Redditors grandstanding over obvious joke.

8  2018-01-27 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


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Backstory: Marcus Alonso (current Chelsea player) was drunk driving and killed someone in 2011, Spain's great justice system gave him a fine for killing someone. Alvaro Morata (Another Chelsea Player) had a friend recently killed in a car crash, which the linked article suggest might lead to him playing poorly. People make obvious joke relating the incidents, and some are none too pleased.

r/soccer truly is filled with self-righteous pearl-clutching pricks.

/r/soccer is the most self-masturbatory sub on reddit. No other sub has users that are just chomping at the bit waiting for someone to die or someone to be the victim of racist chants so they can make proud declarations of support

Anyone using that sub for anything other than goal highlights is a net loss for society

I also use it for completely unreliable transfer rumors


"Thousands of upvotes"

Imagine making this kind of joke in real life when you learned of someone's passing and thinking it's actually okay.

Imagine being so socially illiterate you are unable to comprehend that context is a thing which matters.