PK spams CTH with his essays

60  2018-01-27 by 1171798


This is why we need mayocide.


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They're working on it, Snappy.

They're working on it.

Communists and PK are eerily similar. A bunch of rambling faux-intellectual mayos who hate a system that is the only thing keeping them alive.

At least with PK tho, he's not an unemployed tranny edgelord. So, that's nice I guess.

Communists and PK are eerily similar. A bunch of rambling faux-intellectual mayos who hate a system that is the only thing keeping them alive.

They also tend to strawman cherry pick the weakest arguments of their opponents and argue against that and then cry victim when people call them stupid. It's fine for shitposting in r/drama but it gets old when you're trying to pretend to be a serious intellectual (lol) and everyone can see what you're doing.

/u/prince_kropotkin should feel honored. Being called "not an unemployed tranny edgelord" by you is quite the compliment. 🤗

lmao Kropotkin getting lit up on chaponeckbeardhouse, hilarious.

/u/prince_kropotkin, what's it like losing your only friends?

Was that username ping intended to harrass him? You're walking a fine line buddy. If I were a mod here you'd already be banned. It's 2018, /r/drama isn't about bullying anymore 😚😚

As top mod of r/Drama, I had a meeting about this comment and we all voted that it wasn't harassment.

did you even ask the r/drama disability caucus for input on whether that was harassment or not you ablest scum?

r/drama isn't about bullying

Miss me wit dat bullshit, gtfo

Is not a proper understanding of history, political economy, and Marxist interpretations of these two even minorly depressing? ""Nihilism"" (as you say, not what it actually is), depression, and suicidal ideation are all things I'd reasonably expect otherwise healthy people to undergo when confronted with such information.

Caring SO much about a political ideology you feel suicidal.

Yes, that's exactly what I'd call a 'reasonable person.'

I wanna laugh at PK but at the same time the other chapotards arguing with him are cringy too.

They are way worse, I'm team PK all the way

At least he tries to be reasonable, give benefit of the doubt, etc

Yeah say what you wan't about PK but if he gained power at least he wouldn't murder everyone he would just try to make a perfect gift giving society or some bullshit and have it fail terribly.

The CTH regulars are the types more interested in the murdering aspect of the revolution then the helping poor people part.

I actually love him. I can only dream of being committed to something as much as he is to making commies look less shitty.

This motherfucker has been in grad school for years and will stay there for another half decade or more, leaching off the taxpayer tit while spending his time posting on reddit and drinking. I was really happy when Trump raised taxes on grad students tbh most of them are useless.

But I am sure your theories on economics are much stronger than Marx

This but unironically.

/u/prince_kropotkin how do you feel knowing you dedicate so much time and energy to a group of people that barely forms 0.01% of the population?

PK is proof that being able to recognize when other people are retarded doesn't necessarily mean you recognize when you're being tarded yourself.

/u/prince_kropotkin please return home to us, your only ever true friends, at r/drama

Correct The Hatespeech

lmao what a bunch of nerds

this is boring

check this out:

/u/prince_kropotkin go on cum town

It's funny they use the logo of the completely discredited french socialist party

PK is closer to the truth than 99% of chapotrapsouse

u/prince_kropotkin Come back bby, we miss u