Watch out, LIEberals! Sources confirm that OBummer is receiving the DEATH PENALTY!

137  2018-01-26 by snallygaster


It’s very difficult keeping up with which sections of the establishment are on their side. Now it’s the 100% establishment neocons in the military?


I wonder what percentage of the posters there are just larping vs actually believing something this dumb.

This is shitty fanfic.

it's weird, most of the posters in there have made their accounts within the last month and rant about jesus a lot

The weirdest thing about the Q situation is that it isn’t really heavy into the altright type conspiracies that have become more popular over the past few years (eg. it mostly isn’t that antisemitic).

Instead it’s kind of a rehash of a lot of those esoteric Christian, anti-devil-worshipping-globalists conspiracies you used to see in the late 90s. Quite vintage in many ways.

Dumb fucking plebs with their 90s nostalgia thought they wanted the 90s back.

Here you are, eat up.

The dream of the nineties is alive in 4chan

Praying to exorcize my pogs as Reel Big Fish plays in the background.

Tazos > pogs

Between this and the militia movements you have a point. Waco 2.0 here we cum*

That probably explains why so many of the posters seem to be older and half of the content is what you'd expect your drunken backwoods uncle to post to Facebook.

i dont have one of those

You're missing out

Sounds sexy

You can have mine.

my condolences

It definitely EXPLAINS the RANDOM capitalization they use.

actual boomers browse /pol/ now.

Pizzagate was a rehashing of the 80s Satanic Panic

Potato chip Potato chip👅🥔 Crunchy munchy🤤🤤

I love Jesus 😩👏 A bunchy bunchy 🙌😍





This sub isn't as active, but the person running it literally thinks Trump was sent by God to become president.

/u/nunsinnikes you guys meme'in or actually believe that crap/

It's not ironic. I'm collecting the information of strange phenomena in the Christian community surrounding it Trump for those who are curious. Not trying to make a persuasive argument.

There are dozens of people who claim to be prophets who all started coming out with Trump related prophecy as early as 2008. Trump fits an archetype seen multiple times in anointed leaders in the Old Testament. There's a lot of numerical, linguistic, and religious coincidences concerning Trump and this time that connects back to the Bible. I find it interesting and have compiled it on that sub, and now another poster for the most part adds related items and commentary that he notices.

Feel free to check it out for the lulz or absurdity. Sidebar is the primer. I just found enough to make me raise an eyebrow and thought others may find it similarly curious for one reason or another.

You're a fucking retard, dude.

Yeah, that's about the response I'd expect from most people about the content of this sub. No worries, it's got a narrow target audience.

Wow, that's something else. How did you find out about this phenomenon? And why would God send an extremely materialistic serial philanderer, frequent hypocrite, money launderer etc. to become president? To help degrade the fabric of America? The three things Jesus despised more than anything were materialism, adultery, and hypocrisy.

The earliest bits were googling trying to figure out what Christians liked about Trump, because I had the same response that you have now. Then I noticed how weirdly widespread the phenomenon was, and went looking for it. Then when 4chan got really into synchronicity and coincidences, they pointed out a lot of the other oddities that I compiled there.

The basic gestalt related to the second half of your post is that God works through incredibly flawed human beings by necessity, since we are all incredibly flawed. Some are more culturally condemned than others, but it's all equally vile to God. He doesn't have the choice of perfect specimens to anoint. He shares a lot in common with King Cyrus, who was made wealthy by God so that he would be capable of accomplishing for Jerusalem what God needed done.

In this paradigm, the thought is that Trump was used or raised up so he could accomplish the task at hand. His recognizability translates to popularity which gives him an edge for publicity with his lack of experience. He wealth made the campaign possible, but also allows for him to be less motivated to accept bribes and be dissuaded. His ego-centricity gives him the hubris to A) think he should be president and B) never waiver from believing he can accomplish these massive undertakings.

The point definitely isn't to sell Trump as a saint or the picture of a Christ-like life. A lot of it is perplexing. He may have been chosen because he's the person who can accomplish what needs to be done. The strange thing about Biblical heroes is that they're all shown to be terrible people in a lot of ways. David was a violent war lord, Moses became egotistical, Abraham gave his wife to two separate men, Cyrus had immense wealth, Jonah never wanted to help in the first place and was ungrateful, etc. God doesn't seem to choose people for major tasks based on how religious or perfect they are.

Fuck me, I thought the Muslim conspiracy theories that I grew up with were nuts but this is truely something else.

I get it, trust me. If it's true, it's nuts that it's happening. If it's false, I'm nuts for compiling it. Either way it's nuts! And if you already don't like Trump and/or aren't religious, it's exponentially crazier.

I'm not trying to pass it off as obvious or not immediately reasonable. Just curious and abundant!

What even are you 🤔🤔

So what is the end-game supposed to be, according to these theories? It's not like Trump's even particularly remarkable from a global POV; Berlusconi did it better.

And the King said, "Woman, I shalt pierce thou in thy flower."

to devil's (lol) advocate for a second, while trump is arguably a budget berlusconi in terms of charisma/skullduggery/etc, trump is remarkable in terms of the amount of power he wields, and the historical moment in which he has come in to it. america is the only world superpower left, and it's a country which has grown fat and complacent in its dominance. very few people are satisfied with the nation as it is or the direction they think it's going, and this is especially true of christians.

if you buy into the biblical paradigm at all, the only real stances to take on the ascendancy of a figure like trump is as an ultimate confirmation of the fallen nature of the country, due to his sins and excesses, or as a possible savior, due to the violent disruption he represents for the existing (wicked, sinful) order. given that christians tend to skew right, theyre gonna be reluctant to adopt the former position out of a base patriotism, as proven by how hard evangelicals broke for trump. its not that many steps further down this path before the idea of trump as a figure sent by god to rescue america and, by extension, the world, from the clutches of an infernal order begins to seem plausible. none of this works for berlusconi, though, because nobody cares about italy, so the whole logic chain breaks down before it can get started. like, if god's gonna choose a king a prophet, it's gonna be a king that actually matters. even after he leaves office, trump will never be the sort of punchline berlusconi is.

come on you don't really think a shit head like Trump would be so chosen. Yah I get the Paul stories for the new testament, but he actually changed his behavior and stopped being a shit head. Trump has been a continual shit head the entire time he's been embraced by evangelicals. God's chosen tend to go through a positive change and become better people. Trump is getting worse with his craziness...

I don't about that, man. Read what David and Abraham did even after they were set on their missions. Paul was born again, and received the Holy Spirit. I don't know whether or not Trump has. The pattern doesn't seem to be God plays favorites, or even makes His own favorites all the time. Sometimes it's just about strategy. Who is capable and willing to undertake a task set before them.

Either way, my goal isn't to convince anyone. My interests are in how much content there is that fits this idea and having it all neatly compiled for anyone who is curious.

I guess really what is God's end game here then (obviously mean your opinion of it). So far Trump doesn't seem to have an actual plan he's just bumbling about, repealing stuff Obama passed and tweeting stupid shit. I doubt God's big plan is to give the rich huge tax cuts, kind of goes against Jesus' whole celebrate the poor mantra. People kind of connect the whole embassy to Jerusalem to the end times prophecies but how is moving an embassy going to get the temple rebuilt?

Maybe God's plan is to reduce the influence of the US in the world due to all the awful shit we've done the past few decades?

More craziness ahead, fair warning. We're working in completely different paradigms.

