12 2018-01-26 by The_Reason_Trump_Won
1 SnapshillBot 2018-01-26
Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 LSU_Coonass 2018-01-26
this, but unironically
1 ConsoleWarCriminal 2018-01-26
First of all, the only thing Canada "deserves" is a nuclear holocaust
1 SnapshillBot 2018-01-26
Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 LSU_Coonass 2018-01-26
this, but unironically
1 ConsoleWarCriminal 2018-01-26
First of all, the only thing Canada "deserves" is a nuclear holocaust