Racist BBC show written by Asian women and which has Asian women as the main stars causes lots of asian men to sperg out and go to war in r/aznidentiy

58  2018-01-27 by Mcfillher

Here is the post where they complain that the show is racist but give no actual reasons.


Apparently the BBC and the UK is completely racist


BBC responds by telling them to fuck off


Causing them to get even more angry and go to war with the show



Lol, someone can't spell

I'm not surprised that /r/aznidentity is intimidated by BBC

Wss hoping for porn...

NSFL WHHHHHYYYY??? why would you scar me like that! I need to find some bleach now. FUCK YOU!!

Wtf happened to this sub smdh 🔪🔫💣❄🎸🎸🎸

This nigga get it

Haha says the white boy who loves watching BBC cuck porn lol

BBC reigns supreme once again

How can the white/yellowbois even compete?

I just want to make friends.

I'm getting a "throw myself off a bridge" vibe from you.

What ails thee, brother?

Stay a while and tell us about yourself. Relax and be comfortable: you are among friends.

Apparently not, the drama discord banned me even though they were being transphobic. Everyone is transphobic everywhere I go and it makes me depressed and suicidal.

You know, if you are trans that's what you are but not who you are. You shouldn't allow yourself to be defined by oppression or by the labels applied by society.

You seem a little too fixated on the negative interractions you have. Yes, they are there and ys, people can be assholes. But look at the bugger picture and also, focus on the good people you meet and the positive interactions you encounter.

If all else fails, why not throw yourself into mindless and hedonistic sexual activity. I was feeling down this weekend and now my gaping anus feels like a frieght train rode up it. There is no amount of depression that a Russian schoolboy's fist up your arse will not solve. Remember to be as slutty as possible: the joy you bring others will be reflected in your own happiness.

There is no amount of depression that a Russian schoolboy's fist up your arse will not solve.


I have some funny channels on youtube you can check out! Would you like them? Also...Love you

like half the server is trans. maybe you just suck as a person, male of female.

That's a lie. It's owned by faggots.

wow ur boring. you should try some of the nazi servers or cringe anarchy

"BBC is the most anti Asian and racist channel ever."

Am I missing something here? Is this the BBC who has the "BBC Asian Network" and every now and then tries to give us Muslim sitcoms and Muslim comedy?

Or do only East Asians count as Asians?

"BBC Asian Network"

"Asian" as in Pakistani/India/Bangladesh.

Yes, and?

Those countries are in fact located in Asia


So asain. Or are you one of these dumb fucks who doesn't know where Asian is?

I'm British you idiot, I know that people use it to refer to East Asians.

Rice asian, not curry asian.

both are pretty good with hot sauce tbh

Basamati is the rice supreme, all other rices sre undeniably inferior; it is South Asians over East ones who deserve the rice Asian moniker.

Nah. Calrose is obvs the best workhorse rice grain. But do Azns really deserve the epithet? Because that shit only grows in California.

The idea of a worthwhile food item originating in the US is so aggressively stupid I feel legitimately attacked reading your comment.

It's basmati, m8.

It's basamati in Sanskrit, you uncouth swine.

Go kill yourself, cowfucker. <srs> How do rice asians stand their gelatinous lumps? </srs>

That is beyond retarded what you're saying right now.

This is /r/drama, m8.


<srs> How do rice asians stand their gelatinous lumps? </srs>

<srs> Cook your rice the right way and it won't go gelatinous. Basmati should be rinsed in cold water, then placed in twice its volume of cold water, brought to the boil and simmered until all the water is absorbed. Don't touch it while this is going on as if you break the rice grains you will leak starch into the water, and that's what makes rice gelatinous. Other people will have their own favourite methods but this works fine for me. </srs>


I'm not talking about basmati, m8.

I'm talking about East Asian rice.


Yeah, but everyone who isn’t a malformed grey looking blob with bad teeth calls people from the Subcontinent Indians, Hindus, or South Asians. It’s only “God Save Yer Nans Fanny” types that call red dots “ Asians”.

Asians means your ching chong chang, brass gong and incense, Miso Horny, “you’ve got the Wong number” type of people.

I see you are one of the dumb fucks who ignores the fact that different countries use different terms to describe people.