The Biblical claim is that the nations conspire and the wealthy plot. For power, for influence, for evil. The idea is basically that there is a vast conspiracy to unite the world into one global kingdom than can be shepherded easily away from God. Christian conspiracists would call this the New World Order, over which the Anti-Christ reigns. Trump calls it Globalism.

Trump's main platform is America first, and encouraging other nations to put their own countries and sovereignty first. Basically breaking up the global and domestic power structure and returning to an older order of truly sovereign, co-operating nations. Also breaking up and punishing conspirators at the highest levels. That's the "draining the swamp" angle.

Basically rooting out government corruption, powerful criminal cartels, and government influence over daily life. Those in Trumps camp see him actively fulfilling these promises, but we also see him distracting the media with buffoonery. It seems intentional to us. Trump used to talk about the art of war, by Sun Tsu. In it, one major strategy is to let your enemy think you weak when you're strong and foolish when you are wise, and strike in secret. We see this happening, once you pay attention to what is actually being done and look past an often clownish facade.

This is where the priorities of most Trump supporters lie. Although there are of course more ignorant or hateful/prejudiced people who are swept up in the brazen statements and those who benefit financially from a less authoritarian government.

A major part of his base simply wants a more constitutional, libertarian government system and wants to see law and order in government again.

We all despise treason and power grabs and sexual violence. I understand that many people believe this is Trump's endgame and MO, and I get why they'd hate him. I'd want to see him jailed if I believed those things about him. It appears to me, however, that what he is accomplishing is linked directly to the "drain the swamp," "remember the forgotten people," and "defeat globalism" platforms. Things are linked to Biblical end goals as well (bringing justice to the wicked, disrupting a one world system of governance and influence, and prospering the meek).

Time will tell, but a great majority of his base doesn't agree with your assessment of him, his intentions, or his effectiveness in office so far.

Tagging /u/snallygaster since the question is relevant.

Why do you think God would prefer us to stay divided into little nation states rather than embracing our fellow man and moving forward into the future together? Wouldn't it be more likely Satan would want to send false prophets to divide and isolate us, propping up agents of hate ? Look at the prosperity gospel movement going on among evangelicals. Wouldn't you say preaching that God's love for you is reflected in your material wealth, complete blasphemy to Jesus message? These are the preachers supporting Trump. Don't you think it is more likely Satan would want to keep us divided here on earth, rather than working together to explore the great unknown in space? God gave us this massive universe after all, why would God want us to stay here on earth divided and suspicious of eachothers, it's such a waste of the vast majority of his creation.

Maybe God realizes the insane problems that a one world government would bring. I mean, seriously, even in our small, divided nations, we still have groups of people complaining about being underrepresented and having their interests ignored. A single nation covering the entire world is going to have a hard time catering to the needs of every single group of people on Earth. Muslims in Saudi Arabia want different laws and customs than Taoists in China; hell, the same can be said for Americans living in the south and Americans living in California.

Well obviously it wouldn't work if agents of Satan like you want to push divisions and fan the flames of hate for the other. Why couldn't strong local governments with an over arching framework to enforce human rights work? Also nobody is saying force evanyone into it. It should be desired. Only those that hate their fellow man would oppose even trying to move society into the future together. Do you think God supports giving up before you've even tried? Obviously it would be hard and there would be problems to overcome, reaching something greater always comes with those though

Truth be told, I don't give a shit about God. I'm an atheist (tips fedora). I just oppose the concept of a one world government, because frankly, I do not believe I would be adequately represented in such a government - and also because I love my country, and don't want it subsumed into some artificial supranational entity.

The Biblical claim is that God does draw the boundaries of our countries and raise up leaders when He sees fit. There's also the whole tower of Babel story where humanity came together, and God separated them again.

But the important thing here, I think, is not that God wants us divided. Rather, we are in this fallen state where humanity is broken and corrupted. The question is what would a realistic future be with the entire world united under one homogeneous community and governance?

I think the example we see is that when people get great power, they become corrupted. Giving a group or person more power doesn't typically create a benevolent government or dictator. I think if the entire world were united in one banner, the entire world would become more like the USSR or North Korea than the paradise you're imagining.

God does want that paradise you're probably envisioning, but the Biblical claim is that given humanity's nature to drift towards evil, this paradise is only possible when united under God by God. Otherwise we screw it up along the way.

Having multiple countries creates a system where countries can act as fail safes. Nazi Germany arises? Other countries can stop the evil. Let's say we have a one world government, and it becomes like North Korea or the Third Reich? All of a sudden, it's game over. And Biblical prophecy states that this is what will happen one day.

A nationalistic, but co-operating world also is part of a freer society in my opinion, and the opinions of many of Trump's base. I can't speak for everyone, but the idea is basically this: The free-est society starts with a free individual and works it's way up. The rights of that individual only end where they infringe on the rights of another individual.

Then we have the family unit. The family can be run as the family sees fit, as long as the inalienable human rights of the individuals are not compromised, and it's not detrimental to other family units of the community. Then there's the community, which is run by representatives of the locals, and can be run as it sees fit, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of the families, the individuals, or act detrimentally to other communities.

This works up to the state level, then the state to the federal/national level. Then the national level to the global level. I believe that a bottom up approach to government allows for more freedom in the classical sense, while a top-down approach creates a system of control. The wrong people in those positions of power means tyranny, or even total dystopia.

When this top down philosophy of government starts on a global level, it creates the potential for nefarious interest at the highest levels to basically control the people and resources of the world however they see fit. From a Biblical perspective, knowing the evil that lurks within the human species, this is a scary idea. Corruption is the more likely scenario than utopia.

Addressing other parts of your post: Yes, I would say that the prosperity gospel is in direct opposition to Jesus' message. I would also say there are many behaviors and comments by Trump that I'm sure Jesus would be completely at odds with. Just as many of the behaviors of the leaders in the Old Testament were against God's teachings. They were still chosen, and despite not being anywhere near perfect themselves, still successful.

As far as exploring the universe, I don't see that as impossible with nationstates. We have US teams in the Olympics despite being comprised of united states and commonwealths. I'd want something similar in a space-faring society. We come together as friendly nations with common goals, representing our planet, not our countries. It doens't mean the countries are useless to the way we organize our planet for prosperity, freedom, and peace of its people.

Why couldn't this bottom up government apply to a unified world government with countries operating as nation states? It doesn't have to have some all powerful cabal at the top. Trump is actively ruining our relationships with other nations not strengthening them. He's rapidly accelerating the rise of China on the global stage, pushing our once close allies into their arms. China is an atheist country. Why would an agent of God want to boost their influence?

Why couldn't this bottom up government apply to a unified world government with countries operating as nation states?

At that point, the difference is only semantics. The way things are heading in the current trend towards globalism seem to be reducing the sovereignty of independent nations, just as growing power in the US's federal government has reduced the the independence of the states, and growing government in general reduces the liberty of the individual.

If things were organized as I laid out before, I would love to see a unified, peaceful, co-operating world comprised of nation states. However, a global government that dictates what these nations must do or cannot do when those actions (or inactions) don't compromise the other nation-states, is how we get a breeding ground for centralize power becoming corrupted.

De-centralization of power is the over-arching idea here. The individuals should have the most, with the next level up (family, community, town/city, state, etc) only coming in to play in matters that concerns the cooperation and functioning of the many.

I disagree with you about Trump's ruining our relationship with other nations, for the most part. I do see that he is significantly changing our relationships with certain countries, but my perspective is that he is withdrawing from cozying up with nations that support globalism and require compromise in those regards in order to co-operate, while fostering relationship with countries that are on board with national sovereignty and want peaceful, mutually beneficially relationships.

