/r/badunitedkingdom's favourite weirdo /u/belleariel has a meltdown

15  2018-01-27 by aonome


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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That user seems to be surprisingly popular on /r/unitedkingdom. She only ever posts the most inane, vacuous nothings and yet she knows exactly what the broader userbase wants to hear. She's in every thread and even gets her own stickies to remind everyone of the day of the week.

/u/BelleAriel you have a child? I thought you were bed ridden on disability with no job?

Man, why do neo nazis love attacking women.

I think you commented on the wrong thread by mistake friend

Wtf? You need some better source material friend

Aint nobody got time for that.

Can you explain to the jury why you are a snitch? https://www.reddit.com/r/hapas/comments/7tdgkf/just_a_heads_up_the_drama_sub_has_started

And how you can possibly think were altright?? Lol

Is this your first time here?

SNitch? You're not a mexican drug cartel.

So youre the person who has infiltrated r/hapas. I hope you got some juicy drama.

Can you explain to the jury why you are a snitch? https://www.reddit.com/r/hapas/comments/7tdgkf/just_a_heads_up_the_drama_sub_has_started

/u/hapocalypse-now Feel free to post the above thread to /r/drama, I know it's your thing.

Meh, that's pretty tame by r/hapas standards. They make a thread at least once per week about how the sub's been infiltrated by Stormfags. The really juicy drama and infighting, though, was about ET's doxxing and how it was an (((inside))) job.

holds up spork

I refuse to believe Belle is real and not an elaborate troll account.

I know it seems hard to believe but it seems this is her ongoing MO and one she's been following for more then a decade.

This is a link to some of her past endeavours

Christ! Thanks though, never knew all that.

Google eveleivibe. This is the real Belleariel. Banned from 15 different sites.

And you are not above an 80 IQ. Whats your point?

Maybe you should hang out here for awhile and see what drama means, you mental midget ❤