"Systematic white racism needs to be called out... It's all part of the plan to demoralize the them socially and individually. A blue future requires the them to be broken, self hating and repressed in media" MASSIVE r/WORLDNEWS REEE

71  2018-01-27 by 2manyshad0wbans


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It's all part of the plan to demoralize the them socially and individually. A blue future requires the them to be broken, self hating and repressed in media.

I mean it sounds just like a right winger pretending to be a caricature of a left winger.

Looks like hes been featured here too. Thats weird though idk how I missed it. Ive posted his work in CA before.


He also said 'Yeah, a lot of kids, a lot of repeat accounts, a lot of bots, a lot of trolls. I'm subbed there only to down vote. Probably 1 in 10 is an actual person.' talking about the Donald in worldnews 2 days ago. Maybe he was just at CA sticking it to da man via votes and felt the need to put in his 2 cents. This guy might be a ligit Russian to be honest.

I mean it sounds just like a right winger pretending to be a caricature of a left winger.

Why would someone waste their time doing something like that?

If anything else, I thought xir was making great arguements for the mayocide.

might be shaun king.

Why would someone waste their time doing something like that?

Are you saying that people would never ever make up stuff to get others worked up and outraged? I guess that makes sense.


McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term refers to U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from 1947 to 1956 and characterized by heightened political repression as well as a campaign spreading fear of Communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.

McCarthyism has taken on a broader meaning, describing the excesses of similar efforts. The term is also now used more generally to describe reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of political adversaries.

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Who would waste their time pretending to make the other side ridiculous? Autists. Autists would.

The drama feels so empty now. Well at least we've proven yet again that /r/drama are the true cybersleuths of Reddit.

No effort is too much to bring about the mayocide

That's /r/news.

Don't know how I misread that. wtf

Ahh, that explains a lot. Thank you.


rude tbh. just trying to help

Your lack of uppercase letters helps nobody.

The average day of a white male in the U.S as follows: Wakes up and heils Hitler as well as curses him for losing the war. Walks into their bathroom which their Latino maid cleaned and pisses all over the floor for them to clean again. Walks outside and jumps into their luxury car, on the way they see Muslim girls walking on their way to school, cat calls them then flips them off for rejecting his virgin ass. Walks into work and sits in his CEO chair and takes a nap while the hard working blacks run his company for slave wages. Goes to the bank and gets free money from white banker while praising capitalism. Goes home and jacks it to Asian Porn because they want a wifu one day. Gets feed from Latino Maid and falls asleep. Repeat the next day. This is why I resist, this is why I stand up to them. This is why I will end white privilege once and for all!

It me

Remember to vote blue during midterms you racist inbreds

Next up; drug dealers are going to sue because hard drugs are locked up and others aren't.

Solution to the Race Problem in America

  1. All white supremacists, race realists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, KKK, alt-righters, etc, get their own state. Use North Dakota or Idaho or something, where hardly anyone lives anyway. A more northern latitude will suit their pasty white skins which do not tolerate too much sun. The state is now called Whiteland. Becoming a citizen of Whiteland is just like becoming a citizen of the United States, but you must take a DNA test to prove that you have majority European genetic markers. Becoming a citizen is entirely voluntary, no compulsion or violence is involved, however people of races other than European are usually excluded by mutual consent. Whiteland has its own president-governor, its own legislature, and is quite free to draw up its own laws and determine its own political system and economy.

  2. All black supremacists, black nationalists, Nation of Islam, black panthers, black lives matter people, etc, get their own state. Use Mississippi or Arkansas or something, one of those states in the south that no-one likes. The heat and humidity will suit the melanin-enriched skin of the inhabitants. The state is now called Blackistan. As with Whiteland, in order to become a citizen of Blackistan you have to take a DNA test and prove you have majority sub-Saharan African DNA. Otherwise there is no compulsion whatsoever, all interaction with the state is voluntary, and a member can renounce his citizenship at any time and be re-absorbed in the United States proper.

Benefits of this scheme:

a, It will get rid of bigots from amongst us reasonable and normal people.

b, racist whites will be physically separate from blacks, and vice versa, meaning that they will be unable to harm one another, or miscegenate (something they both dislike).

c, If there are high crime rates, welfare dependency, and violence in their homogeneous Whiteland society, racist whites can no longer blame these on blacks. If the homogeneous Blackistan society is chaotic or violent, or the level of societal accomplishment is limited, or if they suffer police brutality, black people will be unable to blame these problems on the white man. In both societies, blaming the other race will no longer be an excuse for societal failure.

d, We can test, under real world conditions, the central racialist thesis that whites are inherently superior to blacks, and vice versa, and see who prospers and who declines. In this way we can fatally undermine the said thesis, perhaps for good, as these ethnostates inevitably collapse under their own internal stresses.