Regarding China, given his recent visits and honors there, it appears to me that our relationship is not damaged. However, China's trading policies and skirting sanctions with North Korea is something that needs to be addressed. I don't agree with your assessment on what's happening with global trade, if that's what you mean. I agree with Trump that the US has not been getting as fair of trade deals as other nations have, and I don't see why we shouldn't renegotiate those deals. I don't see why we shouldn't be willing to walk away from trading with certain nations all together if they aren't willing to make fair deals.

It appears to me that these negotiations are lining up to dramatically shift back into equitable trading relationships. America holds a lot of bargaining power with our industry and natural resources. This is a time-will-tell issue, but I'm personally optimistic by the looks of it and responses by world leaders so far.

And not for nothing, but my church does a lot of work in China and we have many Chinese members, and my impression is that underground Christian movements and churches are booming like they never have been before in China. There have been two times in world history where China was basically a Christian powerhouse, and if my general thesis is true and God is making big moves at the present time to restore things a little bit closer to where He wants them, I would not be surprised if Christianity rises there.

You don't think our relations with Europe haven't been harmed due to Trump? Merkel clearly hates the man, Macron thinks he's an idiot, ect. What about our relationship with Mexico, one of our largest trading partners? You don't think they are actively trying to work with China right now since our president has called their people criminals and rapists. Canada, our largest trading partner mind you, just initiated a huge international trade deal and left us out of it.

Many red blooded industries are pissed right now because of Trump. Our agriculture industry is heavily intertwined with Mexico's. Our solar industry outside of the 2 manufacturers, which are a small percentage of the jobs in the industry, are livid over the solar panel tariffs as it will screw over nearly all the other companies besides the two manufacturers. Sure the stock market is currently soaring due to the corporate tax reduction, but the economy is much more thsn just the stock market. Many economists in fact do not like this rapid increase as it's not the sign of a stable economy. Extreme growth is more commonly a sign of a bubble. Bubbles pop

The long term consequences are a time will tell situation, but to my observation, the moves Trump makes are for sustainability not temporary stimulus.

We're coming at this from different perspectives on the political state of the world. To me, countries that have strongly aligned themselves with globalist interests are on an axis that has an agenda that needs defeating. So I am not disturbed by withdrawing from our warmness with countries along these axes. It is cold warfare, and a major shake-up in the global power structure.

I do believe this is a time to re-position who we are aligned with, and to create some pressure on the countries who support this growing evil. I do not think our trading relationship with Mexico is as important as dealing with the drug and human trafficking that comes out of and through Mexico. I also agree with Trump that because of the North America Trading agreements, the US has been put at an extreme economic disadvantage. I do not think it is preposterous to renegotiate these deals, and if Mexico is unwilling to trade at a more mutually beneficial rate, then to terminate these deals.

If our economy crashes and we suddenly can't find anywhere to export our goods and services, sure, I'll agree with you that Trump's strategy was short-sighted. However, I don't see any signs currently that we're on our way to boxing ourselves out of the global trading stage. I've been following Trump's moves as closely as I can, and it appears to me that when the dust settles, we will be treated fairly and in an exponentially more favorable economic position than we have been in decades.

We're only a year in, and we already see unemployment falling (with these numbers in the African American communities at an all time low), the stock market rising, industry returning to America, and more.

I have voted democrat my entire life, but have had a change of heart on many issues over the past couple of years. Republican economics has always been frightening to me, and for the most part they still are. However Trump, to me, seems to have a free-market, equitable philosophy towards things that grease the economy and is making his changes pragmatically than strictly with party lines. I like what I've seen so far, and given that other approaches have only increased the wealth gap in the US and have done nothing to help minority groups in the US, I am very interested and optimistic about where I see things beginning to go.

I do not have blinders on. If these are short term boosts, or left-over time-delayed successes of the previous admin, we will all know soon enough as things tank. With new information, I am happy to re-evaluate. I hope you feel the same way. If things keep heading in a positive direction over the next few years, I hope you re-consider the credit you give Trump and how effective he is. If they don't, I surely will.

In all fairness you've been enjoyable to chat with, have a good weekend

Thanks, and likewise! Thanks for engaging with a very weird perspective with a level-head and curiosity. That's all I ever hope for.

We're working in completely different paradigms.

Just wanted to comment since I'm an ex-christian and was born and raised in a christian household, and I'm very well aware of end time teachings. I still go to church often, so I'm kind of well aquainted with this paradigm - you seem to be suggesting you subscribe to generallly

The idea is basically that there is a vast conspiracy to unite the world into one global kingdom than can be shepherded easily away from God. Christian conspiracists would call this the New World Order, over which the Anti-Christ reigns. Trump calls it Globalism.

Things are linked to Biblical end goals as well (bringing justice to the wicked, disrupting a one world system of governance and influence, and prospering the meek).

As far as I know in end time teachings the New World Order IS going to happen. God working through someone to prevent his own prophecy from taking place seems counter productive. Unless you believe that the One World Order is already here and trump is dismantling it. In that case is Obama the antichrist? Hillary? I know there is always different interpretations of the end times but none of them usually both consider the one world government a literal thing that is stopped before it happens. Biblical end goals are also usually interpreted to be fulfilled by christ, not a world leader.

The one world order is also a bit different from what is packaged as "globalism", too. Where in the bible is the "build a wall to keep immigrants out" and "free trade is bad"? The free trade argument i view the bible as pretty neutral on, but the anti-immigrant stance is what gets me. Is christianity about taking people who have been raised here from an early age and deporting them? As far as I know, jesus dined with the sinners. Not kicked them out of the country because they might be.

As for the other biblical end goals, they are vague enough that they can be applied to literally any pollitician. Any politician is ostensibly "pro-justice" and "wants the meek to prosper" - nobody campaigns on the opposite! Of course, people will have differing opinions on how to accomplish that.

Basically rooting out government corruption, powerful criminal cartels, and government influence over daily life. Those in Trumps camp see him actively fulfilling these promises, but we also see him distracting the media with buffoonery. It seems intentional to us.

Note that a dictator purging government of dissenters will look exactly like this if you are sympathetic to the dictator. That is also exactly how the dictator will justify doing it - and it works! Dictators always have a support base. It seems intentional because that is how it is being presented to you. 4D chess.

Since when in the bible in the end times does christianity win on the material plane though? "you aren't supposed to be of this world". The fact that Trump is ostensibly creating a new christianity focused nation should give you pause - it's supposed to get worse not better for christianity.

I don't about that, man. Read what David and Abraham did even after they were set on their missions. Paul was born again, and received the Holy Spirit. I don't know whether or not Trump has. The pattern doesn't seem to be God plays favorites, or even makes His own favorites all the time. Sometimes it's just about strategy. Who is capable and willing to undertake a task set before them.

The problem with not being critical of Trumps character is that it easily opens you to manipulation. ““Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them."

I can buy god working through an ungodly man. I can't buy the church supporting an ungodly man. Note that steadfastly denies he has done wrong - AFAIK repentance is a pretty significant part of most church doctrines.

Time will tell, but a great majority of his base doesn't agree with your assessment of him, his intentions, or his effectiveness in office so far.

A great majority of his base is blinded by surface level commitment to christian goals. Not a chrstian anymore, but kind of proud of my small little church for not falling for it.

Futurism (Christianity)

Futurism is a Christian eschatological view that interprets portions of the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel as future events in a literal, physical, apocalyptic, and global context.

