you found it interesting all the same.

I can see why this place is called /r/drama!

But it's not.

You're mental mate.

Being told what I think by a stranger on the internet never gets boring...

You told the internet what you think fam

Seems the internet has an English comprehension problem. But hey, glad I could be the source of some sweet karma drama for you.

Erm ackshually I was only saying it is one step away from Nazism, not that they'd take that step

You're dumb.

I think I hear Theresa May's blackshirts coming, keep yourself safe

Well I can see why you seem to stick to /r/badunitedkingdom, complaining about people not liking your point of view. Can't think why.

Lots of luck fam

Not really a joking matter when we are seeing the sharp rise of Hitlerism within Thersa May's government.

Meh. A quick through /u/aonome 's posting history turns up things like this:

There's a lot of hate towards Tory voters in this subreddit. I want to help you understand briefly why an educated young person from a working class background would vote Conservative, even if you disagree

And from the comments..

The point is that the Tories are the least bad.


Well, I wasn't hostile to any of you but you still buried my post simply because you have a different opinion ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Have fun on election night guys

Posting my comment here to /r/drama could be for brigading purposes, wilfully misleading others, or just to whine that someone said something nasty about his party of choice and while he knows he has no chance of contesting this on /r/unitedkingdom, here on /r/drama or on /r/badunitedkingdom he feels safer in his echo chamber.

I can't say I massively care, just enough to point out the obvious here. Life goes on and - despite what strangers on the internet claim I believe - I know what I believe.

You dropped this \

To prevent any more lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You believe Hitlerism is rising in this country's government but you don't massively care?

Maybe I am misunderstanding something here.

Sorry, I meant that I don't massively care that this thread around my post was created - that's what I took to be the 'making a joke of it'.

Wasn't clear there.

Well as someone else mentioned, be careful around Therea May's blackshirts. It could be a reality soon enough!

I dare say /u/aonome would disagree with you.

Then they're already here.

You care enough to go about a thousand posts back in my post history to find things that don't even discredit me. Why don't you get a job?

You care enough to go about a thousand posts back in my post history to find things that don't even discredit me.

Nope, just your posted threads. Was curious to see if you'd posted on /r/unitedkingdom before. Wasn't a hard or lengthy search.

Why don't you get a job?

I'm on my lunch hour.

Again though, I'm not sure someone whining on /r/drama about someone offending their sensibilities about their party (and you do seem to post a lot of this kind of thing) should be complaining about other people getting a job.

Don't throw stones in glass houses and all that?

What's wrong with voting Tory?

Be brave. Ask on /r/unitedkingdom openly and see what folks think.

I'd just like your personal opinion.

Why? I don't owe it and I don't see how it'd change yours either.

You won't because you just want to come here and cry about being linked to a meta sub

Again... stones and glass houses.

I posted a quote of you crying about how your pro-Tory thread went down earlier.

Don't dish it out if you can't take it!

Except I didn't. No need to be upset :)

You did, I'm not... replying ≠ upset :)

You would definitely be upset if you thought the government was one step away from being Nazis

I absolutely would! Your thread isn't that though, plus I get to get and get pissed in a couple of hours so I'm really not that upset :)

So you're a creepy stalker too?

What's this got to do with you thinking Tories are one step from nazis?

So you're a creepy stalker too?

Oh I'm sorry, are you the only one who gets to trawl through what people have said for the amusement of others? Isn't this what /r/drama is for?

What's this got to do with you thinking Tories are one step from nazis?

You openly support the Tories, I can only assume I ruffled some feathers by insulting your party of choice... a fact born out by you caring enough to post on /r/unitedkingdom about why young people should vote for the Tories. You clearly care.

Voting for a party is not supporting a party if there are no good options mate.

No, I came across your comment by browsing reddit. When did I go back 1000 posts in your comment history?

I see why you're comparing Tories to Nazis though. At work I can't imagine having the time to go that far into someone's post history, just make a few low effort replies. Worried about the DWP finding out you're not keeping to your commitment?

Pathetic scrounger 😂

Voting for a party is not supporting a party if there are no good options mate.

Perhaps, but trying to put your thoughts of why people would be right to support them online - like you did - is supporting a party.

At work I can't imagine having the time to go that far into someone's post history

Do you know how long it takes to go into someone's profile, expand their posts page and search CTRL+F and "/r/unitedkingdom" ?


Pathetic scrounger 😂

You're really struggling with the whole 'don't throw stones in glass houses' concept aren't you ;)

Imagine being pathetic enough to comment stalk someone. Then imagine being autistic enough to use the "findings" to seriouspost here.


I liked you better when you were making comments about my mother and a coat-hanger, brave keyboard warrior.

I bet you did, you kinky fuck

Guilty as charged I'm afraid!


Are you actually retarded?

no argument

Spoken like a true Hitlerist.

Reply when you have substance.

no u


The Nazis did not start out in 1920 by suggesting that they gas the Jews, the poor, the disabled, the opposition. In the same argument, the Tories did not come into power promising to persecute minorities and drive the disabled to suicide. It does not take much of a leap from where they are now to where Hitler took Germany, and by referring to history we can act appropriately to stop it.


The Nazis did not start out in 1920 by suggesting that they gas the Jews, the poor, the disabled, the opposition. In the same argument, the Tories did not come into power promising to persecute minorities and drive the disabled to suicide. It does not take much of a leap from where they are now to where Hitler took Germany, and by referring to history we can act appropriately to stop it.


Acknowledging an increasingly controlling government is still a far cry from gas chambers, don't you think?

Fact is the words Theresa May said and the words written about the gate at Auschwitz are undeniably quite similar.

It does not take much of a leap from where they are now to where Hitler took Germany

still a far cry from gas chambers, don't you think?


It does not take much of a leap


take much of a leap



Reducing government share of the economy

Reminder that r/unitedkingdom is such an insufferable shitheap a good chunk of its userbase split off to form r/casualuk because they were sick of them injecting Tories Are Genociding Us into everything.

The two subs are completely different, the only thing they have in common is Britan

/r/ukpolitics could rival /r/uk for most hate-filled sub on reddit these days. They should both be forceably renamed to something more accurate.

42% of GDP on public spending sounds like a nightmare.

I thought so too but the US is at 36% so we're not far behind...

The dollar is already weak and there is a defeciet so we're going to print money to no end. Good time for bitcoin,

It's actually fairly good for a country with universal healthcare.

Ideally it should be negative. A good government should enslave criminals and loot weaker countries to distribute the lest amongst the citizens.

which transfers money from poor to rich

These people have no clue how government and taxes work.

Poor don't even PAY taxes ffs.