I mean, we kinda already have half of that equation with most of Africa. Can't say their civilization is particularly civilized.

this has been disproven with south africans who have slowly evolved over time to act exactly as fucked up as the native blacks, its just the sweaty ballsacks & asscracks making you insane.

I'm not sure about the idea as a whole, but I definitely can get behind a country called Blackistan

That lady in the OP is fucking retarded. Wal-Mart notices certain items being stolen more than others, so they lock those up. It's not rocket science, you race-baiting bitch. This is like the chocolates getting uppity about the glass dividers in convenience stores a few months ago.

/u/Vacomiun Good evening, sir. Don't mean to pester you, but would you be so kind as to elaborate on the ideas you presented in the world news thread? I have to say, my chums and I are all a tad perplexed by what you may have meant by your words, and we respectfully ask that you give further clarification.

You've pestered. You've all fucking pestered. I just lost a combined 300 karma because of you sickos brigading me.

Don't let this den of trolls, nazis, and gamer gators get to you. I fully agree with your message of white fragility and subsequent mayocide. Downvotes won't be able to hide the truth. Keep fighting the good fight against whitey!

Downvotes won't be able to hide the truth

The whole point of downvotes is to hide things. Whether its shit-tier cancerous youtube comments, or just a political view I disagree with.

/u/Vacomiun I'm sorry for your loss my good man. Maybe you will get them next time.

I just upvoted you here. Now can you explain what a "blue" future would be?

i’ve only seen you get upvoted since coming here

All white people are racist and, far from absolving them, this places an urgent burden on each and all. Anyone who thinks this statement is wrong, or that it needs further qualification that could weaken our understanding of it, or that it makes “racism” a powerless word: find some place else to debate it. If your first reaction is ever to deny an accusation of racism rather than listen and learn, this is the wrong sub. We’ve had a strong public understanding of how bias affects us all at least as far back as “The Doll Test” made famous in Brown v. Board of Education. Decades of research since have developed our knowledge in this field. Implicit bias tests are a well-known modern example, and the body of research is far stronger than what trickles into pop culture. It would also be true to say “all people are biased.” True in the same way that “all people are dying” would be a true reply to an LGBT activist in the 80s who dared to say “HIV/AIDS patients are dying.” Truly a distraction from a more urgent issue that deserves separate consideration. We all absorb society’s toxic programming, but the US sheriff running self-described concentration camps and the US president pardoning him for related charges are not people of color who failed the doll test in Brown. In a discussion about white racism, raising the “everyone does it” flag is misleading at best, almost always derailing, and weakens the critical efforts of anti-racism. Decent white people (the ones we’ll worry about for now) make varying efforts to end racism and never wanted to benefit from their privilege. Some think it is unfair or devalues the word’s meaning to call them “racist.” It’s true that there’s an important difference between that kind of person and a Trump supporter or other Nazis. We won’t end racism, though, if we fail to acknowledge its more “decent” formulations. Otherwise decent people who shy away from this label lose out on its insights and its demands. Just what are decent white people to do then? Acknowledging one’s own racism isn’t about shame or self-flagellation, responses that unduly elevate white people and their experiences. White people will have to get in line and follow the march for racial equality, because the question isn’t answered, the solution isn’t here yet. Even the most altruistic white advocate for racial justice or any cause stops advocating somewhere. There’s no easy answer for how much of ourselves to give to our causes, but for white people this is a cause that they give to, while for minorities it is a life that they experience. White people go home, eat, sleep, look after their own well being in ways no one could fault them, yet even so that is a (very reasonable) decision to prioritize their needs, in this case, over the needs of people of color. That’s not wrong. It’s also not a choice anyone else can make. Black skin can’t be shrugged off while more mundane needs are attended. White racism is not over until people no longer have to make a daily decision to put racial justice down and prioritize something else, promising to come back to it later. In light of the above, a summary of our community standards might be: Do not debate or undermine the existence or urgency of white racism. Debate as appropriate what solutions should look like. But no self-pity about how white racism is a challenge for otherwise decent white folk.

I agree with this 100%, except the way they keep referring to whites as "people".

this is boring

And fake