Pakistanis aren’t called Asian in America

Pakistanis aren’t called Asian in America

Because Americans are retarded. Pakistan is in Asian

What’s retarded is describing ethnicities solely based on their geographic location instead of cultural identity.

You don’t refer to Egyptians as Africans do you? Most don’t because it makes more sense to describe them as middle eastern because they have more in common with the Middle East than the rest of Africa.

Honestly it’s pretty dumb to just group every person from Afghanistan to Japan as “Asian”.

You’re wasting your time. These mouth breathers aren’t interested in the truth, they just want to feel better about their hourly fast food jobs at the age of 30.


Americans are descended from the Brits, I guess that retardedness just spread across the pond

Yes they are

Asian Americans are Americans of Asian descent. The term refers to a panethnic group that includes diverse populations, which have ancestral origins in East Asia, Southeast Asia, or South Asia, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau.

I’ve never once heard anyone in America call Pakistanis “Asian”

Its where Russians live right?

Haha well played

only East Asians count as Asians

Or do only East Asians count as Asians?


tries to give us Muslim sitcoms and Muslim comedy?

Bruh, Four Lions was hysterical, so I dunno what you're on about.

Probably because for every 4 Lions there's thousands of trash programs that never make it past 1 season on BBC 3.

I didn't know Muslim was a race haha

The real crime is it's not funny. This bit though, "when Jackie admits that she won’t sleep with Chinese men", yeah, I think I can see what set them off.

what sitcoms are funny?

Stop lying son. You’ve never seen the inside of a classroom lol


lol, they've been brigading the IMDB page. It's at 2.6 stars. Gotta love all that MSG in their favorite review:

We all know most left-wing outlets use their front of a "world peace"/"diversity enabling"/"all welcoming" identity to push forwards their immutable underlying sense of white superiority. Imagine if someone did a show like this on white people, then suicide rates for whites would spike higher than they are now (the highest of all ethnic groups) in the west.

Lol I love how they have to qualify that because japan is suicide central.

TIL that Japan is all of Asia. Dam, that GED wasn’t worth the $10 you paid for it lol

Why are you so upset? It's not my fault Asian women love me. 😘

Haha I don’t give a shit what women “love” you, I’m just commenting on your stupid generalizations.

You quite clearly give a shit, otherwise you wouldn't be so mad. Seriously if we're talking about which ethnicities are prone to suicide why not bring up the Japanese for whom it is a cultural touchstone?

Nah really don’t give a shit about you or the women who “love” you, but keep believe what you want; I’ll say it again I’m laughing at your ridiculous generalization of Japanese representing all of asia. Let me guess - Logan Paul fan lol

You have too many alts and too much time on your hands. Normal, non-mentally-ill people don't spend the amount of time you spend screaming about race. You could do with taking a lesson from the Japanese and being stoic and hiding your emotions.

Nah sorry skip, this is my only acct. Try harder - even a pasty white boy gamer with a cat can do better than that. Oh wait...lol

Sorry Seung-Hui, I don't believe you. I also don't believe I'm the first person to have told you you are mentally ill.

Listen chad, get out of the basement, get some air and vitamin D. Don’t worry your cat won’t leave you - lol

If you don't want to listen to me, that's fine. But wouldn't you rather live a life free from the anger you feel? You don't have to live that way.

Totally loving life so you’re barking up the wrong tree. Calling out ignorance = not enjoying life to you I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️

Apparently the form "calling out ignorance" takes for you is writing manifestos that sound like the shit they retreive from the journals of school shooters.

Gotta do better than that son

\u\Harassment99999 Since insults have been banned I just wanted to tell you that the white people over at /r/drama support you in your asian plight and feel your pain.

/u/Harassment99999 Since insults have been banned I just wanted to tell you that the white people over at /r/drama support you in your asian plight and feel your pain.


That's the most slur sounding non-slur I've ever heard

jesus christ the chinese are so spoiled. this is the second shitty sitcom dedicated to them (first is fresh off the boat in which the fat wannabe black kid is actually filipino). chinese should be grateful that they white man finds their culture retarded enough to parody, but they aren't because chinese are fundamentally greedy. if this sitcom featured 3 laotian women the 3 people living in the UK would be nothing but grateful.

God you’re a dumb fuck - back to the trailer park boy


Fresh off the Boat is a good tv show. This one is not. The British don't know how to create good tv series

What a fucking joke of a subreddit. If you're so upset about the existence of white people you can freely leave the UK, /u/cFutlol.