By comparison, other Christian eschatological views interpret these passages as past events in a symbolic, historic context (Preterism and Historicism), or as present-day events in a non-literal and spiritual context (Idealism). Futurist beliefs usually have a close association with Premillennialism and Dispensationalism.

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Thanks for the comment! You're raising good questions, but they can only be answered by getting even weirder than I have so far, so strap in a little bit. Always happy to chat.

To your first point about Biblical prophecy playing out: Yes, I do believe it is going to happen. However, I find the evidence sufficient that in the inner circles of these concentrated power hierarchies, these groups adhere to religious ideology that has significant overlap with the occult and Satanism. I believe there is a concentrated effort by some people who have gained significant influence and power to immanetize the eschaton, so to speak. To deliberately fulfill Biblical prophecy. I believe it will be fulfilled, but on God's time, not man's.

They've gotten very close. I believe this present time is a humbling of evil, to set back the Satanic agenda quite a few paces and give space for the Gospel to flourish and prosper for a time. In history, Christianity ebbs and flows. There are revivals. I believe we are in the beginning stages of a revival at the present time. Perhaps an "end-times revival" as some believe. I don't know, and don't care to or try to figure out when the end will come. I imagine it will be obvious when we get to the zero hour. I believe we were pushed there inorganically, and what is happening now is a sort of breaking apart of the tower of babel 2.0.

Yes, it is eventually supposed to get worse for Christianity. But the Gospel is also meant to be delivered and understood across the entire world for some time before that happens. There are ebbs and flows. And it is only if we are in the absolute end times, which I do not believe we are, that we are supposed to lose any hope of Christianity having influence or of a revival of faith in this world.

To your next points: I am not anti-immigration. However, I don't believe what is happening presently is your run-of-the-mill immigration. Illegal immigration is against the law by definition. What I would like to see is immigration reform, rather than allowing lawlessness. Overloading a population with unaccounted for citizens isn't a kindness. I would like to see efforts made into loosening up on deportations of illegal immigrants converted into efforts to broaden our immigration procedures so that is quicker, less expensive, easier, and allows more in.

When massive hoards of people pour into a country in such a fashion as they do now, it puts pressure on the systems we have set up for citizens, on our economy, and often on our culture. That's what needs to be changed. Being against illegal immigration or even chain migration isn't the same as being xenophobic and not wanting people from other countries to be able to seek refuge or move to America.

God did ask King Cyrus to build a wall around Jerusalem, by the way, which further fits into Trump fitting into that archetype.

Jesus did, indeed, dine with sinners who desired salvation from their sins. He also flipped sinners' tables and drove them out of His temple when they were unrepentant and pervasive in their sin in a way that affected others. I don't think there is anything un-Christian about desiring safety for your country's citizens, and having one avenue in pursuing that being strict on knowing who is coming into the country permanently. If someone is a convicted rapist or murderer and not repentant, are you obligated to rent them a room in your home?

Note that a dictator purging government of dissenters will look exactly like this if you are sympathetic to the dictator.

Sure. The question is why are you sympathetic to the person in charge? Quite obviously America is not a dictatorship, and Trump is not a dictator. He is not able to jail people for simply disliking him. However, in this country, there are laws forbidding treason and sedition. Bribes for policy changes. Selling classified information. Perjury. Human and drug trafficking. These are valid reasons to get somebody out of government and press charges.

"Draining the swamp" is not about purging dissidents and people who disagree or are unliked. It's about law and order. Prosecuting for criminal behavior, and preserving the public service aspect of holding office.

The fruit that I see on this front demonstrates to me that Trump is walking that walk. Lobbying restrictions. Fighting for term limits. Executive orders on trafficking cartels. Investigations into treason. Being tough on those that participate in or sponsor terrorist organizations. Ending that order of things is important to me, and Trump is following through.

I find much of Trump's verbiage to not be Christ-like. But the fruits of his policy to me, so far, are not at odds with Christian values.

And just think about this for a moment: If God is working through an un-Godly man in a big way, would God's people not be doing the right thing by supporting him? I do not know Trump's heart. God does. His own repentance is between the two of them. But I can recognize when good is being done and rejoice in that. I can be thankful to the person who did that good, and the God who anointed them to do it.

If one of my choices for president is a man sent by God to work God's will in this world, is that not the choice I am both obligated to support, and should rejoice in doing so?

I know you said you're an ex-Christian. But if there IS a truly loving God, and He has decided to powerfully work His will in this world, would that not be a good thing? Does it matter if you like the person He works through on a personal level? Should it even matter to you what that person's faith is like on a private level?

Trump's spiritual advisor has claimed he has been a Christian all his life, in prayer his entire life, constantly calling her to ask to pray together or have something prayed for, but that he has only internalized and understood the idea of salvation and sin in the last year. Again, I do not know Trump's heart. I hope that's true, that he has internalized the gospel message. Perhaps it's been true for much longer, and Trump denied doing anything wrong on the campaign trail because he knew it would be disastrous to have a soundbite of him saying he has done horrible things and begs God for forgiveness. Neither one of us know if he's done that.

But if God has chosen him for this time, that's a good enough endorsement for me.

A great majority of his base is blinded by surface level commitment to christian goals. Not a chrstian anymore, but kind of proud of my small little church for not falling for it.

Sure, there are some who are nominally attracted to him for that. But Clinton claimed to be Christian as well, and Christians by and large didn't love her. I think his actions have backed up his assertions that we worship God, not government. He hasn't done anything in policy that seems at odds to me with a Christian worldview. The opposite, in fact, from my perspective.

What I find unChristian about him is his ego, general demeanor, and past sexual indiscretions. However, I am guilty of those all on some level as well. I'm sure most of us are, and those who aren't have their own imperfections that are between them and God.

What I worry about in a politician holding office is what they are doing with that office. I also want my candidates to obey the law. I am not a hypocrite, if Trump is found guilty of breaking the law or moved the country in a way I perceived to be out of line with Scriptural teachings, I would "disavow." However, I am not going to scrutinize every swear word or insult he hurls and dismiss him as unGodly, when I know if I were in front of the entire world at my worst moments, people would dismiss me the same way.

That's not my business. His actions in the office are.

(My church also does not support Trump, despite being pretty conservative, by the way. They do, however, pray for him constantly and ask God to grant him the wisdom and discernment to do his will).

Thanks for the comment! You're raising good questions, but they can only be answered by getting even weirder than I have so far, so strap in a little bit.

Like i said, already fully immersed in it. Nothing you could say could wierd me out further than my own church experiences. I already pretty much saw all these answers coming lol

these groups adhere to religious ideology that has significant overlap with the occult and Satanism. I believe there is a concentrated effort by some people who have gained significant influence and power to immanetize the eschaton, so to speak. To deliberately fulfill Biblical prophecy. I believe it will be fulfilled, but on God's time, not man's.

Bit of silly reasoning here as far as I can see - Is not the New World Order explicitly supposed to have significant overlap with the occult and Satanism? I mean it culminates in the coming of the antichrist - "The coming of the lawless one is apparent in the working of Satan, who uses all power, signs, lying wonders, and every kind of wicked deception for those who are perishing" - sounds like occult and satanism to me! And how do you know it isn't god's time for them to do it? In fact, if that's the case, then you would be "man's hand" trying to fight the coming of prophecy by electing and voting for someone to delay this prophecy. God's hand works through man's hand either way. And you don't know what God's time is. The bible says that "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

What I would like to see is immigration reform, rather than allowing lawlessness. Overloading a population with unaccounted for citizens isn't a kindness. I would like to see efforts made into loosening up on deportations of illegal immigrants converted into efforts to broaden our immigration procedures so that is quicker, less expensive, easier, and allows more in.

