RadFems object to the horror of re-tightened gussies after child-birth

6  2018-01-27 by SocialistEphebophile


u/APlaceToHideAway I look forward to you eventually dying during childbirth, at the very least we know you'll never reproduce (which isn't as good as you dying but almost).

Death wishes are cute. Give the PC back to your mama lol

๐Ÿ”’ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ‘ˆ ๐Ÿš“

Hey, you're the one with a death wish not me. I'm just saying that's a good thing.

gussy is the end the poop comes out dummy

the baby comes out the front gussy. or โ€œfrussyโ€

Iโ€™m like 80% sure thatโ€™s wrong

well itโ€™s not. gussy just stands for girl bussy

Girls canโ€™t have bussy

Can they???

no, they have girl bussies and front girl bussies

Girl boy pussies and front girl boy pussies????


I do not like this at all.

Looks like you pissed off the leftists here. Enough to make one of the mods get off their asses and censor someone. lol.

Have an upvote.

It's so shocking to catladies that some women want their partners to enjoy having sex with them and find them attractive.