You leave them alone. As white people we know not their plight. Can you imagine, for one minute, the pain of not being able to fuck Asian girls?

I'm not even white. The difference with those lot is that they attribute the fact that nobody likes them to their ethnicity. In reality it's because they're racist twats.

Thanks for calling me out, I've just screenshotted your comment. As a matter of fact, the show is not just directed at Asian men, it is directed to both Asian men AND women so stop trying to spread fallacies of privation. If there is an option to leave the UK, I would be happy to do so but if you can also prove that UK has not spread their colonialism too, then give me a reason to not be angry for the people they have killed?

I have not been racist to people in my real life, I give people a benefit of a doubt, I have suffered a big portion of my life only to have you ignorant bullies and racists being flung my way. And now that a petition has been started, you question us and want us to "keep our heads down, shut up and work hard like slaves". You have no idea what you are dealing with.

If I was happy, I wouldn't be complaining. I actually commend /u/Scopejack for giving me a chance to have a say.

If I were


So is your mum

My mum is LITERALLY SHAKING right now.

She hasn't reached menopause yet? Good for her

Menopause is LITERALLY SHAKING right now.

u/Mcfillher is clearly an insecure white bitch

We prefer to be known as soyboys

What did you find so racist and distasteful about the show?

What are you, Black?

White people are the root of all evil.

Yet you werido fucks masturbate at the thought of fucking white women, yet they don't want you. You know we are superior. White males get Asian pussy while y'all get nada. Truly amazing

Get real dude - your 300 lb pasty jello ass ain’t fuckin anything but a 30 lb pot roast - lol

You're a fucking joke bitch. White people are the root of all evil.

ok hun, I'm sure that's why you don't have a girlfriend

u/demdog has a micro penis that's why

Haha typical little dicked pink boy projecting his little scaling onto other people - yawn lol

Haha typical little dicked pink boy projecting his little schlong onto other people - yawn.

Show us your penis then.

Your sister will sick fuck you tho lol

I sick fucked your mum and your grandma. They said they had never seen such a large penis.

Hahaha keep trying ya little dicked pink virgin hahah. No one believes you’ve ever seen a pussy you haven’t had to pay for. Lol

So have you watched the show? What were your thoughts?

What were your thoughts skippy?

I watched a clip and thought it was crap. The drama in r/aznidentity is far more entertaining

It's proven that british men have the smallest penises in europe

Still considerably bigger than hapas mico penises.




Funny the Y chromosome is what make you male, coming from the father. Must be because the white fathers spreading their tiny dick genes if it afflicted a hapa

so you admit that your offspring will have a micropenis because of your poor genes. hahahahahaha

Because those hapas take on from the daddies small white penises hahahahahaha


Just showing you what you're missing out on

HAHAHAHA - is that all you got ya angry inch? Try again - I’ll wait

She's probably got a mayo in her right now. Does that anger you?

Dude you’re trying too hard. I know you’re struggling with your homosexuality but it’s ok to admit you’re gay - no need to overcompensate. I mean you just literally asked me for a dic pic LOLOL. Too easy

Bussy is better than gussy

I know you believe that - that was my point

Being called gay really isn't an insult these days

Your homophobia is kinda tragic and also shows that your cultural upbringing is antiquated. :-)

Your homophobia is kinda tragic.

An British Uncle Tom lecturing me about homophobia - haha that’s rich. While you’re at it, why don’t you point out which part of my response was “homophobic”. I’ll wait but am positive you won’t respond bc you’re a typical liberal SJW that will label people’s homophobic, anti-Semitic or anti black at any perceived but non existent slight against those protected groups. Go on now tell me what I said that you viewed as homophobic son

get help you dweeb

Nice comeback Uncle Tom. That all you got? LOL

uncle Tom

Please leave the UK

I’m a born and bred American still living in the US. Try another diversionary tactic ya derp


keep crying , you can make more elliot rodgers

No need to be so agree about having a micro penis


I'm not white tho

lol @ babydicks https://imgur.com/a/mGmZ7

Asians never done did nothing wrong, no way no how.

tbh, the show was pretty awful and not even funny

TBH, I watched it and it was pretty bloody awful. Not funny at all