This is not Trump's position. This is the democratic position. Interesting because this is probably trump's signature policy - he wants to let less people in, and make it harder to get in legally.

When massive hoards of people pour into a country in such a fashion as they do now it puts pressure on the systems we have set up for citizens, on our economy, and often on our culture

This is more economics, but more people add to an economy as well, not put pressure on it. Our system? made out of people. Our economy? made out of people. Our culture? Made out of people. You know historically America has grown exponentially with these massive hoards of people? What makes you think we've reached the limit now? Did you know jesus fed a crowd of 4000 using 7 loaves and a few small fish?

chain migration

kind of funny that you put this example, because this is the perfect example of something you should ostensibly be for. It's legal. It reduces strain on our systems and on our culture, since the person has a family member as an initial support system. What's the objection? The only way i can imagine you are against family reunification is unless you are actually against "allowing more in" legally. Fun side note - referring to this as chain migration is one of many genius GOP branding moves. I can pretty much guarantee that you've never considered chain migration before 2017 - because it used to be referred to as family reunification. Family reunification sounds innocuous. Chain migration sounds like immigrations dragging more immigrants over a fence one by one. Why do you think the name change was pushed?

Jesus did, indeed, dine with sinners who desired salvation from their sins. He also flipped sinners' tables and drove them out of His temple when they were unrepentant and pervasive in their sin in a way that affected others.

are illegal immigrants people who would prefer to be legal immigrants and want to join you at the table of the united states? Or are they unrepentant sinners who just like marinating in that biblical sin of merely being in the sacred temple of the United States?? What Would Jesus Do? The analogy you decide describes this situation better is very interesting.

Ironically, if you want to talk about an unrepentant sinner who you should drive out of the temple - I think you know where I am going with this lol

Trump denied doing anything wrong on the campaign trail because he knew it would be disastrous to have a soundbite of him saying he has done horrible things and begs God for forgiveness. Neither one of us know if he's done that.

But of course, billionaire reality star Trump gets the benefit of the doubt.

Sure. The question is why are you sympathetic to the person in charge? Quite obviously America is not a dictatorship, and Trump is not a dictator. He is not able to jail people for simply disliking him. However, in this country, there are laws forbidding treason and sedition. Bribes for policy changes. Selling classified information. Perjury. Human and drug trafficking. These are valid reasons to get somebody out of government and press charges.

Four aides to President Trump currently face criminal charges.

""Draining the swamp" is not about purging dissidents and people who disagree or are unliked. It's about law and order. Prosecuting for criminal behavior, and preserving the public service aspect of holding office. ... Investigations into treason.

you kinda glazed over my point here - Why are you sympathetic to Trump? Because it looks like he is draining the swamp when he is purging dissidents. Why does it look like he is draining the swamp to you when he is purging dissidents? Because you are sympathetic to Trump.

To me it looks like an attempt to dodge justice. I can't interpret firing Comey and then attempting to fire Mueller any other way.

I am not a hypocrite, if Trump is found guilty of breaking the law or moved the country in a way I perceived to be out of line with Scriptural teachings, I would "disavow."

You'd never "find out" if he did. Most of the media is discredited to you. Most of the rest of the government is discredited to you. Who is there left to let you know that he broke the law? If the FBI says that he is guilty of breaking the law, you will believe it was because the FBI was corrupt. Why? Because messaging targeted towards christians and evangelicals will give you that message (already happening). There will be evidence - Most likely quite convincing. You'll have to dig into it to discover why it's misleading, but you won't. You say you will wait for the courts. Who's gonna take him to the courts?

It's already happened before, really. Marketing about Comey and the FBI while they were investigating into Clinton was all positive. The minute Comey cleared her? Boom - conspiracies out the wazoo

Nobody fancies themself a hypocrite. Usually from their perspective they aren't. They aren't aware of the internal unequal standards of evidence that they use to justify hypocritical positions.

However, I am not going to scrutinize every swear word or insult he hurls and dismiss him as unGodly, when I know if I were in front of the entire world at my worst moments, people would dismiss me the same way.

Trump in front of the entire world isn't his worst moments. Those are his best moments. He willingly goes out into the world, and displays that behavior. His insults are willlingly shouted, not reluctantly. He never apologizes - he is proud of it.

If you don't think you could do better, I'm kind of sad that you have such low standards for yourself.

Sorry this is ridiculously long btw, guess im kind of slightly ranting.

I know you said you're an ex-Christian. But if there IS a truly loving God, and He has decided to powerfully work His will in this world, would that not be a good thing?

and should rejoice in doing so?

that's a good enough endorsement for me.

If you want more ex-Christians like me, sure. The world sees a church endorsing a clearly ungodly man and are driven away from the church. They see hypocrisy - full throated support for what? Someone who wants to build a big ass wall to keep other people out?

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.

14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

I doubt God's big plan is to give the rich huge tax cuts, kind of goes against Jesus' whole celebrate the poor mantra

Why are you people so incredibly obsessed with how much taxes rich people pay?

Maybe instead of concerning yourself with whether or not rich people are getting enough of their money taken away, you should concern yourself with your own tax rates (which were also lowered by Trump).

I'm in the 1% broheim so I'm obsessing with my own taxes I guess?

Oh, good for you. Why do you want to pay more taxes?

Because if it leads to better infrastructure, expanding our space program, and making sure people aren't left hungry and without healthcare it's worth it. It's called not being a selfish asshole, I think Jesus mentioned something about that

So why don't you just donate your money instead of giving it to the government? It'll be put to much better use if you just donate it.

Because the vast majority of charity donations go into the pockets of the people running and organizing charities. Government funding of science has lead to some of the greatest breakthroughs in the past 100 years. I would rather our government enforce it's own corruption laws and properly allocate to promising sources rather than send my money into a private black hole where we have no idea how it's spent.

I definitely wouldn't argue that we don't have major problems in our government that need to be fixed. But at least we have the ability to make changes regarding the gov. With private charity we have no say

I mean, I don't know much about money, but I'm pretty sure rich people can make direct donations to research institutes, local municipalities for community improvements (for instance, many local companies donate a few thousand dollars every few years to my town to fund its hockey rink), parks, etc.

We pay state and municipal taxes too, they don't all go to the federal gov. I think it would also be a fool's errand to expect people to be able to upkeep society through donations. We are a terribly hyprocritcal animal when it comes to our own behavior

I agree with your goals 100%. However, Jesus' teachings were not that anybody should be forced into helping, rather becoming a person who lives to serve and love others and having giving become second nature.

I don't think the ideal is to hope for a benevolent government who takes from the citizens and redistributes for prosperity, but rather to foster a society and culture where people love and respect others and choose to take care of one another.

Taxes are certainly necessary for things like infrastructure. Even Jesus said about giving to the tax collectors, "render unto Caesar what is Caesars." However, I would personally prefer to see health industry reform where we don't artificially inflate the cost of healthcare in order to line the pockets of those industries. Where we bring the cost of healthcare down significantly to fair prices where it isn't a for-profit business and can be afforded out of pocket, and employers or private organizations can choose to provide insurance to cover even that. Then, if someone can't afford either healthcare or insurance, we either have a culture where we provide for one another willingly or non-profit healthcare systems that work on sliding scales when charging patients.

