Users can't wait to spout their statistics on male strength they've had bottled up over the years.

6  2018-01-26 by ThumYorky


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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Oh shit I fucked up guys, here's the link to the juice so you don't have to scroll all the way down

Lol when you get triggered by females so you post {en paragraphs}( on how men are stronger than women.

Op, I never click on the link but you seem like a lolcow in your own right.

It's OK to have a peepee

Oh I love having a peepee pew pew.

Sometimes 10 paragraphs is what it takes.

Turns out OP is also one of the primier dumbasses in that thread too. Dang the drama just delivers itself like DMX.

I pride myself in my dumbassery

I’d still be a woman if I could. I wrote a whole book on why but I realize it sounds massoganistic even if it’s not meant to be.


Hey buddy. If you’ve decided it’s time to transition, don’t worry - your friends on r/drama are here to help.


Why are you on drama sub if you're trying to be politically correct ? I think he had a very good point when he said. "No because he isn't talking to 5 year olds that take everything literally." Also very interesting how you managed to agree on the same point argue over the wording for a TLDR amount of bs text.

Well they are downvoting me right? I mean even if no one here agrees with me it's still drama, right? That's not a rhetorical question, just curious as I'm new here

This is brutal.


You don't need to bottle up statistics on male strength when it takes a matter of seconds to Google up anything you need. Anyone who seriously doubts that men as a gender are inordinately stronger than women hasn't been paying attention.

A quick look at Olympic weightlifting records, f'rinstance, will show that, never mind men being bigger and stronger generally, even if you compare equally-sized performers, the men come out comfortably on top. What's more, the biggest women (90+ kg) are outlifted by men 20 kg lighter, and they're the only women to outlift the smallest men (56 kg men beat all women up to 90 kg).

Seriously, this could be "feminists REEEE over learning the astonishing truth that women aren't as strong as men".

You completely missed the point

Did I.