I also want to see a nation where people can more easily get work that pays wages that can cover the basic cost of living, so fewer people are left in these dire straights.

We share priorities. We just disagree over what methods should be used to accomplish those goals. It seems to come down to our over-arching philosophies behind the role of government as it relates to the individual. It isn't that I want to see our society leave people in need without medicine and the like. It's that I don't want to see these noble goals create systems that can easily be used for systems that end up making society less free, less charitable, less prosperous.

I'm collecting the information of strange phenomena in the Christian community surrounding Trump for those who are curious. Not trying to make a persuasive argument.

Oops, sorry. I mistook /u/Rephaim777 for the creator of the sub.

I spent far too much time the other night looking at users and a good percentage smell a lot like someones influence bot.

Read Mark Taylor, wondered wtf Tubs had done to us this time.

Moderate letdown.

Be fun if they were all shills trying to out shill each other false flag retarded style.

Who can pretend to be stupid the best


Yea that is our job, right guys? We're all just pretending here.. right?

These kind of conspiracy theories are pretty ingrained in a certain population of middle aged white people. This is the final form for some anti vaxxers

I'm guessing the average age there is 17.

Nah, the language suggests older. Eg. pizzagate was much younger, this has a big boomer contingent.

No, that sub is very clearly full of baby boomers/upper middle age white conservatives.

It's obvious by the way they type about youtube/social media. That entire Q conspiracy is literally aimed at them, a lot of them are new to Reddit.

No, that sub is very clearly full of baby boomers/upper middle age white conservatives.

Of course it is buddy, of course it is.

It fucking is. They're Christian nationalists.

That entire subreddit is full of shit about how Trump is god, Trump is speaking to them, they're Christian warriors and all kinds of stupid shit.

There's an entire underbelly of Reddit that's just populated with these people.

It’s boomers and younger T_D people together, it’s not all one demographic.

/u/Matthew-24- on average how much meth does your family smoke a week?

Just short of the amount required to hold down a job, I bet

Stay the hell out of our stream if you think it’s all BS. Enjoy sucking up the vomit of the msm hope ya choke on it

I don't even know what a stream is lol

/u/Matthew-24- is just hooked up to the latest internet platform for retards

You know heretics such as yourself are going to be the first ones sent to hell on judgement day right?

Well thats going to suck when it never happens

Crawl back into your baby crib Luciferian and keep dreaming of your false Marxist utopia.

how in satan's glorious name is somebody supposed to crawl into a crib?

who's your pastor?

baby crib Luciferia

As a Luciferian I’ll have you know that the standard issue bed for a soldier in Satan’s army is a king sized sleep number.

You have the devil in you.

You have the devil in you.

Typical demon behaviour: Referring to someone as Luciferian.

I'm not a Marxist you hillbilly retard. I hope you don't have any kids, we don't need more useless white trash in the nation

I'm not a Marxist

Yeah but I bet you dreamed of a Marxist utopia once while you were sleeping.

Hail satan!

Hail stalin!

jesus is a silly cunt

hail Satan

No u

Bro please go talk to a mental health professional as soon as possible. You genuinely show signs of psychosis and delusions, classic markers of Schizophrenia. antipsychotics will save your life. Your family begs you.

I think it was in the Jim Bakker show they said a delegation of rabbis from Israel went to meet Mark Taylor and recognized him as one of God's prophets.

Well I’m convinced.

Am hereby renouncing my atheism.

Atheists are fucking retards. They took a method designed to study the natural world, applied to supernatural concepts DIDNT FIND SHIT and said "Fuck it! theres nothing there!" GENIUS! Next time you get a boner, crash that bad boy into a solid wall a dozen or so times then say "theres no such thing as pussy!" and tell me you arent a retard, you fucking retards!

To you and all the other atheists out there who support my ideals in the face of the downvote slaughter by brigading theists I say “stay strong”. Just like how slave owners called people who wanted to free the slaves and give them equal rights were called “radicals” we are called “extremists” for wanting to free society of religion. Just like these “radicals” wanted to strike off the physical shackles of slavery, we at r/atheism are for striking off the mental shackles known as “religion”. Today, here at r/atheism, we are martyrs, suffering from the persecution of theists trying to suppress logical thought with downvotes. Our ideas are the future though no matter how hard these theists shall try to censor them. Secular atheism shall triumph and when the galaxy starts to be colonized by mankind it will be done not by christians, hindus, or some other religious group (and certainly not by muslims; read r/worldnews if you really don’t know why) but by atheists. History will be kind to us because we are atheist and therefore truly right and just. All religions will eventually be forgotten but the idea of atheism is eternal. Everything is atheist by default so even if religion leads to the extinction of mankind, like it has almost done so many times in the past, the animals and the trees will still know the truth. The truth that there is no god.

are you losing your mind or FUCKING WHAT god exist how did you born how did earth born how this universe born and reddit doent exist too so fuck off god is exist god are everywher and hes watching you

do you think a redditor will beat god


How did God born

oh man, this is nice

Atheism predates the scientific method you stupid little bitch.

that's a surprisingly specific concern you have there friend

when you interact with someone who knows nothing about you, then they launch into an attack with specific fears and concerns that have nothing to do with anything, you're dealing with an immature person who is describing their own problems

so congratulations on telling the world your frustrations

good luck to you dude, you need some growth. try talking to people honestly

Psychological projection

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually intolerant may constantly accuse other people of being intolerant. It incorporates blame shifting.

According to some research, the projection of one's unconscious qualities onto others is a common process in everyday life.

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surprisingly specific

nothing to do with anything

So which is it?

How many pastas can one man consume?


It's friday morning, I'm drunk, and I want to yell at people on the internet.

Hence the"?" Don't mind me, continue :D


This is the best criticism of atheism I’ve ever heard

Dank ay

Convinced to buy a bucket of food? It is de-li-ci-ous!!!!

I read that as rabbits at first. Once corrected, it made the same level of sense.

Jim Bakker

I know I always trust rapist frauds! Where do I send my ChristCoins™?!?!??!?!?!!??!?!?!

They're pretty retarded as far as Cults go

That sodomite Muslim jihadist demonic ENTITY IS the earthly leader of the shadow government to take down our POTUS and our nation. This demonic entity answers to Satan. I have said this before, and I will say it again, ITS physical elimination, “death” will only be delivered by the hand of the Lord Jesus. This entity is NOT human, the flies do not lie! This creature crawled out of hell. And I am DEAD SERIOUS on my thoughts and feelings on this hissing demon.

Why have I missed this subreddit before? This stuff is comedy gold

It's time to gas the biblical literalists.

I mean that completely unironically, /u/Matthew-24-

It's probably the best subreddit of all time, really. It's a gift that keeps on giving, every post is worth reading.

Wow what a place! Its like the grown up inverse of r/anarchism with a healthy dose of r/conspiracy mixed in.

They even call themself Operators! If you want to make a honeypot for looney Dotards. That is what it looks like.

you cant do a politics without a catchy 𝑻𝑬𝑨𝑴 𝑵𝑨𝑴𝑬

jesus, after that I almost feel bad for em

If Jesus was coming back he’d bring nukes and fucking obliterate this stupid country





Kim Jong Un is Jesus confirmed.

We have been born for such a time as this. So many talents and gifts. So many people sharing. Once the memo is released I foresee that we will work to red pill the normies. We’ll be discussing with friends and families. Memining the social media. Trying to bring hope and encouragement. Prayer warriors are at work praying. The You Tube, Reddit, and Twitter are producing great videos, memes and threads. Hopefully people will feel inspired and empowered. People together #MAGA

Memining the social media.

My brother lost a leg after stepping on a memine, don't joke about this shit.

we will work to red pill the normies.

be discussing with friends and families.

Memining the social media.

Prayer warriors are at work praying.

The You Tube, Reddit, and Twitter

Blessed are they who are able to save the world without having to get off their asses.

Go to /r/topmindsofreddit they basically catalog all the retard subs

they dont ping the retards though to create more spergouts, its pretty dissapointing

oh, life finds a way

Oh dont get me wrong fam they are still a great sub, they trigger conspiratards so much they often make whole seperate subs to REEEE about them.

I got some bad news about r/drama

i saw but it was said we can ping them pretending not to be retarded shitmongers in the message itself and then revert once they arrive in the thread.

Uhh except they ping people there all the time?

not from what i have seen.

The top post on the sub right now is a sticky about having to change the user ping policy so as not to harass the conspiracy theorists they make fun of there. Even though they didn't mention it, due to the timing, I bet they got the exact same message from the admins that r/drama did about harassing users with multiple pings.

I'm betting that sub gets shut down this year.

I really hope not. It’s pretty great.

Please don't break my heart like this ever again.

It's ok as long as it peaks with another attempted murded/shooting.

Aside from that, they're probably good so long as they stop fixating on tptb and turn their attention to a little guy. Or if they start making terroristic threats, which could totally happen.

if they start making terroristic threats,

That would usher a new golden age for Dramacoin.

Hey babygirl, I know I did you wrong in the past but I’m here to tell you that I’ve changed. And I’m here for you now.

Fuck it. I give it two months, tops.

Still waiting for Huma and the Podestas to end up in jail which is what, 3 months overdue now?

Needless to say, I can't wait to watch their "religious vision" videos when I get home.

You're going to jail! No you're going to jail! Nuh-uh you are! Make me!!!

This shit is so stupid


Why do schizos always type in a peculiar way?

Or even conserviTARDs in general... TYPE like fucking... RETARDS!!!

That's an interesting question. Maybe they're uninhibited to the point where they type out what their thought process looks like rather than conforming to writing conventions?

We have been born for such a time as this. So many talents and gifts. So many people sharing. Once the memo is released I foresee that we will work to red pill the normies. We’ll be discussing with friends and families. Memining the social media. Trying to bring hope and encouragement. Prayer warriors are at work praying. The You Tube, Reddit, and Twitter are producing great videos, memes and threads. Hopefully people will feel inspired and empowered. People together #MAGA

Prayer warriors are on it fam.

Ah man, that was gonna be my copypasta link. You stole my drama. You're going to be convicted by a military tribunal... OF 12!!

u/cyince is the biggest imposter in history. Once the truth is out, any comment by this guy will literally trigger folks to be scratching out their eyes. Figure in how much copypasta he stole. He hangs as an enemy of r/drama.

Amen. Wearing my gospel boots shod in peace and preparation. Wearing my Ephesian 6 Armour.

Peace be with you.

Did you see Hannity last night?

Brother Hannity is doing his part to red pill the normies. The Tavistock group is preventing him from speaking gospel, which is revealed in the book of exodus. I know our prayer energy will imbue him with gods power.

That didn't answer my question though.

The Tavistock group is preventing him from speaking gospel, which is revealed in the book of exodus.

After you answer my question, I'd like you to unpack this too. So you think "Brother Hannity" appears in Exodus? LARP or not, I want to see you shitpost your way out of this.

Normies are the master race

Have you ever considered that daddy might be the antichrist? The Bible teaches that the Antichrist will forge a 7-year peace covenant with Israel but then break the covenant after 3.5 years (Daniel 9:27). The Antichrist will then essentially attempt a second Holocaust, the annihilation of the nation of Israel and Jews around the world. Donald Trump has stated his strong support for the nation of Israel. Interestingly, Trump has described negotiating peace between Israel and the Palestinians as the “ultimate deal.” It is possible that some form of agreement between Israel and the Palestinians will be part of the end-times’ 7-year peace covenant.

No way. Trump accepted Christ on the campaign trail and that's 100% legitimate.

Yeah, around the end of the first year of his term Trump officially acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and initiated the move of the US embassy there, sort of promising support for the remaining 7 years of his presidency.

According to the prophesy we should expect a 180° reversal of this course half a year into Trump's second term.

Trump making a commitment and then sticking with it for three and a half years seems pretty unlikely TBH.

People think this guy is meming but theres a good chance this is 100% serious retardation

Gas people who say "the you tube".

Sub reddit

I do enjoy using the reddit subs.

This shit better be real. I have been saying this for over a year.

UCMJ. Death penalty.

You don't fuck with America, put her in the ICU half dead, shot in the head, beaten, bruised, bleedin out, gasping for life, and think we're going to play paddy cakes with you and your smahht lawya. No. You die. Period. That's the penalty for your treachery. It will teach generations a thousand years from now the consequences of betraying America the US Constitution and plotting to take out OUR FUCKING PRESIDENT. Of threatening our freedom and liberty with a fucking permanent globalist grey state with unlimited power, and power, forever. Fuck that bullshit. Enough words. Gear up Night Stalkers. Death waits in the dark! H.U.A.

Calm down Drama queen

Thank God we have true good guys that approached Donald Trump, presented at least a summary of what has been going on behind the scenes to our country and Thank God Trump said yes!

Thank God the white hats stopped HRC from 'winning' a rigged election.

Thank God we found Q & Q found & trusted & believed in US.

Thank God for Assange (& I pray Snowden is actually a white hat too)

Thank God we have all found each other & Thank God we are all TRUE PATRIOTS WHO LOVE OUR COUNTRY AS WELL AS THE WORLD


Did I reply to a pasta?



Guillotine are mentioned in the bible for Christians who won't renounce Jesus Christ and the antichrist kills them in this manner.

Someone needs a history lesson.

Everyone knows the French have time travel technology. They continually use it to try and stop the Bogdanoff brothers. Guillotining Jews during the Roman occupation was an unintended consequence of the race through time to save mankind from Igor and Grichka.

The french would never stop the bogs, seeing as they rule the country with an iron but fair fist.

Does this mean it's France's fault for not saving Jesus?

The only thing better than Christian literalist schizos are Christian literalist schizos that didn't read their source materials.

someone make this my flair please and thank you

This isn’t in the Bible. It’s literally a passage from the Left Behind books omfg



The former President of the United States of America.

Oh, it's about "Obamer."

Daddy supporters in a nutshell. Christian conservatism was a mistake.

user reports:
1: no emojis



are you parents christians?


are you living in a christian conservative area?

No wonder the secular right took off lately. Who the fuck wants to be associated with these loons?

Evangelicals are the worst form of Christfags.



WAKE UP!!!!!

Imagine believing all of this and still voting for Roy Moore.

At least he doesn't wear children!

Not yet anyways

Yes Putin has his faults but that is one of the main reasons that the adoptions from Russia were discontinued to the United States because of all of these deviant behaviors and secret societies killing raping torturing wearing children

i knew Amerikkka was hell on earth

Every single right-wing conspiracy theorist loves russia. It's because Russia basically controls the entire online conspiracy community, they have their hands in nearly every mainstream conspiracy website and they just pump this shit out 24/7 to any audience that's gullible enough to believe it.

They've been at it for years, they even created the aids denial conspiracies.

For example, here's a popular right-wing conspiracy website.

Notice anything?

/r/conspiracy had a picture of Putin on the sidebar for a while.


Operation INFEKTION was a KGB disinformation campaign to spread information that the United States invented HIV/AIDS as part of a biological weapons research project at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The Soviet Union used it to undermine the United States’ credibility, foster anti-Americanism, isolate America abroad, and create tensions between host countries and the U.S. over the presence of American military bases (which were often portrayed as the cause of AIDS outbreaks in local populations).

According to U.S. State Department analysts, another reason the Soviet Union "promoted the AIDS disinformation may have been its attempt to distract international attention away from its own offensive biological warfare program, which [was monitored] for decades." In addition to anthrax, the Soviets were believed to have developed tularemia, the plague, and cholera for biological warfare purposes, as well as botulinum toxin, enterotoxins, and mycotoxins. An alternative explanation is that the operation may have been in retaliation for American accusations that the Soviets used chemical weapons in Southeast Asia, later dubbed the yellow rain incident.

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Good bot

this is why obama created DACA. it was not for the kids, it was FOR THE KIDS. third world nations began shipping their unaccompanied children to the US in the hope they would find a better life. this was the intent. bait, a lure to bring in thousands of children arriving with no documentation and no one to report them when they disappeared. Haiti is kept in disorder and poverty as a near by child farm too. (why did Russia ban adoptions? )

Jesus fucking Christ, every single comment in this sub is copypasta worthy.

why did Russia ban adoptions?

In retaliation of the Magnitsky Act? I mean they literally stated it.

Russia always lies, so if they said it was because of the Magnitsky act, that means it must have been something else. Of course they would want to leave some clues. If you rearrange the letters of "Magnitsky" you get "gymnastik" which is German for "gymnastics". They are referencing the current scandal involving Coach Larry Nassar. The Russian authorities knew then, as did the US authorities.

This is all pretty obvious if you've been redpilled and know how to read the signs.

wow, is this OC?

How can I invest in these farms?

Ask your (((friends and family))).

The bottom is transcendence. The Elites believing they are Gods among us and trying to enact a Technocracy where their conscious is uploaded and we are all machines.

/u/JasonTakesMAGAtten, Drives are the functions of nomadic cybernetic systems, not instincts, but simulated instincts, artificial instincts. They are plastic replacements for hard-wired instinctual responses, routing a sensory-motor pathway through the virtual machine of the unconscious. There are two basic diagrams for such processes: that of regulation by negative feedback which suppresses difference and seeks equilibrium, or that of guidance by positive feedback which reinforces difference and escapes equilibrium. Machinic processes are either cyberpositive-nomadic, with a deterritoriali- zing outcome, or cybernegative-sedentary, with a reterritorializing out- come.

Inorganic Thanatos wrecks order, organic Eros preserves it, and as the carbon-dominium is softened-up by machine plague, deterritorializing replicants of nomad-cyberrevolution close in upon the reterritorializing reproducers of the sedentary human security system, hacking into the macropod.

Positive feedback is the elementary diagram for self-regenerating cir- cuitry, cumulative interaction, auto-catalysis, self-reinforcing processes, escalation, schismogenesis, self-organization, compressive series, deutero- learning, chain-reaction, vicious circles, and cybergenics. Such processes resist historical intelligibility, since they obsolesce every possible analogue for anticipated change. The future of runaway processes derides all pre- cedent, even when deploying it as camouflage, and seeming to unfold within its parameters. Positive feedback replicates reproduction as a com- ponent function of its departure from the same. It is this which fuses it with the replicants. They do not merely repeat the same, any more than Thanatos returns to it, or positive cybernetics inflates it. The model of the replicant as a perfect instantiation of generic identity corresponds to the amplificatory model of positive feedback as pure quantitative expan- sion. In both cases the escape from reproduction is subordinated to a transcendent logic, conceived as a simple reiteration, and thus returned to a sublimated meta-reproduction that cages mutation within a rigidly homogeneous form.

Machinic desire registers upon psychoanalysis as 'tendencies beyond the pleasure principle, that is ... tendencies more primitive than it and independent of it'. Thanatos mimics the anthropomorphic desiring-cycle — anticipating, enveloping, and simulating it — but it is on its way some- where else. Because thanatropic replicants are dissimulated as erotic reproducers, they initially appear as traitors to their species, especially when the shamanic xenopulsions programming their sexuality are detected. Nothing panics the reproducers more traumatically than the discovery that erotic contact camouflages cyberrevolutionary infiltration, running matrix communications channels across interlocked skin sectors. Defences are called for.

Wow those people are legit talking about a prophecy. I thought this qanon crap was supposed to be a high level human leaker in the trump admin

I thought this qanon crap was supposed to be a high level human leaker in the trump admin

It was, lol. No idea how a literal cult formed around it. It must have just grown organically, either here or on 8ch.

This sub isn't as active, but the person running it literally thinks Trump was sent by God to become president.

If you believe in God ,and that everything that happens is Gods will, then technically that would follow from Trump getting elected.

I'm pretty sure Q is just anonymous5's new character since he got doxxed.

who is anonymous5?

another chan autist with the same vibe of "dropping hints", conspiracies, cryptic messages and asking questions

The left can't meme.

Hence this kind of stuff is incomprehensible to them, and normies in general.

Acting like a retard isn't 'meme-ing.'

Also, isn't anyone unironically using the term 'normies' acknowledging his/her own inability to function in society? How much of a troglodyte idiot do you have to be to think that the people not jerking themselves off to cartoon frogs are the ones that have to be looked down on?



something something 'i was only pretending'

Haha you think those spergs are meming? Maybe it started out as a meme but 90% of the peeps in there now are unhinged redneck chucklefucks. Hopefully FEMA puts them into the camps sooner rather than later

How fucking retarded are you that normie is an insult?

Whoa, how do you avoid cringing at your own bullshit?!

Actually many leftists think it's hilarious, a bunch of edgy teens "memeing" to support the crazy ideas of the crazies in the authoritarian party that 100 years ago would have literally blackballed you as some sort of communist and destroyed your life for "memeing".. Like a neckbeard version of Jews for Jesus.

B. HUSSEIN Obummer

All these years, I've heard about how Obama needs to go to jail.

I'm still unclear on what exactly he did, though.

But I think that's true even for the people that want him arrested.

He was black and gave money to poor people that included other blacks, you all caught up now.



I was gonna start copying the best comments to post here but that’s literally impossible. Every single one is a delusional gold mind. I hope it’s just a bunch of bots talking to each other.

I hope it’s just a bunch of bots talking to each other.

It's not. One of the best things about this sub is that it's full of the same paranoid boomers that have populated conspiracy theory forums and run delusional, rambling websites since the beginning of the World Wide Web. It's a lot like pre-2014 conspiracy content except that now all the paranoids are concentrated in the same place, they seem to have formed an actual cult, and they're talking about current affairs (and have become far-right conservatives- much of the political conspiracy content in the 2000's was heavily anti-Bush admin).

It's the geriatric internet baby of Free Republic and Above Top Secret.

80-90% of the accounts posting there are less than 2 months old.

This isn't suspect whatsoever.

/u/QANON1 please join me for some "pizza" at Comet Ping Pong. It will be "delicious".

heavily stupid.

Thank God we found Q & Q found & trusted & believed in US.

Imagine actually typing this and not having the common courtesy to Keep yourself Safe so that the world won't be polluted by your malformed retard genes.

The whole thing is giving me the old internet vibe. I guess human never change.